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The Minotaur/The Weirdest Dream (Übersetzt: Der Minotaurus/Der seltsamste Traum) ist der dritte Song aus dem Musical „The Lightning Thief“. Er ist 1:41 Minuten lang.


Sally wird vom Minotaurus „getötet“. Percy kämpft mit dem Minotaurus und wird danach ohnmächtig. Er träumt von einem seltsamen Mann und wacht dann auf und sieht, wie Annabeth sich um ihn kümmert.

Charaktere (in chronologischer Reihenfolge)[]

Lyrics (Englisch)[]


Sally: Grover, you need to get Percy to the border. When I say run... run.

Percy: What about you?

Sally: You’re the one it’s after. I love you. Ready: On three: one... two... Run!

Grover: You heard your mom!

Percy: I’m not leaving her.

Grover: Percy, come on!

Percy: If Mrs. Dodds was really a monster, I hope you’re really a sword... Awesome! Hey! Ground beef!

Sally: Over here. Yeah, you. You want my son, you have to answer to me. (Schreit)

Percy: Mom, no! Mom! I got him.

Grover: Percy! Don’t pass out! Don’t pass out! Don’t pass out!


Percy: Is this real? Am I dead or am I dreaming? Am I underneath the ocean, or are my eyes just streaming? This is weird.


Percy: Oh look, a strange man in a Hawaiian shirt.

Mann: What belongs to the sea can always return to the sea. It’s a seashell.


Percy: Like I said, weird. Is she real? I must be dreaming. She’s floating close to me like an angel or it’s seeming. This is weird, but a good weird, I’ve never seen a face as beautiful as-

Annabeth: You drool when you sleep
