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Zane Obispo Not part of Riordanverse

The following article/section is from the Storm Runner/Shadow Bruja continuity under Rick Riordan Presents and not the Riordanverse canon.

Akan ("ah-KAHN") was the Mayan god of wine.[1]


Akan is often identified with balché, a Mayan intoxicating drink made from fermented honey and the bark of the lonchocarpus violaceus tree.[2]

Storm Runner Trilogy[]

The Shadow Crosser[]

Hurakan tells his son, Zane Obispo, that Akan had been sacrificed by Camazotz and Ixkik' to awaken the Mexica god. Later, Zane believed that the god that was awakened was a god of sleep.


  • Alcokinesis: As the god of wine, Akan can manipulate alcohol.
    • Alcohol Immunity: Akan is likely completely immune to the effects of any amount of alcohol.


  • His name can also be spelt as "Acan".
  • His Greco-Roman counterpart is Dionysus/Bacchus.
  • His Egyptian counterpart is Shezmu.
  • His Norse counterpart is Aegir.
  • His Hindu counterpart is Varuni.


  1. The Shadow Crosser, Glossary
  2. Encyclopedia of gods : over 2,500 deities of the world : Jordan, Michael, 1941- : Free Download, Borrow, and Streaming : Internet Archive
Storm Runner Trilogy
Books: The Storm Runner | The Fire Keeper | The Shadow Crosser
Main Characters: Zane Obispo | Brooks | Rosie | Hondo Obispo | Ren Santiago | Jordan | Bird
Secondary Characters: Mrs. Obispo | Antonia Caballero | Ixtab | Muwan | Quinn | Antonio Marcel De la Vega | Jazz | Louie | Marco | Adrik | Alana
Minor Characters: Mr. Ortiz | Pacific | Saqik'oxol | Abuelo Santiago | Clementino | Itzel | Fausto | Red Queen | Gee | Serena | Sipacna | Kip
Mayan Gods: Ah-Puch | Hurakan | K'ukumatz | Ixkik' | Bakab | Yant'o Triad | Nakon | Ixkakaw | Ixchel | Itzamna | Alom | Camazotz | Chaac | Akan
Mexica Gods: Tlaltecuhtli
Creatures: Demon Runner | Nawal | Alux | Demon | Giant | Hellhound | Mud Person | Ahuizotl
Related Content: Jennifer Cervantes | Shadow Bruja Duology | The Cave of Doom | Rick Riordan Presents