Artemis's Cabin (#8) is the cabin made for the Hunters of Artemis for when they stay at Camp Half-Blood. They stay there if Artemis orders them to and as Artemis has no demigod offspring. Whenever the Hunters come to Camp Half-Blood, there is a traditional, not-so-friendly/intense game of Capture the Flag.
Artemis's cabin is a silver building that glows at night, as if reflecting the moon's rays. During the day, it looks like a regular cabin. It is decorated with the paintings and carvings of wild animals, mostly the stag.
Known Occupants[]
- Thalia Grace (current lieutenant)
- Zoë Nightshade (former lieutenant, deceased)
- Phoebe (formerly, deceased)
- Bianca di Angelo (formerly, deceased)
- Over thirty more Hunters (in The Last Olympian). It is said that the Hunters have doubled in size in the beginning of the book, although some die in battle. In The Lost Hero, it seems that the number of Hunters is less than in The Last Olympian because some of them died during the war with Kronos, but Zeus promised Thalia to help fill the ranks and there were said to be about a dozen Hunters.

Artemis, patron of Cabin Eight
- Eternal Youth: Hunters are immortal (can't die of illnesses, age, etc.) unless they fall in love or they fall in battle.
- Archery: They have excellent aim with their bow and arrows.
- Enhanced Physical Prowess: They are naturally stronger and faster than a mortal, demigod, or nymph. Percy describes them as running "as fast as a cheetah".
- Zoolingualism: They can talk to wild animals.
Magic Items[]
The weapons appear whenever they are needed by the Hunters.
- Moonwater
- Silver Bows
- Silver arrows able to kill monsters
- Fart Arrows
- Trip wire arrows
- Hunting Knives made out of Celestial Bronze
- Swords
- Despite having no demigod children, Artemis's cabin has the fourth-most named inhabitants, the third being Aphrodite's Cabin and the second being Apollo's Cabin. The cabins with the most named children are the Hephaestus' Cabin and Hermes cabin.