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Aru Shah and the Nectar of Immortality is the fifth and final book in the Pandava Quintet by Roshani Chokshi under the Rick Riordan Presents imprint.


The Pandavas only have until the next full moon to stop the Sleeper from gaining access to the nectar of immortality, which will grant him infinite power. But how can Aru, Mini, and Brynne hope to defeat him without their celestial weapons? The Sleeper and his army are already plundering the labyrinth, and the sisters can't even enter. Their quest to get in will have them calling on old friends, meeting new allies, and facing fearsome trials, like...performing in a rock concert? When the moment of confrontation finally arrives, it's up to Aru to decide who deserves immortality, the devas or the asuras. The most unexpected answer will come from the most unexpected place. More surprises and delights, gods and demons, and laughs and tears await in this immensely satisfying conclusion to the wild ride that began with the lighting of a lamp.


Kara enters the labyrinth that contains the nectar of immortality. She begins to feel guilty about what she is about to do, remembering how she betrayed her soul sisters. The Sleeper congratulates Kara, praising her for making the right decisions when being faced with difficult choices, and reminding her that she will have a family like he promised. Kara tries to shove away her doubt and the image of a girl saying Sleeper is lying to her. She then steps into the dark of the cave containing the nectar of immortality.

Meanwhile, Aru Shah, Mini Kapoor-Mercado-Lopez, Brynne Rao, and Krithika P. Shah travel to Lullwater Park in Atlanta, where the hiding spot of the labyrinth holding the nectar of immortality is supposed to be located. They realize that the park is surrounded by an energy field that cannot be penetrated without celestial weapons, which the girls no longer possess. The only thing the girls have that could help them is an enchanted coin from Agni, the god of fire, but they are unable to figure out how to contact Agni with it. Aru decides that the only way to get into the Otherworld without anyone bothering them is by using a prophecy. Brynne makes a remark about how easy prophecies are to acquire, and Aru replies with, "I never said it had to be a real prophecy."

Aru, Mini, and Brynne head to Mini's house to discuss what to do next. They are joined by Nikita and Sheela, who visit them via portal. Aru explains their situation to them, and Sheela, being a clairvoyant, says that she may be able to fake a prophecy to buy the older Pandavas time. Brynne mentions not being able to use Agni's coin properly, and Sheela suggests setting it on fire using Boo. Nikita conjures up some fireproof gloves so that Aru can hold BB without getting burned, and he belches out flames the size of a dinner plate. At first nothing happens, but then Aru notices a red wedding invitation on the kitchen counter. The Agni coin begins to hum, and an automated voice comes out of it, instructing the Pandavas to check their connection to a sacred flame, then trying contacting Agni at a later time. The Pandavas realize that they need to attend the wedding listed on the invitation, which will have a sacred fire for the bride and groom that they can use to contact Agni. Nikita says that the older girls will need a new wardrobe if they are to attend.


Chapter List[]

  1. Not All Who Wander Are Lost
  2. I Hate It Here
  3. I'm Sorry, Your Call Cannot Be Completed As Dialed
  4. And on That Note... BEGONE
  5. That Time We Crashed a Wedding
  6. A Warm Welcome. Honestly, a Little Too Warm
  7. The Sun Jewel
  8. Suffering for My Art, as Per Usual
  9. New Lifetime Achievement for Minimal Drool
  10. What Weak Men Fear Most
  11. The Tale of the Vishakanyas
  12. Whaddya Know! Another Family Reunion!
  13. Finally! Paradise! And by That, I Mean Home Depot.
  14. I Was Told There Would Be Porgs Everything Is a Lie
  15. The Bear King
  16. Brynne Rao Didn't Come Here to Play
  17. I Am Officially Intrigued
  18. No Thoughts Head Empty
  19. A Brief Interlude From Madness
  20. The End of the World! But, Like, Fun!
  21. Rudy Rocks, Rudy Rocks, Rudy Rocks
  22. I'd Like to Speak to a Human Now
  23. The Lady Menaka
  24. A Horse
  25. ME? Shocked at This Latest Instance of Disrespect? NEIGH!
  26. Tambourines Are Underrated
  27. Hoodwinked
  28. The Halls of Nidra
  29. Well, This Isn't Awkward at All
  30. Hello Darkness, My Old Friend
  31. They Must Use a Lot of Soap
  32. Worst Lullaby EVER. Can I Get a Refund?
  33. Post-Nap Baby Boo
  34. You'll Be the Death of Me
  35. The Daughter of Death Opens Her Eyes
  36. Good News Bad News
  37. There's Nothing Left to Say
  38. Can I Give A Negative Rating for This U.B.E.R Service
  39. The Beginning of a Goat Song
  40. On Your Left
  41. Don't Worry, She's Got Help
  42. Bliss
  43. Sorry Isn't Good Enough
  44. We Interrupt the Doom and Gloom for Ice Cream. Yayyyy, Ice Cream!
  45. Potatoes, Assemble!
  46. Here, at the End of All Things
  47. It Was a Dark and Stormy Night


Pandava Quintet
Books: Aru Shah and the End of Time | Aru Shah and the Song of Death | Aru Shah and the Tree of Wishes | Aru Shah and the City of Gold | Aru Shah and the Nectar of Immortality
Main Characters: Aru Shah | Mini | Brynne Rao | Nikita | Sheela | Kara | Aiden Acharya | Sleeper | Meenakshi | Takshaka | Rudy
Council of Guardians: Boo | Urvashi | Hanuman | Jambavan | Uloopi | Kubera | Surasa
Secondary Characters: Krithika P. Shah | Palace of Illusions | Durvasa | Navdeep | Hira | Opal | Ravana
Minor Characters: Pandavas | Arielle Reddy | Poppy Lopez | Burton Prater | Brahmasura | Valmiki | Shukra | Shakuntula | Rambha | Jaya and Vijaya | Rahuketu | Garuda | Kadru | Uttanka | Shikhandi
Devas: Indra | Dharma Raja | Vayu | Ashvins | Vishnu (Mohini, Narasimha, Rama, and Krishna) | Shiva | Chitrigupta | Ganesh | Lakshmi | Ritus | Kamadeva | Varuni | Varuna | Ratri | Ushas | Agni | Brahma | Maruts | Aranyani | Vishwakarma | Surya | Yamuna | Chandra | Rohini | Shani | Saranyu | Chhaya
Creatures: Makara | Asura | Chakora | Naga | Rakshasa | Vahanas | Ek and Do | Timingala | Time | Wish | Zombie | Apsara | Yaksha | Yali | Vanara
Related Content: Roshani Chokshi | Beware the Grove of True Love | Rick Riordan Presents