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Mellie, an Aura

Aura or Aurae or Aurai are wind nymphs of breezes that are commonly mistaken for ghosts. Their bodies are composed of fog. They usually appear as women, although it is unknown if they have other forms that they can take (it is possible, as Storm Spirits can). Aura is also the name of the Titan-Goddess of Breeze, daughter of Lelantos and Periboea.

Percy Jackson and the Olympians[]

The Lost Hero[]

Jason Grace, Piper McLean, Leo Valdez, and Gleeson Hedge meet an aura named Mellie, who works for Aeolus, but is fired after saving the four of them. Mellie then gets a new job and starts working for Tristan McLean.


Auras have some power over the air, as Mellie was able to save Jason, Piper, Leo, Coach Hedge and herself from what would have been a deadly fall, albeit with help from Jason. It is unknown how an aura's 'wind strength' compares to a demigod’s power, but it can be assumed they are weaker, as the river naiad (water equivalent of an aura) from the Triple G Ranch appears scared that Percy Jackson might overpower her and force her river to clean the stables, as this has happened before. 


  • Though in the series they are called aura, their proper name is aurae, which is how the wind nymphs that work at Camp Jupiter are called.
    • But it is also possible that they different types of wind nymphs and their name depends on this distinction.
Species: Amphisbaena | Apollo's Cattle | Blemmyae | Basilisk | Carnivorous Sheep | Centaur | Cyclops | Cynocephali | Dragon | Drakon | Empousa | Eurynomos | Feather-Shooting Bird | Fire-Breathing Horse | Flesh-Eating Horse | Gegeines | Geminus | Giant Eagle | Giant Scorpion | Giant Snake | Ghoul | Gorgon | Gryphon | Harpy | Hellhound | Hippalektryon | Hippocampus | Hydra | Hyperborean Giant | Ichthyocentaur | Karpoi | Katobleps | Keres | Khromandae | Laistrygonian Giant | Leucrotae | Lycanthrope | Makhai | Merperson | Myrmekes | Nikai | Pandai | Pegasus | Pit Scorpion | Satyr | Scythian Dracaena | Sea Serpent | Siren | Strix | Stymphalian Birds | Tauri Sylvestres | Telekhine | Troglodyte | Unicorn | Vrykolakai | Yale
Friendly Monsters: Argus | Blackjack | Briares | Bombilo | Chiron | Cottus | Don | Ella | Festus | Gleeson Hedge | Gray | Grover Underwood | Guido | Gyges | Lysas | Mrs. O'Leary | Ophiotaurus | Peaches | Peleus | Porkpie | Rainbow | Scipio | Tyson | Tempest | Sssssarah
Enemy Monsters: Antaeus | Agrius and Oreius | Arachne | Cacus | Carthaginian Serpent | Charybdis and Scylla | Chimera | Chrysaor | Clazmonian Sow | Colchis Bulls | Echidna | Euryale | Geryon | Kampê | Karkinos | Kekrops | Lamia | Manticore | Medusa | Minotaur | Nemean Lion | Polyphemus | Python | Skolopendra | Sphinx | Stheno | Sun Dragons | Typhon | Trojan Sea Monster
Neutral Monsters: Cerberus | Erymanthian Boar | Gray Sisters | Furies | Ladon | Orthus | Sybaris