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SunRace Not part of Riordanverse

The following article/section is from the Race to the Sun continuity under Rick Riordan Presents and not the Riordanverse canon.

The Battle of Shiprock is a battle between the inheritors of the power of the hero twins, the guardians of the sacred mountains, and a few allies against the Bináá' yee aghání.

Race to the Sun[]

After learning that the bináá' yee aghání have been freed from their prison, the inheritors of the hero twin's powers and their allies go to Shiprock, their prison, to stop them. Nizhoni, Bethany, Mac, Davery, Mr. Yazzie, the guardians, and the heralds fight the enemy in the air while the others offer ground support. When they arrive, they see swarms of the shapeshifters and they take out as many as they can just as Mr. Charles arrives with his body guards. After Mac and Mr. Yazzie are shot out of the sky and saved by Spider Woman, Mr. Charles goes in to take them.

At that moment, Davery tells Nizhoni to jump and she lands on the herald carrying her mother. They fight together until Nizhoni is shot by her own arrow and falls to the ground. She wakes up unharmed with Mr. Charles standing over her and begins to gloat about his plans for Mac and how she is alone. She tells him her family and friends are always with her before she electrocutes him to death. After the battle her friends and family congratulate her and her father is saved. Her grandmother then shows up and takes them to her house for flat bread.
