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Tristan Strong Not part of Riordanverse

The following article/section is from the Tristan Strong continuity under Rick Riordan Presents and not the Riordanverse canon.

Hmm, that's not the way I see it. In case you can't tell. I'm a collector. Antiques. One-of-a-kind-items. Trinkets. But most importantly, I collect secrets. Shifts in the tide of Alke's whims. So when a little birdie told me there's a kid running around with the powers of the gods, maybe I listen. Maybe I figure, if I can get my hands on those powers, interested parties might pay me a fortune.

–Big Big to Tristan upon confiscating his bracelet in Tristan Strong Destroys the World.

Big Big (real name Clifford) is a collector of rare items in Alke.


After MidPass was destroyed, he took refuge at Lady Night's Juke Joint, however he hated taking orders from Lady Night and one day stole her skin so as to have power over her.

Tristan Strong Trilogy[]

Tristan Strong Destroys the World[]

After Gum Baby crashes the Flying Raft, she leaves Tristan Strong, Ayanna, and Junior to be taken by his security forces. When they come face to face with him during his birthday party, Big Big reveals he knows about Tristan as he takes his bracelet, Ayanna's club, and Junior's satchel and orders a servant, Cookie, to take them away and bring him something other then rice to eat. As they leave, he contacts the Shamble Man. However soon Gum Baby flies the raft into the juke joint and distracts him while the others take back the skin. When the boo hag has her skin back he makes false statements about giving it back, but she calls his bluff and binds him in a cloak after he returns the items he took.


Big Big is an extremely broad man with thick limbs. He wears gray pants and a white shirt.


Big Big is a cruel man who cares only about growing his collection. He forbids his people from farming the land. However when Lady Night gets her skin back, he tries to apologize to get back on her good side.

Tristan Strong Trilogy
Books: Tristan Strong Punches a Hole in the Sky | Tristan Strong Destroys the World | Tristan Strong Keeps Punching
Main Characters: Tristan Strong | Ayanna | Gum Baby | Anansi
Secondary Characters: Thandiwe | King Cotton | John Henry | Eddie Garvey | Maafa | Chestnutt | Nana Strong | Junior | Patty Roller | Granny Z
Minor Characters: Alvin Strong | Jessica Strong | Walter Strong | Fezile | Netta | Old Familiar | Mr. Richardson | Reggie Janson | DJ Kulture | Big Big | Terence Strong | Memphis Jones | Harold | Darla
African American Gods: Brer Rabbit | Brer Fox | Brer Bear | Sarah | Rose | High John | Tarrypin | Sis Crow | Keelboat Annie | Mami Wata | Lady Night
West African Gods: Anansi | Nyame
Creatures: Haint | Fetterling | Hullbeast | Brand Fly | Leopard Statue | Python Statue | Abiyoyo | Mmoatia | Plat-eye | River Spirit | Talking Skull | Boo Hag | Coffle | Twennymiles | Breakers
Related Content: Kwame Mbalia | Rick Riordan Presents | The Gum Baby Files