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The following article/section is from the Storm Runner/Shadow Bruja continuity under Rick Riordan Presents and not the Riordanverse canon.

Centeotl (pronounced sen-THE-oat) is the Mexica god of maize.

Shadow Bruja Duology[]

Lords of Night[]

Centeotl awakens as Ren Santiago and her friends brave the Maze of Nightmares. He appears before Ren and the Flower Prince asks to take her measurements for her wardrobe. She refuses at first but gives in after he says she cannot escape her destiny and realizing he can send her back to her friends. After taking measurements, the Flower Prince asks what color she prefers and if she how she feels about a jade and shadow crown.


Centeotl resembles an eighteen year old with short black hair styled in spokes.

Shadow Bruja Duology
Books: Lords of Night | Dawn of the Jaguar
Main Characters: Ren Santiago | Montero | Edison
Secondary Characters: Abuelo Santiago | Marco | Serena
Minor Characters: Kenji | Diamante | Ezra | Sir Switchblade | Zane Obispo | Zyanya
Lords of Night: Xiuhtecuhtli | Tezcatlipoca | Piltzintecuhtli | Centeotl | Mictlantecuhtli | Chalchihtlicue | Tlazolteotl | Tepeyollotl | Tlaloc
Mayan Gods: Ah-Puch | Pacific | Nakon
Creatures: Demon
Related Content: Jennifer Cervantes | Storm Runner Trilogy | Rick Riordan Presents