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Idiota! Now I'll never get my turn!

–Chiara to Damien White

Chiara Benvenuti is an Italian Greek demigod daughter of Tyche. She is currently in a secret relationship with Damien White.

The Trials of Apollo[]

The Hidden Oracle[]


Tyche, her mother

She watches Apollo pass out twice. Chiara is then seen at the music lessons arguing with Damien White about a guitar. She wanted to use the guitar but Damien damaged a string. Once Apollo starts playing, she starts crying, weeping in Damien's arms while swearing and hitting him weakly. After Damien smashes the guitar she returns to her normal angered state.

During Harley's three legged death race, she is partnered with Damien. Chiara gets a mild concussion from the race. She and Damien are later spotted at the canoe dock, glaring at Apollo. During the battle with Colossus, she is seen setting up ballistae around the communal hearth with Damien White, Paolo Montes and Billie Ng.

At the aftermath of the battle, Chiara was a victim to the hay fever outbreak. After Damien learned that Chiara is ill, he got sick as well so Damien having a cot right next to her in the infirmary and they would be sniping at each other whenever they knew they were being watched.


Chiara seems to be around 18, and is described to be fairly attractive. She has a dark pixie cut and fierce almond eyes.


Chiara is shown to be fierce and a little loudmouthed.



  • She is the first child of Tyche to appear in the series.
  • Like Nico di Angelo and Bianca di Angelo, Chiara is Italian.
  • In The Hidden Oracle, Apollo can't decide whether to flirt with Chiara and steal her from Damien or flirt with Damien and steal him from Chiara.
  • Leo, Nico di Angelo, Frank Zhang, Nyssa Barrera, Reyna Avila Ramírez-Arellano, Hylla Ramírez-Arellano, Chiara Benvenuti, Paolo Montes, and Hazel Levesque are the only known demigods that can speak two or more languages (that has nothing to do with them being a half-blood), as Leo, Nyssa, Reyna, and Hylla can speak Spanish, Nico and Chiara can speak Italian, Paolo can speak Portuguese, Hazel can speak Louisiana French, and Frank can speak Canadian French, as well as "a little" Chinese.


The Trials of Apollo
Core Series: The Hidden Oracle | The Dark Prophecy | The Burning Maze | The Tyrant's Tomb | The Tower of Nero
Main Characters: Apollo/Lester Papadopolous | Meg McCaffrey | Percy Jackson | Peaches | Leo Valdez | Calypso | Grover Underwood | Piper McLean | Jason Grace | Reyna Ramírez-Arellano | Frank Zhang | Hazel Levesque | Lavinia Asimov | Nico di Angelo | Will Solace | Rachel Elizabeth Dare
Secondary Characters: Chiron | Austin Lake | Kayla Knowles | Hemithea | Josephine | Georgina | Lityerses | Trophonius | Gleeson Hedge | Mellie | Chuck Hedge | Medea | Herophile | Crest | Don | Tyson | Ella | Tarquin | Luguselwa | Claudia | Janice | Blaise
Minor Characters: Sally Jackson | Thalia Grace | Mrs. O'Leary | Festus | Cade | Mikey | Harley | Connor Stoll | Miranda Gardiner | Cecil Markowitz | Ellis Wakefield | Sherman Yang | Damien White | Malcolm Pace | Paolo Montes | Valentina Diaz | Germani | Agamethus | Olujime | Phillip McCaffrey | Hunter Kowalski | Sssssarah | Prickly Pear | Aloe Vera | Joshua | Naevius Sutorius Macro | Incitatus | Tristan McLean | Bombilo | Aurum | Argentum | Julia | Jacob | Dakota | Poison Oak | Paul Blofis | Screech-Bling | Annabeth Chase | Elon | Mamurius Veturius | Mimi
Olympian Gods (Greek & Roman): Zeus/Jupiter | Hera/Juno | Poseidon/Neptune | Demeter/Ceres | Ares/Mars | Athena/Minerva | Apollo/Apollo (Roman) | Artemis/Diana | Hephaestus/Vulcan | Aphrodite/Venus | Hermes/Mercury | Dionysus/Bacchus | Hades/Pluto
Minor Gods: Nero | Commodus | Caligula | Iris | Britomartis | Styx | Terminus | Lupa | Terpsichore | Harpocrates | Cardea
Titans: Rhea | Leto | Mnemosyne | Helios
Monsters and Magical Creatures: Python | Nosoi | Karpos | Palikos | Myrmekes | Colossus Neronis | Blemmyae | Gryphon | Carthaginian Serpent | Scythian Dracaena | Cynocephali | Centaur | Cyclops | Yale | Satyr/Faun | Strix | Dryad | Dragon | Pandai | Eurynomos | Skeleton Warriors | Vrykolakai | Khromandae | Amphisbaena | Troglodyte | Tauri Sylvestres | Leontocephaline
Related Content: Rick Riordan | Percy Jackson and the Olympians | The Heroes of Olympus | Demigods & Magicians | Camp Half-Blood Confidential | Camp Jupiter Classified: A Probatio's Journal | Percy Jackson Demigod Collection | Un Natale Mezzosangue | The Sun and the Star: A Nico di Angelo Adventure