This article is about the character. You may be looking for the character from the TV series or the character from the films.
“ | Gods cannot cross each other’s territories except by invitation. That is another ancient rule. Heroes, on the other hand, have certain privileges. They can go anywhere, challenge anyone, as long as they’re bold enough and strong enough to do it. No god can be held responsible for a hero’s actions. Why do you think the gods always operate through humans? | ” |
–Chiron to Percy Jackson in The Lightning Thief. |
Chiron is the activities director at Camp Half-Blood. He is an immortal centaur, son of Kronos and the Oceanid Philyra, and a famed trainer of heroes from Greek mythology, including Jason and Achilles. In The Lightning Thief, Chiron went under the alias "Mr. Brunner" when he posed as a teacher at Yancy Academy.
Chiron was sired by the Titan King Kronos, who was in the form of a horse at the time. His mother, Philyra, abandoned him on Mount Pelion at birth because of her disgust at his appearance.
Start of Training
Later the god Apollo took care of the child and taught him all his skills. In return, Apollo sent Chiron demigods for him to teach all that he had learned. Chiron is not a true centaur, as centaurs are notorious for being overly indulgent drinkers and carousers, given to violence when intoxicated, wild, lusty, and generally uncultured delinquents. Chiron, by contrast, was very intelligent, civilized, and kind. Also, true centaurs are born of sun and cloud (Ixion and Nephele) and are not immortal. However, Chiron gained his immortality from the gods. During this time, Chiron lived atop Mount Pelion in the northern region of Thessaly.
Death and Resurrection
After accidentally getting hit by a poisonous arrow, Chiron felt a lot of pain and later gave up his immortality. Whether this account was false or he was resurrected, Chiron lived to Percy Jackson's time. This is because he was given immortality by Zeus so he will stay alive so long as he is needed to teach heroes.
According to Annabeth Chase, Chiron did get hit with a poisoned arrow in his leg and the wound can't heal, leaving the centaur in agony every day of his eternal life. As a result, Chiron often uses a wheelchair in modern times because it hurts him to walk.
Students of Chiron
Throughout the Greek age, Chiron was the only immortal centaur and was known for his exceptional wisdom and also known as the teacher of heroes. Among his known students are:
- Achilles - Chiron raised him on behalf of Thetis and Peleus.
- Actaeon - The son of Aristaeus. He was bred to be a hunter. Artemis turned him into a deer after he accidentally stumbled upon her bathing. After he in the form of a deer was accidentally killed by his own dogs, Chiron fastened his image to soothe the dogs.
- Ajax the Greater - The son of Telamon and the elder brother of Teucer, he was physically the strongest of the Achaeans during the Trojan War.
- Aristaeus - The father of Actaeon. According to some sources, Chiron taught him the art of healing and prophecy while other accounts state that the Muses were responsible for these teachings.
- Asclepius - A son of Apollo, who gave him to Chiron to raise. Chiron instructed him in the art of healing and medicine.
- Atalanta - A famous huntress who participated in the hunt for the Calydonian Boar.
- Caeneus - A Lapith who fought during the Centauromachy.
- Hercules - Some Greek myths state that Hercules was trained by Chiron. At one point, Hercules accidentally shot Chiron with a poisoned arrow while trying to kill another centaur, leaving Chiron with a leg wound that can't heal and causes the centaur eternal agony.
- Hippomenes - A son of Poseidon and husband of Atalanta the Huntress. He was said to be trained by Chiron.
- Jason - The leader of the Argonauts. Jason was given to Chiron by his father Aeson to raise.
- Oileus - A member of the Argonauts.
- Patroclus - His father left him in the care of Chiron to study alongside Achilles, his best friend and likely lover.
- Peleus - The father of Achilles who was previously saved from the centaurs by Chiron who returned Peleus' sword to him.
- Phoenix - One of the Myrmidons who served as one of Achilles' five commanders during the Trojan War. Chiron was the one who restored his eyesight.
- Telamon - Father of Teucer and Ajax the Greater, he was the elder brother of Peleus, and sailed with Jason as one of the Argonauts.
- Percy Jackson - Chiron takes special interest in Percy, even going undercover as Mr. Brunner in his school.
Percy Jackson and the Olympians
The Lightning Thief

Chiron revealing his true form in the Graphic Novel.
Chiron posed as Percy Jackson's Latin teacher, Mr. Brunner, as he was called by Grover Underwood the satyr in charge of Percy. He used an enchanted wheelchair and fake legs to hide his backside. In the museum, he saves Percy from being killed by the Fury Alecto by throwing him Riptide, a sword disguised as a ballpoint pen. He later pretends it didn't happen, with the hopes that Percy won't notice. However, Percy isn't very convinced.

Annabeth, a camper Chiron trained and raised for almost ten years.
Percy looks up to him and is very upset when he thinks 'Mr. Brunner' is disappointed in him. Later, it is revealed when Percy eavesdrops on a conversation between his teacher and Grover that 'Mr. Brunner' is worried about Percy's safety and whether he is prepared or not, and does not want to get him involved yet. That, however, proves to be impossible. Chiron meets Percy again on the balcony of the Big House when Percy wakes up after he was attacked by the Minotaur. Chiron is worried about Percy and cares for him. He tries to train Percy as much as possible, and hopes that Percy is the son of a minor god (for Percy's own safety), though he suspects that his father is indeed Poseidon due to a prophecy he'd received some time before. When he is forced to send Percy on his quest, he was disappointed on not being able to train him more as he did with other heroes before Percy. After Percy tells Chiron of Luke's betrayal, Chiron departs to Olympus straight away to warn the gods.
The Sea of Monsters
Chiron is blamed for poisoning Thalia's tree and the camp's borders (since he is a son of Kronos), and replaced by Tantalus who took over the position of Activities Director. Percy and Annabeth (Annabeth especially) are furious that he is untrusted, and they do not know why Chiron is suspected, as they don't know about Kronos being his father. Before he leaves, he meets Tyson, Percy's half-brother and Tyson takes a liking to him, calling him "pony" which Chiron finds offensive. Annabeth cries when Chiron leaves as she believed him as a father, and Percy feels like crying, though he won't let himself.
Percy is desperate to bring back Chiron and get rid of the evil, twisted Tantalus, and succeeds, by starting an Iris Message behind Luke, and getting Luke to admit he had poisoned Thalia's tree. Tantalus is then banished back to the Underworld (just as he managed to grab a cheeseburger) and Chiron and the rest of his species save Percy, Annabeth, and Tyson from Luke and his goons.
Later, Chiron comforts Percy in his mission and reveals his parentage when Percy says he is still confused about why the Council would suspect him. After Thalia is expelled from the tree, Chiron is afraid for her and Percy, because now there were two possible pawns for his father, Kronos to use and manipulate.
Although he wasn't training heroes in his break, it seems to be explained as he was still needed and it is known that Chiron's immortality will live within him as long as he was needed, even though he wasn't training.
The Titan's Curse
Chiron tries to comfort Percy after Annabeth is kidnapped though he himself was a very worried centuar. He later arranges a friendly Capture the Flag game between the Campers and the Hunters. Much to the campers and Chiron's dismay, the Hunters emerge victorious for the fifty-sixth time in a row as Chiron later announces. After Thalia and Percy get into a fight, Chiron breaks them up, and is amazed by seeing the Oracle coming out of the Big House and delivering a prophecy to Zoë Nightshade.
Later, when Percy is excluded from the rescue group, Chiron tries to comfort him, but Percy doesn't want to be comforted which makes things worse. He is dismayed to hear Chiron state that he wouldn't choose Percy or Thalia as his choice for this quest since he believes that the two of them together would be very dangerous as Percy is powerful but is not sure of himself and Thalia is powerful and is too sure of herself. Chiron deeply cares about Annabeth, they are even closer to each other than Annabeth is to her actual father, and he is sure that the group will find her.
Later, after Percy realizes that Nico is the son of Hades, he hides that from Chiron, afraid of what he will do. When Percy asks about mortals that see through the mist. Chiron informs him that some mortals are special, and can do that, including Percy's mother Sally. Percy asked because of his encounter with Rachel. When Clarisse finally arrives at the end of the book, she wants to talk to Chiron immediately.
The Battle of the Labyrinth
Chiron is slightly distrustful of Quintus, and he talks about it with Percy. He later talks about the Labyrinth with Percy and Annabeth, and the entrance that is within the boundaries of the Camp and assigns the quest to Annabeth. Annabeth is very nervous. Clarisse had been first asked to go back, but hotly refused, saying "she would never go back to that place again."
Chiron later speaks battle statistics with the Campers and says that he knows where Percy was when he was missing (Calypso's Island). He was very heart-broken when Percy had been missing (and believed to be dead) and was relieved to see him again. Chiron is somewhat surprised to see Nico again and later admits to Percy that he knows that his father is Hades. He fights in the battle against Luke's forces, and they win, with the help of Grover. Chiron was unsuccessful in shooting down Kampê. After the battle, Chiron was injured and required medical attention.
The Last Olympian
Due to Poseidon's request, Chiron finally reveals the entire Great Prophecy to Percy. Chiron tells him of what happened with Typhon and is very worried for the fate of Olympus. He organizes the teams for battle, though Chiron fails at convincing Clarisse to fight with them. He then sends out to see if the centaurs will fight for them. The centaurs agree, and the "Party Ponies" help defend Manhattan. He later fights in the battle against his father Kronos, and there is a confrontation between the two, and Chiron was called 'that weakling son of mine' by Kronos. The Titan King throws Chiron against a wall and covered with rocks, and dug out by Mrs. O'Leary. He is injured but manages to make it to camp, where Rachel receives the Spirit of Delphi. He is in the audience that hears the next Great Prophecy and comforts Percy, Annabeth, and Rachel that it may be decades before the fulfillment of that prophecy, although the prophecy is revealed to be happening a few months later in The Lost Hero.
The Heroes of Olympus
The Lost Hero
Chiron first appears when he meets Jason and says to him in horror: " should be dead." He then "invites" Jason inside the big house. He is still the camp's activities director; but Mr. D is barely mentioned in this book, since Zeus has brought the gods back to Olympus and closed it off. Chiron is unable to tell anybody about the existence of Roman demigods and Camp Jupiter, which infuriates Annabeth (he never withheld information from her before), but he does admit that the Second Great Prophecy could predict something worse than the Second Titanomachy. When Leo returns from his quest and reveals Bunker 9, Chiron finally tells of its' history with the Demigod Civil War. He also explains that there was a possibility of Bunker 9 rekindling the same spark that caused the Civil War between Romans and Greeks and that was why even in the Second Titan War, it was never used until Leo had discovered it. Later at the council meeting, he discusses with the other council leaders the events of the quest, the building of the Argo II, and Annabeth and Jason discuss Percy's possible location and condition.
The Son of Neptune
Percy mentions Chiron, hoping that he'll forgive him for attacking Centaurs who were invading Camp Jupiter. Percy feels that Chiron would forgive him because these Centaurs weren't like the Party Ponies, these Centaurs were raised to fight the Romans as they were soldiers of Gaea.
The Mark of Athena
Percy and Annabeth contact Chiron in a dream to warn him of the Twelfth Legion Fulminata's attack on the Greek camp.
The House of Hades
Leo and Calypso see Chiron is a vision, depicting the centaur dressed for war, trotting up and down the ranks of Greek demigods, his plumed helmet gleaming, his legs decked in bronze greaves. His usual friendly smile is gone, replaced with a look of grim determination.
The Blood of Olympus
Chiron is seen with the Greek demigods, Cyclopses, Satyrs, and Nymphs defending the camp. After the battle with Gaea he has a funeral for the fallen campers- both Greek and Roman, and he has Nico di Angelo lead the ceremony. He is later seen at the Campfire complementing the two groups of demigods on their newly formed alliance and friendship. He also later has several long conversations with Reyna Ramírez-Arellano and Frank Zhang, the Praetors of Camp Jupiter, discussing the now established alliance between both camps.
The Senior Year Adventures
The Chalice of the Gods
Percy thinks of Chiron when wrestling Geras, remembering his mentor taught him to remain calm under pressure.
Wrath of the Triple Goddess
Much to Percy's surprise, he finds Chiron in his old Mr. Brunner disguise has replaced his history teacher Dr. Sharma at Alternative High School and initially thinks that the centaur is there to watch over a possible demigod. Chiron reassures the son of Poseidon that Percy is the only demigod at AHS as far as he can tell and explains that he had gotten on the district's substitute list with Paul Blofis' help because Chiron simply enjoys being a teacher sometimes. As they're alone, Chiron gets out of his wheelchair to stretch out his injured leg, causing Percy -- who had finally noticed the old injury the summer before and gotten the story from Annabeth -- to feel guilty about how much he had failed to notice his mentor's pain over the years.
Percy fills Chiron in on his, Annabeth, and Grover's situation with Hecate and her broken-down mansion and missing pets and Chiron tells Percy that he's seen worse when Simon convinced the Trojans to let the Trojan Horse in and when Salmoneus pretended to be Zeus and got his entire city destroyed. Chiron instantly warns Percy against using Hecate's Torches to help as they raise ghosts to do her bidding, and it could raise an army of angry spirits to tear Percy and his friends apart. Chiron can't imagine why the goddess would tell Percy to use them unless she's testing him. Chiron is shocked when Percy reveals that the Nereid Eudora is also working at AHS, noting that it must've been quite a shock for her to see Hecate again, but he refuses to explain their complicated history together. However, Chiron is able to tell Percy about Hecuba's history and suggests that she would go to Astoria looking for revenge upon the Greek community living there. He also suggests that Nope, the hellhound puppy that Percy and Mrs. O'Leary had found, might be helpful in finding Hecuba.
Percy slips up and almost calls Chiron Mr. Brunner again, but Chiron tells Percy that he's fine with being addressed by either name as the centaur is happy with both identities. However, finding Hecuba will only solve one problem as Percy will still have to find Gale and fix the mansion. Chiron refuses to write Percy a note excusing him from school, causing him to remember the downside of having Mr. Brunner as a teacher: he believed in Percy, meaning that he believed in Percy's grades and always insisted upon Percy trying his best. However, Percy does not do well on his history quiz or on anything else that day.
After hearing about Percy's encounter with Chiron, Annabeth is jealous because the centaur never substitutes at the School of Design. Percy imagines Chiron rolling up to Advanced Dressmaking with a sparkly tie, rhinestone glasses, and sequins on his chair rims and is sure that the centaur could've pulled it off.
When Percy returns to AHS on Halloween, he finds that Dr. Sharma has returned and Chiron is gone, much to Percy's disappointment.
Later, Paul reveals that Chiron is supposed to act as a substitute teacher at Goode High School for him next Thursday when Paul has jury duty. Percy guesses that if Paul gets impaneled, he would probably have the whole jury performing acts from Shakespeare within a few days while Chiron would have Paul's students sparring with swords which Paul would probably be fine with.
The Trials of Apollo
The Hidden Oracle
Six months after the defeat of Gaea, Chiron greets the former god Apollo and the latter's demigod master Meg McCaffrey at the Big House. There, they discuss the former god's current condition and the missing campers. At dinner, Chiron discusses the upcoming three-legged death race with the campers, and he bears witness to Meg getting claimed by her mother Demeter.
After the race, Chiron forms a search party for Apollo, Meg, Austin, and Kayla.
When Rachel arrives at camp, she, Meg, and Chiron talk with Apollo about Triumvirate Holdings and how they have influenced events to suit themselves. They have been waiting in the shadows for centuries and plotting.
When the Colossus Neronis automaton attacks the camp, Chiron fires numerous arrows at him, though that had little to no effect. When Percy arrives at camp he aids the centaur, while Apollo shoots a plague arrow at the automation, finally bringing it down.
Right after the Colossus is brought down, Leo, Calypso, and Festus finally return to camp, and Chiron is quick to welcome the son of Hephaestus back, though he kicks Leo in the gut with his centaur hoof, and tells him never to do any such thing again.
The Tower of Nero
Six months after Apollo first arrives at camp as a human, he is away in a meeting discussing other end of the world matters with a cat and a severed head, as stated by Dionysus. When Chiron returns, his meeting is referred to as a joint task force with other pantheons due to a threat of some sort that Chiron doesn't want to discuss.
As Meg and Apollo prepare to infiltrate Nero's Tower, Rachel Elizabeth Dare manages to send a message to Chiron by buying a cheap cell phone and sending him an email, knowing that Chiron will be monitoring his computer for messages in emergency situations. Chiron personally leads Camp Half-Blood's forces in the Battle of Nero's Tower, bringing along even the younger campers in the guise of a camp field trip. When Nico brings Apollo to the pegasi landing site, he finds Chiron shouting orders to the various demigods. After Nero is killed, Chiron wishes Apollo luck as the mortal god goes to fight Python.
Two weeks later he welcomes Apollo back to camp after his godhood is restored.
The Nico di Angelo Adventures
The Sun and the Star: A Nico di Angelo Adventure
Two months after Triumvirate Holdings is defeated, he calls the Gray Sisters' Taxi for Austin Lake and Kayla Knowles. After speaking to the nymphs about tree rot, he joins Dionysus for dinner. Later that night, Rachel Elizabeth Dare arrives saying she needs to tell Nico something and he takes her to Cabin Thirteen where Will is comforting Nico. Rachel recites a prophecy and reveals she recited it two weeks after Nero's downfall and says that is the twelfth time has she recited it. He is unnerved by revelation as Dionysus walks in with a bowl of popcorn. Nico tells them everything about insists that he must go to Tartarus to get Iapetus back. Chiron and Dionysus are hesitant as they question if Bob has truly reformed or if it is a trap. As Dionysus mentions that Hades closed off the Underworld to the living, Nico says they will be in and out before his father notices. Chiron states he will need three to go on a quest and Nico insists he and Will go as Percy and Annabeth managed the previous summer. They question Nico leaving something of equal value behind and he fears Will might sacrifice himself. The son of Apollo says he will not make sure Nico does not either and he reluctantly agrees to authorize the quest. In the morning, he helps Nico and Will pack for their quest.
A week later, he welcomes the boys and Bob back and is surprised by the cacodemons. He invites Bob to stay, but the Titan says he desires to go west. Shortly after that, he invites Nico and Will for breakfast. Nice they arrive, he and Dionysus listen as the sons of Hades and Apollo take turns recounting the quest. By the end of it they are intrigued.
Chiron is described as a middle-aged man from the waist up, with thinning brown hair, bushy eyebrows, intense brown eyes and a scruffy beard grown longer in the winter. His lower half is that of a white stallion.
As the Activities Director of Camp Half-Blood, Chiron takes great pride in his students and acts as a father figure to those that have problems with their own family (like Annabeth). He is remarkably patient with all of the campers, even those that can be exceptionally hard to deal with, like Clarisse La Rue and Meg McCaffrey.
Unlike all other centaurs, Chiron is exceptionally intelligent, wise, civilized, and kind. As seen in The Lost Hero, Chiron is also honorable and just, and does not talk about the Romans, Camp Jupiter and the Demigod Civil War until the others find out, since he values the oath that he and Lupa made. Most notably, Chiron does not even tell Annabeth, whom he never withheld information from previously, not even the Great Prophecy.
Chiron will also go out of his way or put himself in danger to protect the campers even if he knows that he may not be able to help them. The greatest example of this was when Chiron directly attacked Kronos himself, even though he knew that he stood no chance against his father.
Chiron also has deep faith in Percy, even before Percy knew he was a demigod in The Lightning Thief. During his time as Percy's teacher at Yancy Academy, he would constantly push Percy to excel in his studies and pushed him to not only pass the class, but do so with a high grade. Even though Percy didn't manage to pass with an A, he still managed to get a decent grade. Chiron later tells Jason in The Lost Hero that he is very proud of the person that Percy had become.
While he is calm and patient he occasionally becomes angry, during which Percy notes that Chiron's tone becomes "steely calm."
Despite all of this, he does have a tendency to show favor, treating Annabeth like his own daughter and teaching Thalia how to control the Mist despite never attempting anything like this with Percy or any other student. This is quite opposed to Percy whom he cares for greatly but still gives quite a bit of distance to.
As an immortal son of Kronos as well as the legendary Trainer of Heroes, Chiron is far more powerful, intelligent, and civilized than other centaurs.
- Archery: As the bow and arrow are his favorite weapons, Chiron is an incredibly skillful archer. In The Hidden Oracle, Apollo himself praised his archery skills.
- Swordsmanship: As shown in The Last Olympian, Chiron was an outstanding swordsman, even though he was known for hating to use a sword, being able to fight equally with his father, Kronos, while he was weakened due to being in Luke's body and Kronos only won because he blasted Chiron against a wall with his powers, not through skill. Even Percy was impressed by Chiron's skill, saying that he couldn't have done any better than Chiron against Kronos.
- Bending Distance: Like any centaur, Chiron was able to travel at great speeds - "bending distance" as he rides.
- Vitakinesis: As shown in The Lightning Thief, Chiron was a skillful healer, being able to effectively cure Percy of a pit scorpion bite.
- Multilingualism: Chiron is shown to speak multiple languages. As shown in The Lightning Thief, Chiron was fluent in Latin, and was therefore able to pose as a Latin teacher at Yancy Academy. He can presumably speak Ancient Greek, as it his native tongue. While not shown it can be assumed he can speak other languages from countries where the gods used to reside such as such as German and Spanish.
- Mist Control: Chiron can control the Mist doing so to alter the memories of multiple students on a field trip to the Metropolitan Museum of Art and teaching Thalia Grace and possibly Percy Jackson to do so.
- Mystiokinesis (possibly): Chiron may have some mystical abilities, seeing as he can summon weapons and shields during the Capture the Flag.
- In the books, Chiron's horse half is a white stallion. In the films, graphic novels, video game, and Disney+ series, he is shown to have a dark brown lower body pelt instead.
- He is known to like 50's music as shown in The Sea of Monsters, and he is also a fan of 40's music in The Lost Hero, but it is unknown if it is in fact 1940's music he is playing. He also likes Frank Sinatra and Dean Martin. It is unknown if he likes other members of the Rat Pack or just the two, who are the most famous members.
- He is technically the first monster to appear in the series, although he used his wheelchair to disguise his full form.
- As of Camp Half-Blood Confidential, Chiron is the first (and only) monster to have a POV in any series or standalone.
- Chiron can speak Latin fluently. While teaching at Yancy Academy he taught Percy Latin well enough that Percy was able to pass for a Roman demigod.
- He is a brother of the Big Three and the other Elder Olympians.
- Chiron is the only child of Kronos who isn't an Olympian.
- In the myths he was placed in the sky as the constellation Centaurus, serving as the basis for the Zodiac sign, Sagittarius.
- It is possible that Chiron might have killed the bear monster Oreius but it is unknown who shot the fatal arrow.
- Curiously Chiron has a wife and daughters, though they not are mentioned in the series. One of those daughters is Endeis, who was married to King Aeacus and was the mother of Telamon and Peleas. That makes Achilles Chiron's great grandson in addition to one of his most famous students.
- While this is never explicitly mentioned by either of them, Chiron is Percy's half-uncle; Chiron is a son of Kronos and Kronos is Percy's grandfather.
- Chiron is aware of other pantheons and apparently has friends in them. This is first suggested in Demigods & Magicians and confirmed in The Tower of Nero when he meets with Mimir and Bast to discuss a threat of some sort.
- In Wrath of the Triple Goddess, it's revealed that Chiron's constant use of his wheelchair isn't just a disguise: the centaur is in agony every day of his eternal life from a leg wound accidentally inflicted by Hercules with a poisoned arrow. The wound can't heal, and Percy has spotted Chiron using a leg brace and getting herbal lotions to rub on his knee from Apollo's Cabin. It took Percy years to notice it because of spending ninety percent of his time at camp on quests and his general inattentiveness. The main thing that keeps Chiron going is the demigods that he trains.
- This aspect was first established in the Disney+ series, and later implemented into book canon.
The Sun and the Star: A Nico di Angelo Adventure | |
Book: | The Sun and the Star: A Nico di Angelo Adventure |
Main Characters: | Nico di Angelo | Will Solace | Gorgyra | Small Bob |
Secondary Characters: | Screech-Bling | Hiss-Majesty | Iapetus | Chiron |
Minor Characters: | Kayla Knowles | Austin Lake | Rachel Elizabeth Dare | Percy Jackson | Annabeth Chase | Sally Jackson | Estelle Blofis | Meg McCaffrey | Epiales | Echidna | Menoetes | Amphithemis | Maria di Angelo | Bianca di Angelo | Piper McLean | Shel |
Gods: | Dionysus | Apollo | Hypnos | Nemesis | Acheron | Persephone | Hades |
Giants: | Otis | Ephialtes |
Primordial Gods: | Nyx | Tartarus | Chaos | Gaea |
Monsters and Magical Creatures: | Nymph | Cacodemon | Troglodyte | Demon | Chimera | Empousa | Stymphalian Birds | Cynocephali | Telekhine | Basilisk | Manticore | Pegasus | Aetera | Mania |
Related Content: | Rick Riordan | Mark Oshiro | The Trials of Apollo |