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The following article/section is from the Gifted Clans continuity under Rick Riordan Presents and not the Riordanverse canon.

Cosette Chung is a member of the Gumiho Clan.


Cosette was born into the Chung family of the Gumiho Clan. She has an older sister.

The Gifted Clans series[]

The Last Fallen Star[]

After services, she and the other young witches attend Saturday school. When they are given a room to use, she puts on a pink feather boa before she and the others sing to dispel the illusion before the class starts.

A few days later at the Griffin Observatory, she sees Riley Oh, who she knows about being a Horangi, and Emmett Harrison. She refuses to let them in until she realizes Emmett is on her Battle Galactic team. After they mention the fallen star, she shows them a video of her sister reciting it at a temple talent show. After suggesting they go to the temple library to learn more, she disguises Riley and Emmett as herself and her sister respectively and warns them that the spell wears off after an hour.

A few days later Jennie Byun has a vision of something happening at the Gi Sanctuary and she goes with her along with David Kim and Noah Noh. They find the Ohs, Emmett, and three Horangi fighting the Cave Bear Goddess. She distracts the goddess by making herself looking like Okja as Jennie and David douse her with immobilization potion. She and the others are shocked when Riley says she is the last fallen star and watch as she destroys the goddess statue, expelling her from Okja and the mortalrealm.

As things calm down, she and the others from Saturday school try to comfort Riley, but she runs away crying to he elevators, soon after she and Emmett give each other a salute from their game. Unknown to everyone, Riley is given a wish by the Haetae to undo anything from her past and she decides to resurrect Hattie. He does so and, after a delay, Hattie is resurrected. They all cheer and promise to find a way to restore their memories of Riley as they fill Hattie in.  

The Last Fallen Moon[]

Two months after Riley killed the Cave Bear Goddess, she is playing video games with Emmett at the Horangi Compound as Riley and Taeyo are transferring old tomes to the cloud. Suddenly everyone gets an emergency text from Hattie to come to her house. Riley flies on Areum, camouflaged by Cosette, as he and the others take Boris. When they arrive they enter to find Riley’s parents, Hattie, Jennie Byun, David Kim, Sora Kwon, and Austin in the hall, celebrating a belated thirteenth birthday for Riley. Riley realizes she and her other friends knew and they celebrate. They enjoy the party until they hear crashes and see angry Gom outside. Everyone goes outside to find red liquid forming insults at Riley on the garage. Riley starts to blame herself for the incident as she and the others volunteer to coverup the graffiti and comfort her. When they return to the kitchen for cake, everything in the kitchen starts to attack them. Austin holds off the knives as everyone flees to the hall. The hallway then attacks them and Sora pries the door open and everyone escapes. Riley's family becomes distraught when they realize their house is cursed and Sora offers to house them at their compound. Riley starts to tear up as her mother says she is not to blame. How Riley screams that it is her fault and she is not hero. Emmett and the Ohs leave with the Horangi while the others go home.

After learning from Areum, David, and Jennie that Riley stopped her heart to enter the Spiritrealm, she, Emmett, Noah, and Taeyo form a rescue team. They use the doorway in the temple to enter the Spiritrealm. However it closes and only Areum, Jennie, Areum, and Emmett made it through before the gate closed. She, Taeyo, Noah, the Ohs, Austin, and Sora sit in the temple's Gi sanctuary as they question what is do. Riley wakes up with Areum and a whiteboard haired boy appearing out of nowhere with Dahl trying to flirt with her. She and the others watch as Emmett, Jennie, and David, revert back to their human forms and watches in amazement as Dahl inadvertently summons the Haetae, who warns them the goddesses are planning to start a war. She watches as the Gom and Horangi present get their memories of Riley back.

The Last Fallen Realm[]

After gathering in Las Vegas with the rest of the American Gifted Community, the sun vanishes. As Riley texts her friends to meet up at a restaurant, Cosette says she and Noah cannot as they are to busy trying to calm the masses. When the adults enter a trance and wander off, Cosette and her friends text each other about it as Riley sends a picture of the adults and she and the others head over to help.

When Hattie wakes up, she sends you a group text to meet up at the High Roller. Once there, everyone greets Hattie. Emmett, Dahl, Taeyo, Jennie, and Cosette happy welcome her back as Noah hugs her. As Phoebe and her friends shriek in excitement, Areum calls the meeting to order. As they discuss their next move, Emmett says he checked on the wax museum where the adults are to find it missing, indicating that the realms have not entirely merged. He takes out a flyer for a gathering the remaining goddesses have put on and Gus they pitched their idea for their Megarealm. As they pass around the flyer, they realize the event is over and the Oh sisters say they can track down Mago's Fire with a three-legged crow feather. After decided against taking a feather from the Three-Legged Crow Goddess, Areum says she knows a three-legged crow working for Persimmon, a tech company in the Godrealm. After questioning how they will enter the Godrealm, Taeyo reveals he used scales and fur from the goddesses to creat a program to track portals to the Godrealm, but says it is unstable and they could end up trapped in the Godrealm miles from their target. They are it is a risk they need to take and Taeyo lists three locations of portals- the Mob Museum, Eiffel Tower replica, and M&M's World- and Hattie forms teams. First, Dahl, Taeyo, and Emmett are assigned to the Mob Museum, Second, Noah, David, Cosette, and Jennie are assigned to the Eiffel Tower replica. Third, Riley and Areum are put with Hattie Togo to M&M's World. Lastly, Phoebe and her friends are tasked to keep an eye on things in the Mortalrealm.

She and her group manage to enter the Godrealm and end up at the Mountain Tiger Goddess's college and are quickly apprehended. They are brought to Tokki Pharmaceuticals, where they are put in cages, and used as test subjects for a mind control formula that will work on gifted children. As they are out cold, Riley, Hattie, and Areum are brought to the room to be tested on as well. Once the three wake up in their cages, the four fill them in. As Hattie looks for dirt to use as a weapon, they say their biochips are useless in the Godrealm as they are powered by the elements in the Mortalrealm. As the others explain the gummies they ever forced to test, with the mind control gummies still deemed not ready, they say the need a crowbal to open the cage doors and hope that Taeyo, Emmett, and Dahl have made it to Persimmon. Soon someone enters the room and introduces himself as a three-legged crow named Sahm, Areum's friend from Persimmon who said their companions reached him and are back at his office. As Sahm works on the locks, he says he found when Taeyo reworked his program to find humans and that Dahl has managed to talk his co-workers into disagreeing with the Megarealm. Fearing someone will walk in on them, Riley asks Sahm to hurry, but he says the building is empty as everyone is attending the tournament to determine the Megarealms's prime minister, stating the goddesses do not wish to run the Megarealm themselves. When asking about the adults in their army, Sahm mentions the goddesses referred them them as a volunteer peacekeeping force. Upon Sahm releasing everyone, Riley recites the Haetae's prophecy and suggests they need the key of keys in addition to Mago's Fire. Hattie then suggests they enter the tournament to get the key and fire, much to everyone’s shock. Soon, they hear something in the vents and are surprised to see Namjoon. As Hattie greets Namjoon, Riley wonders how he arrived as Hattie translates for the imugi, shocking everyone. Riley theorizes that Hattie can understand Namjoon due to the power of the Water Dragon Goddess. Hattie says that Namjoon is telling her that the rips in the realms have gotten worse. Riley tells them they have to hurry to the tournament, but Sahm says only citizens of the Godrealm can enter. Hattie insist Riley compete as she is the Last Fallen Star while Riley insists Hattie take part due to having the Water Dragon Godess's powers. However everyone insists Riley to it and she agrees. As it is a masquerade tournament, Sahm gives Riley a Phantom of the Opera style mask to wear and David gives her gummies that temporarily give the eater rabbit ears. Sahm gives Riley two of his feather and tells her they will point her to what she is looking for and instructs one to find the key of keys and the other to find Mago's Fire. As Sahm is about to take everyone to Persimmon, David says he is staying behind to try and find a cure for the adults mind washing and Jennie and her stay with him as Noah goes with Hattie. Sahm tells Areum to take Riley to Hungry Holes, a glow in the dark mini golf course.

After David manages to reverse engineer a cure for the mind control gummies, she, him, and Jennie recruit the moon rabbits to help disburse it among the crowd. After the goddesses lure Riley into a trap in a theater, Namjoon, Boris, Hattie, Emmett, James, Eunha, Taeyo, Cosette, Noah, Jennie, Sahm, Charles, Maru, Okja, Sora, Austin, Emmett, the Haetae- with the mayor in its jaws, Phoebe, and two other members of RilOh arrive. As the goddesses are distracted, Riley destroys the key and gives a piece of Mago's Fire to everyone, including the goddesses, who revert to infant animals. As everyone takes in their victory, Emmett suggests the Yeomra be made a janitor as the mayor pleads for death instead. As everyone thinks of ways to separate the realms, Riley knows the only way is for her to become the new sun. The others try to talk Riley out of it, but she insists it is the only way. They say their goodbyes and Riley uses Emmett’s bracelet to link herself into her loved ones and the goddesses. The Haetae takes Riley to the stratosphere and she becomes the new sun, giving magic to everyone.


Cosette is a pretty girl of Korean descent. She resembles a K-pop star.


At first, it is assumed Cosette is a bully who hangs around the other bullies in the Gifted Community. However it is later revealed that she is kind and helpful to others.


  • Mystiokinesis: As a witch, she can use magic. She lost her magic, along with the rest of the gifted community, after the goddesses disowned the clans. She regained the ability after Riley Oh became the new sun.
    • Hallucikinesis: As a member of the Gumiho Clan, she is talented at casting illusions. She can disguise others, but she must know who she is disguising them into as well.
The Gifted Clans series
Books: The Last Fallen Star | The Last Fallen Moon | The Last Fallen Realm
Main Characters: Riley Oh | Hattie Oh | Boris | Emmett Harrison | Dahl Oh | Areum
Secondary Characters: James Oh | Eunha Oh | Cosette Chung | Noah Noh | David Kim | Jennie Byun | Taeyo | Okja | Sora Kwon | Austin | Yeomra the Great | Bob | Heo Jun
Minor Characters: Bongjoon Pyo | Sookhee Harrison | Mrs. Kim | Mrs. Lee | Mr. Hong | Mong | Charles | Cheol | Yeowu | Sahm
Korean Gods: Cave Bear Goddess | Three-Legged Crow Goddess | Water Dragon Goddess | Moon Rabbit Goddess | Nine-Tailed Fox Goddess | Mountain Tiger Goddess | Mago Halmi
Mythical Creatures: Dragon Scooter | Cheollima | Haetae | Inmyeonjo | Dokkaebi | Gwisin | Ineo | Imugi | Salmosa | Bulgae | Bonghwang | Moon Rabbit
Related Content: Graci Kim | Rick Riordan Presents | My Night at the Gifted Carnival