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Zane Obispo Not part of Riordanverse

The following article/section is from the Storm Runner/Shadow Bruja continuity under Rick Riordan Presents and not the Riordanverse canon.

The Crystal Prince is the calcified remains of a seventeen year old boy in the Actun Tunichil Muknal.


Shortly after dying, he was tasked by Ah-Puch with guarding the entry to the Maze of Nightmares.

Shadow Bruja Duology[]

Lords of Night[]

Ah-Puch tasks him to guide Ren Santiago, Edison, and Monty through the maze to the market at the central. He leads the three to a staircase leading to the maze and informs the three they must not talk until their feet touch all one hundred steps. The prince vanishes after saying no one has exited the maze in the last century and the three descend.


He is a calcified skeleton, however he can take on the appearance he had in life with dark hair and eyes and a dark complexion. He wears board shorts and a muscle shirt.


He is helpful.

Shadow Bruja Duology
Books: Lords of Night | Dawn of the Jaguar
Main Characters: Ren Santiago | Montero | Edison
Secondary Characters: Abuelo Santiago | Marco | Serena
Minor Characters: Kenji | Diamante | Ezra | Sir Switchblade | Zane Obispo | Zyanya
Lords of Night: Xiuhtecuhtli | Tezcatlipoca | Piltzintecuhtli | Centeotl | Mictlantecuhtli | Chalchihtlicue | Tlazolteotl | Tepeyollotl | Tlaloc
Mayan Gods: Ah-Puch | Pacific | Nakon
Creatures: Demon
Related Content: Jennifer Cervantes | Storm Runner Trilogy | Rick Riordan Presents