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Not Part of Riordanverse
The following article/section is from the Gifted Clans continuity under Rick Riordan Presents and not the Riordanverse canon. |
“ | Honestly, you’re ‘just’ the excuse I’ve been waiting for. Like I said, I’m destined for much greater things, and I can’t stay cooped in this station forever. […] Besides, I have a good feeling about you, kid. I can sense it in my hair. | ” |
–Dahl to Riley about his goals and ambitions upon first meeting her in The Last Fallen Moon. |
Dahl Oh is a heaven-born who helps Riley Oh restore the magic of the Gom Clan. Dahl is later revealed to be the Last Fallen Moon, a shard of the dark moon. Because of this, he is Riley's soul twin. After relocating to the Mortal Realm, Dahl is adopted by the Oh family. After being captured to lure Riley into a trap, Dahl sacrifices himself to save her and becomes the new moon.
Dahl was born and raised in Cheongdang and resides in an orphanage. He enjoyed when Heo Jun would visit. Growing up, Dahl was told what he was and that he had a sister, but was never told her identity.
The Gifted Clans series[]
The Last Fallen Moon[]
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After seeing a girl sitting on the ground, he goes over to check on her. After finding out she snuck into the Spiritrealm, he offers to be her guide, wanting to do greater work then a janitor. She agrees and they set out. As they exit the terminal, Riley is surprised to find Jiok resembling a cross between New York City and a theme park and he explains that Yeomra the Great changed to structure of the underworld to both boost the economy and improve the attitude of souls upon reincarnation. Still in shock, he leads Riley to the Boiling Oil restaurant and tries to speed things up by talking to the blunder. The bouncer keeps telling them to get in line as Riley begs Dahl to listen. Just then the door opens and an old woman emerges with a mop and bucket as the bouncer punches him. He ducks before grabbing the mop and uses it as a staff to fight the bouncer. Soon he defeats the bouncer and the judge on the restaurant, Ko Munitee, comes out of the restaurant and Dahl tries to get them to remember him from his “internship” last summer. However they only remember Dahl as the kid who showed up to work after being turned away. Dahl convinces them to let him and Riley in and they follow Ko to the kitchen. Ko explains how busy their hell has become lately as two volunteer staff start to fight. When they enter the kitchen, Ko takes some of Riley’s hair and fries it. They reveal the she longed to be part of a community that shunned her and made a decision that coast the community everything. As Ko is about to sentence Riley to fifty years, he chimes in and convinces them to let Riley work with him for that time. Ko agrees and Riley expresses her concerns about it when Dahl says her slate will be wiped clean when she returns to the Mortalrealm and, if she plays her card right, will not have to return to the Boiling Oil Restaurant. Riley thanks Dahl and had him lead the way to her next vacation. He and Riley end up at the Shattering Speed Funpark just as the judge, Oh Nesty, is about to go in vacation. He pulls Riley over to the judge and convinces him to let Riley take the test. However she fails to provide her soul identification number, which she did not get by running from security, and Dahl shows the judge his and convinces Oh to let him take the test for Riley. Dahl is given three different colored pills- red for lies, yellow for withholding facts and half truths, and green for truth- and told Riley will not spend time at the park if his face lights up all green. He takes the pills and they ask questions. First Dahl is asks his biggest hope and says he wants to leave the underworld and live in the Mortalrealm and his face is green. Second he is asked his biggest fear and after some hesitation, he says he fears not living up to his expectations and failing as his face remains green. For the last question, his biggest secret, he hesitates for a long time before saying he has an unhealthy obsession with keys and his face turns yellow. As Riley is about to be sentenced to a decade at the park, Dahl changes it to say that he is not as confident as he lets on and his face becomes a yellowish-green but the judge accepts it as true and Riley is spared the fun park. She thanks him as to judge drives off and they head to the last stop. As Riley and Dahl walk to the Hungry Beasts Petting Zoo and Café, he tells Riley the judge for this hell, Kim Pasheon, is about compassion and only punishes murderers, something he believes she could not do. However she reveals she killed the Cave Bear Goddess to stop her from entering the Mortalrealm and Dahl is amazed that he is speaking to the girl who took out the goddess as she has become the talk of the realm. When they arrive, they find it void of vacationers and workers. Dahl explains that the zoo houses Imugi They see a group of imugi in a cage and they smell the two. However they stop short and a woman appears who introduces herself as the judge and to call her Pash. She happily greets him and Riley as she has one of the imugi, Namjoon, lick Riley and use the salvia to make coffee to judge her life. Pash says Riley’s life looks good, but when she drinks it she learns the girl has killed somebody important and feels guilty about. As Pash complements Riley’s guilt,the girl is sentenced to a thousand years. Pash leaves with Namjoon and he apologizes for her fate before realizing the imugi are coming at them. He tells her to run but she tries and fails to hold them off and Riley is injured. As they are about to rip them to shreds, the imugi stop and face away from them as Riley notices her sister. The sisters hug as Dahl, Yeowu, and an old man put the last of the imugi in their cage. Dahl gives her the hairpin back as Hattie introduces the old man as Cheol, her tour guide. Riley becomes fearful when she says that but Hattie reassures her that she is in a coma and, as she is between life and death, can travel the realm freely. Hattie then scolds Riley for her plan but wants to help. Riley tries to talk Hattie out of it to no avail. Cheol gives Hattie his keys to heaven as he gushes over them. To hide Riley’s brand, Cheol uses his Gumuho magic to mask it and he and Yeowu stay behind to cover for her and will try to think of a lie to tell Pash if she returns. Cheol says the closest way to heaven in at the Natural History Museum and he guides the sisters their. He takes Hattie and Riley to a public restroom and uses Cheol's keys to open the door to reveal a stairway leading to Cheondang. The three go up and into heaven where they find humans and animals talking to each other. Hattie tells Riley that souls in Cheondang can shift between their soul animal and human forms, but it is forbidden in Jiok to respect the souls still being sentenced. Hattie says her spirit animal is a lion as he reveals that, as a heaven-born, he does not have one. Hattie and him by food as Riley does not have the necessary credentials for it, and they reach Heo Jun's house at nightfall. Dahl rings the bell but no one answers. They see the lights on and knock on the door, it opens and they find Heo Jun unconscious on the floor. The three check on the saint as Heo Jun bolts awake and he introduces the Oh sisters to Heo Jun. He tells the three he was going to get some tea before he felt funny and passed out. Heo Jun notices the cut on Riley’s arm has become infected and takes her to the kitchen. Heo Jun gives Dahl and Hattie tea and cookies as he heals Riley’s arm. After doing so, Heo Jun brings Riley, who he recegnizes as the girl who took out the Cave Bear Goddess, tea and cookies as she asks him to become the Gom's new patron god. Heo Jun agrees and the sisters celebrate before noticing the saint has gone limp, his eyes become black and he snarls before returning to normal. He passes out again and Riley, Hattie, and Dahl bring him to his room. He is concerned for the saint’s wellbeing. After realizing having a Gom heal him would be impossible as Heo Jun powers them, he says their only option is the Spring of Eternity, water on the chalice of the Statue of Eternity that flows into the River of Reincarnation. However he says it is illegal to take the water from the chalice and, if caught, their souls will be erased. The three agree to do it and Dahl informs the sisters they need to swim. The three return to Jiok to reach Eternity Island, where the chalice is located, and think of how to get their undetected. Hattie suggests prattle boarding and the others agree. They find some in a rental and head for the island. While the Oh sisters are doing well, he is struggling and falls into the water. As Riley and Hattie giggle at him, Riley offers him to come with her and he accepts, as they get close, Riley and Dahl feel a thud under their board and the two capsize. They see a woman with a fishtail and black eyes who grabs Dahl and pulls him under, Hattie hits the woman with her paddle and Riley’s onyx stone floats out of her pocket and starts to heat as a nearly identical white stone floats out of Dahl's jacket and grows colder. The two stones fuse together and emit a blinding light. When things calm down Riley examines the fused stones as the fish woman comes to her senses and apologizes. Riley theorizes she is affected with the same thing as Heo Jun and demands Dahl tell her what he is hiding. He remains silent until Hattie threatens to leave him to paddle on his own. Dahl then reveals he is the Last Fallen Moon, and the twin brother of Riley. Riley and Hattie are stunned by this revelation as neither the Horangi or Okja mentioned Riley having a twin. Dahl explains that he and Riley are not related biologically, but spiritually. He explains that the Last Fallen Sun and Moon were separated to keep them hidden from the goddesses. Dahl also reveals the Haetae gave him his stone and told him who he was along with a prophecy. He recites it and Riley refuses to help him fulfill the prophecy and she just wants to fix what what she broke. The fish woman comes to and, after apologizing, introduces herself as Bada, an Ineo, and explains how a third section of the Spiritreal for aquatic life has been poisoned by something that is causing everything to have violent outbursts. He mentions that the River of Reincarnation is the main water source of the realm and Bada says a blockage on the island is causing it. The three agree to let Bada pull them to the island as the sun rises. However when they get close, Bada becomes aggressive and pulls Hattie under. Rileys goes after them and uses the fused stone to cure Bada again. They reach the surface as Bada apologizes. Hattie reaches shore as Riley convinces a reluctant Dahl to give Bada the stone to help her friends and family. Bada thanks them as she swims down and the two swim to shore. Dahl scouts out the island and returns with news of a protest blocking the way to the chalice. They find the protesters dressed as soup ingredients and approach them. The lead protester says the mayor has closed of the chalice and has stopped making memory soup and is not giving out permits for rebirth. Dahl is dragged away to join the protest he returns, they ask how to get in and the lead protester suggests breaking in. They enter the statue and find the pipe flowing from the chalice contains only contaminated water and they realize the spring itself is corrupted. They decide to split up with him Riley, Hattie, and the lead protester going to shut off the flow as the rest stand watch. The four are given two walkie-talkies and they head up. The lead protester becomes exhausted when they reach the head and Dahl watched over him as the Oh sisters continue on. The sisters find the chalice as polluted as the water and report in. The lead protester starts to cry as he mourns his chance to see his love Jangsoo again. He explains how Jangsoo was the last to be reborn and they were supposed to leave together, but he wanted to stay longer. Soon the police arrive and a protester says she will hold them off as long as she can as the lead protester tells the sisters to go to the Memory Archive and get Jangsoo's memories as he was the last to leave and might have noticed something. He chooses to stay behind as twins from the protest shift into their avian soul animals and fly Riley and Hattie away. He and the protesters are arrested and he refuses to say where Riley and Hattie are, however a protester reveals where they went and he and Bob are put in a van and driven to the Memory Archives where the Oh sisters are arrested and they tell Hattie and Riley that Heo Jun is stable. As they are driven away, Bob explains the process of being expunged as an agonizing process involving having your name erased from Mago's Jokbo with a sponge made from a special tree. The van stops outside an H-Mart and the sisters have bags thrust onto their heads and dragged through the aisles until they are locked in a cell. They try to think of a way out before morning, when Riley will return to her body, and realize it already is morning. After Cheol's glamour wore off, Dahl realizes Pash's brand is keeping her in the Spiritrealm until her sentence is over. Just them Areum, Riley’s inmyeonjo, flies in a reveals she and some of Riley’s friend managed to enter the Spiritrealm through the temple, but they were greeted by the authorities and Areum was the only one who got away. After learning her friends are in danger, and realizing she is stuck in the Spiritrealm and she lost her last chance to get her friends and family to remember her, Riley throws a tantrum and laments on how she made everything worse. However the others get Riley to calm down and she starts to see hope. Riley hands Bob Jangsoo's memory book, but they hear someone coming and hide it. The figure approaches their cell and opens the door, after he apologizes for their treatment, they realize he is the mayor, Yeomra the Great. He and Bob bow as the mayor unlocks the cell and offers them food in a banquet hall. They arrive at the banquet hall, but then the mayor opens the doors, they a forest. Yeomra reveals he had Gumiho and Tokki witches create this room and, after telling them everything they see is edible, they eat. When they have their fill, Riley asks about reincarnation being stopped, Yeomra becomes flustered and the others press the mayor of details. Yeomra eventually reveals that he had no knowledge of this as he was away on vacation. He also reveals he restructured the Spiritrealm to have Jiok residence get a taste of Cheondang and to make souls want to stay rather then be reborn. After Yeomra insists he has no idea how the pollution in the river came to be, Riley shows him the memory book and says he can make things right. Yeomra puts the book in a venus fly trap and they view Jangsoo's memories. After he is a distance away from the statue, Hattie notices a flash by the chalice and the mayor has the memory enlarged for them to see. Once they rewind they find their culprits, and are shocked to learn they are the CFOs and the Mountain Tiger Goddess. They watch as the goddess pulls a snake from her arm and the judges pound the chalice with their gavels. The scene ends and everyone takes in what they saw. Hattie realizes the Gom who cursed their house were wearing tiger masks and Riley questions if she was behind it. Areum informs them the snake is a salmosa, a poisonous snake created by the Mountain Tiger Goddess. As they wonder how to remove it, Yeomra informs them the judges have sentenced the salmosa and it cannot be removed, and even if they use the gavels to end the sentence only the goddess or Mago can remove it. Yeomra sends the authorizes after the CFOs and plans to expunge them. After he mentions his stone, Riley realizes the can use the eum and yang stone to purify the water without removing the salmosa. Yeomra is impressed with her plan and, pulling out a marker, agrees take them to Eternity Island to meet with Bada. He and the others stare at the mayor in confusion as he uses the marker to draw a door to Yonggung, the Underwater Borough, can calls the pen a mum-pen. Yeomra explains that by entering the borough through the door he created, they can breath underwater and will not be affected by the toxins. They ask around Yonggang until they receive word that Bada is at the center of the borough and go to her. After Bada explains how helpful the stone is, Dahl explains everything they learned and their plan and Bada agrees to give the stone back, but her brother Daeyang refuses to let her and tells Yeomra off for ignoring Yonggung for six hundred years. Soon Hattie steps in and says she understands their anger but they need to put it aside for the greater good. As Hattie talks, lightning appears above them. Upon seeing this, Daeyang agrees to hand over the stone just as the mayor gets a call. He urgently informs the others that the CFOs, aware that he would sent the authorities after them, stole the Jokbo and took hostages, threatening to expunge them if he does not come to the chalice. The group reaches Eternity Island and find five of the CFOs standing before them with hostages guarded by police and imugi. Riley tries to tell the CFOs the goddess is tricking them, but they reveal they summoned her voice their displeasure with Yeomra's changes and demand he step down. The mayor quickly agrees but Riley stops him, however the CFOs say if Yeomra does not step down, they will expunge Emmett, David, and Jennie, who are out cold on the statue’s head. Riley and Hattie are shocked and before they know it, the protesters spring into action. They use a potion to turn the police and imugi into wooden toys and a Miru protester grabs the CFOs and force them to took into a Gumiho enchanted mirror that keeps people's gaze looked on their reflection depending on their egos. Areum transforms as the mayor tells Riley to purify the spring as the others find the jokbo. Dahl finds Riley’s hairpin, which she dropped, and uses it to take to her. He, Hattie, and two protesters save Cheol and Yeowu from falling and he wrestles the jokbo from . As Riley and Pash wrestle for the stone, Dahl fights Ko for the jokbo. Riley tells Areum to drop them in the spring and she reluctantly does so. The two fall into the spring as Dahl joins them with the hairpin, which forms a key that amplifies the stone's power. Pash and the salmosa are disintegrated as the spring is purified. When he and Riley reach the ground, Yeomra gives Dahl his mun-pen as a sigh of thanks, much to Dahl's delight. Soon an old woman appears and informs them that all members of the gifted community have lost their magic. Yeomra realizes the goddesses did this as Riley realizes they did it in retaliation for the Cave Bear Goddess’s death. Yeomra offers Riley an alliance between the Spiritrealm and the Mortalrealm, which she accepts. He sends the mayor back to his office before handing the mum-pen over to Riley who, thinks of her family while drawing a door, inadvertently creates a door to the Mortalrealm by putting the key of keys into it. They see Riley’s body in the Gi Sanctuary surrounded by their friends and family. Realizing the potential they have, Dahl agrees to go to the Mortalrealm with Riley, who hugs Hattie goodbye but realizes they can visit the Spiritrealm anytime they want. Riley and him head to the Gi Sanctuary. As they walk, Riley returns to her body and everyone questions where Dahl came from as he explain how he is Riley’s soul twin and unsuccessfully tries to flirt with Cosette. They question why Areum has three animals on her as Emmett, Jennie, and David return to human form and the other help them up. As Riley's parents express their desire to heal again, they rub their wrists together to find their gifted mark’s have appeared, much to their shock and joy. Riley explains how they convinced Heo Jun to be the Gom's new patron god as he points the key of keys at the Gi Cauldron and summons the Haetae, much to everyone’s surprise. The Haetae congratulates them on saving the Spiritrealm and informs them that the goddesses are preparing for war. Before leaving, the Haetae tells Riley and Dahl they have yet to unlock the key's true potential. Soon after, Riley brings out her memory book and restores the Gom and Horangi's memories of her. They all share a tearful embrace as Riley thinks of the war to come. |
Time in Mortalrealm[]
After taking up residence in the Mortal Realm, Dahl is adopted by the Oh family and has taken their last name. He writes up a bucket list of things he desires to do.
The Last Fallen Realm[]
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Six months after the goddesses stripped most of the gifted community of their magic, Dahl has joined them at a gathering at a convention center in Las Vegas, Nevada to strategize for the upcoming battle. He is eager to see the sights as Areum reminds Dahl they are in the city for preparation. Soon Sora Kwon and Austin take the stage and, after a few people reveal they have not been chipped, the pair instructed them to do so so that they can start training and they talk about the upcoming conflict. When he and Riley are called to speak, she freezes in fear as Dahl takes the stage. Soon the sun starts to flicker and he and and the others go outside and see a bulgae emerge from a tear in the sky. Soon the sky vanishes. He helps Taeyo calm everyone down and Riley goes over to him and tells him they have to meet up with their parents. Dahl suggests they meet up at a Panda Express in the Vegas Strip, as it is half way. As they walk David Kim, Jennie Byun, Cosette Chung, and Noah Noh say they cannot join them as they are helping calm down witches at their locations, but Emmett Harrison says he can make it. The weather starts to act strange and the scenery shifts, they also see Cheollima flying over head. They theorize this is the goddesses first move until Hattie calls with Yeomra the Great to inform them the mayor thinks that Riley’s traveling between realms is the cause of it. As Riley blames herself and the others reassure her she is not responsible, the mayor says that the Godrealm has started seeping into the Mortalrealm and will soon seep into the Spiritrealm. Hattie reveals she has been having a dream about a dragon emerging from the Trevi Fountain and thinks it is Yongwang, the leader of the underwater borough of the Spiritrealm who has been missing from centuries. After Hattie mentions she rises from the water, her parents interpret this as a sigh that her body will wake up. He finds a replica of the fountain at Caesar’s Palace and suggests they go there. Riley texts everyone to head to Caesar's Palace, but only Taeyo meets the group at the fountain and he greets Dahl. As the teenagers inspector the fountain, James and Eunha looks up at the sky in a daze. When they snap out of it, they say they heard something but cannot remember what it is. As the boys theorize what it is, Riley becomes disoriented and falls into the fountain. Emmett saves her as Taeyo keeps the water at bay. Riley and Emmett find red seaweed on themselves as he says it is from the Tree of Fate, an underwater kelp forest in the Spiritrealm, and they realize the fabric of reality falling apart faster then they realized. Soon a man in a weeding cake costume hands them a flyer for two horses getting married named Charles and Maru. After looking at the flyer, Riley realizes that Charles is the Cheollima who guarded the temple library. After seeing a thumbprint, they realize it is a scale after comparing it to Boris. They realize the wedding has started and that is is inside the palace. They grab his parents and head inside. As the group watches the wedding, he and Taeyo tear up. After the ceremony, his parents wonder off and Dahl and the others follow. After failing to stop his parents, they notice other adults joining them and they follow them to the Venetian Hotelwhere Dahl realizes is what Maru was talking about. Dahl and Taeyo search the canals for evidence of Yongwang as Riley and Emmett follow the adults into a wax museum. They find an egg in the canals and are soon attacked by bonghwang. Not long after Dahl sends urgent texts and Emmett and Riley go to help. Emmett and Riley soon arrive as a group of saram watch in amusement. As one bonghwang is about to attack Emmett from behind, Riley takes the key of keys and stabs it in the stomach. Remembering that bonghwang are benevolent creatures, Riley starts to panic that she killed something that might have been being controlled. When Riley comes to, the other bonghwang are gone along with the saram. The boys say she did nothing wrong and tell her they would of done the same to defend her. Riley then calls Hattie and show her and the mayor the egg. The mayor says that Yongwang has a tendency to change into an egg to hide and rest. Hattie sends Nanjoon to the Mortalrealm to inspect it. The imugi licks the egg before laying on it. Soon the egg hatches and an injured woman appears. Everyone is confused until Hattie recognizes her as the Water Dragon Goddess. As everyone watches in disbelief, the Water Dragon Goddess says she took the form of Yongwang to get away from her sisters by using unguarded water routes that connected the three realms. She rakes out a fidget spinner and the group realizes it is Mago's Fire. As the goddess clutches her bleeding side, Riley gives her her sweater to apply pressure to the wound. The Water Dragon Goddess explains that she took the fire so that that her sisters would not use it to destroy the three realms and create one large realm in its place for them to govern. Dahl realizes that he and Riley are meant to use the fire to unlock their true potential. But before the spirit twins can take it, the Nine-Tailed Fox Goddess arrives to claiming for herself and her remaining loyal sisters. Riley realizes she has seen the Nine-Tailed Fox Goddess several times that day and that she used them to find the fire fire her. After Riley realizes the Nine-Tailed Fox Goddess was the bonghwang she stabbed, the enemy goddess grabs the fire and the key of keys before fleeing. As he questions why the goddesses want the key of keys, the Oh sisters are distressed that they may never see each other face to face again. As Dahl questions the goddess, they realizes she is close to death. The Water Dragon Goddess asks to be brought to Hattie, Riley realizes what she means and, leaving the boys behind, goes to the motel on Areum. When Hattie wakes up, she sends you a group text to meet up at the High Roller. Once there, everyone greets Hattie. Emmett, Dahl, Taeyo, Jennie, and Cosette happy welcome her back as Noah hugs her. As Phoebe and her friends shriek in excitement, Areum calls the meeting to order. As they discuss their next move, Emmett says he checked on the wax museum where the adults are to find it missing, indicating that the realms have not entirely merged. He takes out a flyer for a gathering the remaining goddesses have put on and Gus they pitched their idea for their Megarealm. As they pass around the flyer, they realize the event is over and the Oh sisters say they can track down Mago's Fire with a three-legged crow feather. After decided against taking a feather from the Three-Legged Crow Goddess, Areum says she knows a three-legged crow working for Persimmon, a tech company in the Godrealm. After questioning how they will enter the Godrealm, Taeyo reveals he used scales and fur from the goddesses to creat a program to track portals to the Godrealm, but says it is unstable and they could end up trapped in the Godrealm miles from their target. They are it is a risk they need to take and Taeyo lists three locations of portals- the Mob Museum, Eiffel Tower replica, and M&M's World- and Hattie forms teams. First, Dahl, Taeyo, and Emmett are assigned to the Mob Museum, Second, Noah, David, Cosette, and Jennie are assigned to the Eiffel Tower replica. Third, Riley and Areum are put with Hattie Togo to M&M's World. Lastly, Phoebe and her friends are tasked to keep an eye on things in the Mortalrealm. His group manages to reach Persimmon and meet with Areum's contact, Sahm. During their time at the company, Dahl manages to work the employees into an anti-Megarealm frenzy. After questioning where their friends are, Taeyo reworks his program to track humans in the Godrealm and they stay behind as Sahm gets them. When Riley wins the tournament and her cover is blown, Dahl, Taeyo, Noah, Hattie, Namjoon, Sahm, and three bonghwangs appear to help. The goddesses try to shield themselves, but Hattie steals the fire as Sahm claws one of the Moon Rabbit Goddess's eyes. After Hattie heals Riley’s leg, the Three-Legged Crow Goddess grabs Dahl and demands the fire. Riley gives it to her but the goddess grabs her. Just then, Yeomra the Great arrives and tries to save both Riley and Dahl, but only succeeds in saving Riley as the goddesses retreat will him. He is taken to Mount Baekdu and telepathically contacts Riley to tell her where he is, but soon realizes it is a trap and tells her to stay away. The others come anyway and the goddesses describe what they need to create the Megarealm as similar to driving a car, comparing the key to a car key and the fire to a car. Upon saying they need a special soul to power it, the goddesses merge the key and fire before throwing it to the mayor. As Yeomra charges at Riley, her Allie’s try to save her before Dahl shields her with his body and is stabbed in the chest. He falls lifelessly to the ground as Taeyo begs him to be okay as the mayor states that Dahl's soul is in the key of keys. After the mayor starts the process of merging the realms, his body falls down a fissure. After dying, his soul returns to the moon and, after the Haetae saves Riley, he speaks to her. When Riley asks if he is upset that he cannot see all the places he wanted to visit, Dahl says he still can and thanks Riley for letting him be mortal. Before leaving, he says Taggy is hatching. During the fight for the key, he creates a giant wave and summons Bada and Daeyang to help get the key away from the mayor. After the goddesses are stopped and Riley becomes the new sun, he would often ask her what she saw during the day and tell her what he sees at night, much to her annoyance. As thanks for their sacrifices, Mago Halmi allows him and Riley visit their loved ones once a year. |
Dahl is a boy with white hair. He wears a leather jacket with Key birds embroidered on the back over a white T-shirt, jeans, and boots.
Dahl is a fast talker with big dreams. He is confident but uses this to hide his insecurities. He is also eager to try and see new things.
- Multilingualism: Dahl can speak English, Korean, and some Chinese.
- Oratory Skills: Dahl is a skilled orator, being able to convince the CFOs to either give Riley a reduced sentence or none at all, as well as bring people to his cause when working the employees of Persimmon into an anti-Megarealm frenzy.
- Hydrokinesis: After becoming the moon, Dahl has control over water. His control is strong enough to create a tidal wave.
- Mum-pen (formerly): After defeating the rogue CFOs, Dahl is given Yeomra's mum-pen, a marker that can create a door to anywhere in the Spiritrealm. He returns it to the mayor after realizing the dangers it can create.
- Dahl is a fan of Grease, with Danny Zuko being his favorite character.
- He is obsessed with keys.
- Coincidentally, there is a Korean folktale named Haewa Dari Doen Onui where a sister became the sun and a brother became the moon. However, Graci Kim had stated that she didn't find out about the story until after she finished her third manuscript.
The Gifted Clans series | ||
Books: | The Last Fallen Star | The Last Fallen Moon | The Last Fallen Realm | |
Main Characters: | Riley Oh | Hattie Oh | Boris | Emmett Harrison | Dahl Oh | Areum | |
Secondary Characters: | James Oh | Eunha Oh | Cosette Chung | Noah Noh | David Kim | Jennie Byun | Taeyo | Okja | Sora Kwon | Austin | Yeomra the Great | Bob | Heo Jun | |
Minor Characters: | Bongjoon Pyo | Sookhee Harrison | Mrs. Kim | Mrs. Lee | Mr. Hong | Mong | Charles | Cheol | Yeowu | Sahm | |
Korean Gods: | Cave Bear Goddess | Three-Legged Crow Goddess | Water Dragon Goddess | Moon Rabbit Goddess | Nine-Tailed Fox Goddess | Mountain Tiger Goddess | Mago Halmi | |
Mythical Creatures: | Dragon Scooter | Cheollima | Haetae | Inmyeonjo | Dokkaebi | Gwisin | Ineo | Imugi | Salmosa | Bulgae | Bonghwang | Moon Rabbit | |
Related Content: | Graci Kim | Rick Riordan Presents | My Night at the Gifted Carnival |