Detroit is the largest city in the U.S. State of Michigan. It is currently the 18th largest city in the United States. The Hyperborean Cyclops Ma Gasket and her two sons have a factory there in which Leo Valdez, Piper McLean, and Jason Grace ran into in The Lost Hero.
Percy Jackson and the Olympians[]
The Sea of Monsters[]
Detroit is first mentioned when the Laistrygonian Giants who attack Percy Jackson at Meriwether College Prep pose as students visiting from the city.
The Heroes of Olympus[]
The Lost Hero[]
Festus crash-lands and Leo, Piper, and Jason fall into a closed car plant. Piper recovers from a hurt ankle while Leo is looking for Festus. Jason then goes looking for Leo, who he thinks is gone missing, leaving Piper alone. Jason is then knocked unconscious by one of the Hyperborean Cyclopes. The Cyclopes eventually capture Piper as well. Leo is able to save the two using his fire powers after being contacted by a sleeping woman in the earth, who is the real reason for his mother's death. Festus' wires are replaced and the trio gets underway just as the Cyclopes reform.