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Riordan Wiki
Red flag
Blue flag
the flags of Ares Cabin (left) and Hermes Cabin (right) as seen in the film adaptation.

Flags are the main component of Capture the Flag. Their capture is the main objective of the game. To prevent their flag from being stolen, a team must defend it. It will switch designs depending on who the owner is. The flags are about ten feet tall and are placed in strategic places in the beginning of each game in order to prevent them from being captured by the opposing team.

When the flag has been stolen by the opposing team, and planted on their territory, it changes into the design of the cabin that captured it and the game is won by that cabin.

Known Flags[]

Athena's Cabin[]

The flag of Athena's cabin is gray with a painting of an owl above an olive tree.

Ares' Cabin[]

The flag of Ares' cabin is blood red with a bloody spear and a boar's head.

Hermes' Cabin[]

The flag of Hermes' cabin is silver with a Caduceus on it.

Camp Half-Blood[]

The flag used by Camp Half-Blood when playing against the Hunters.

Hunters of Artemis[]

The Hunters have a shimmery silver flag.


  • In the Middle Ages, when a fort put its flag upside down it either meant that the defenders were desperate or that the fort had fallen.
Personal Weapons: Riptide | Annabeth's Knife | Backbiter | Master Bolt | Poseidon's Trident | Nico's Sword | Thalia's Spear | Aegis | Ares' Sword | Ares' Shield | Caduceus | Apollo's Golden Bow | Silver Bow | Artemis' Knives | Hades' Sword | Hades' Staff | Kronos' Scythe | Ivlivs | Katoptris | Hazel's Spatha | Frank's Spear | Reyna's Spear | Juno's Gladius | Annabeth's Sword | Sumarbrander | Gungnir | Gjallar | Mjolnir | Gríðarvölr | Khopesh | Mallory's Serrated Knives | Meg's Twin Imperial Gold siccae blades | Thyrsus | Hecate's Torches | Minotaur's Axe | Leroy's Sword | Tyson's Javelin | Alex's Garrote Wire | Piper's Sword
Magical Items: Annabeth's Yankees Cap | Helm of Darkness | Pandora's Pithos | Winged Shoes | Golden Fleece | Flying Chariot | Golden Apple | Apples of Immortality | Greek Fire | Hermes' Multivitamins | Nectar and Ambrosia | Stygian Ice Whistle | Keys of Hades | Leo's Magical Toolbelt | Serapis' Staff | Magic 8 Ball | Arrow of Dodona | Pig Ball | Mechanical Spider | Angel Statues | Athena Parthenos | Chiron's Wheelchair | Diocletian's Scepter | Flaming Dodgeball | Gleipnir | Poseidon's Pearls | Queen Hippolyta's Belt | Mistletoe Arrow | Frank's Stick | Expand-o-Duck | Caligula's Caligae | Ran's Net | Rune Stones | Nábrók | Pomegranate
Spoils of War: Minotaur's Horn | Medusa's Head | Kampê's Scimitars | Nemean Lion's Pelt | Gorgon Blood | Cornucopia | Lydian Drakon Hide | Phineas' Robe and Slippers | Triptolemus's Almanac | Odysseus' Astrolabe
Items: Camp Necklace | Chameleon Armor | Daedalus' Laptop | Golden drachma | Denarius | Red Gold | Mark of Athena | Thalia's Shield | Video Shield | Wristwatch Shield | Golden Mango | Sibylline Books | Letter of Recommendation
Ships Amos' Boat | Argo II | CSS Birmingham | Egyptian Queen | Julia Drusilla Yachts | Pax | Queen Anne's Revenge | Reed Boat | Naglfar | Gorgyra's Canoe
Blessed Metals: Adamantine | Celestial Bronze | Imperial Gold | Stygian Iron | Bone Steel