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Not part of Riordanverse
The following article/section is from the Percy Jackson Movies continuity and not the Riordanverse canon. |
- This article is about the film character. You may be looking for the book character or the TV character of the same name.
“ | Look, don't worry. But you're not alone. There's hundreds in the world. Some lead normal lives, and some, I'm not allowed to divulge their names, are very famous. I'm talking about, like, White House famous. See, man, this is a place right here, this's the place where you'll learn to harness your powers. You'll train to become leaders, warriors and heroes. […] And those are your greatest gifts. When you try to read, the words float off the page, right? That's because your brain is hardwired for Ancient Greek, not English. […] Yeah. And your ADHD? You're impulsive, Percy. You can't by still! Those are your natural battle reflexes, man. They kept you alive in your fight. | ” |
–Grover explaining the basics of demigod life to Percy in Percy Jackson and the Olympians: The Lightning Thief. |
Grover Underwood is a main character in the Percy Jackson movies.
At one point, Grover encountered three demigods- Annabeth Chase, Luke Castellan, and Thalia Grace. When the four were near Camp Half-Blood, a pair of cyclopses found them and Thalia sacrificed herself to save her companions. In response, her father Zeus turned Thalia into a tree to protect the camp’s borders.
Five years later, he was tasked with scouting out Yancy Academy for potential demigods and finds and befriends Percy Jackson.
Percy Jackson (film series)[]
Percy Jackson and the Olympians: The Lightning Thief[]
When at the Yancy Academy pool, Percy manages to hold his breath for seven minutes, impressing Grover.
The following day, Percy goes on a class trip to the Metropolitan Museum of Art and he hears a voice warn him that everything is about to change. In the museum, Mrs. Dodds and Mr. Brunner, the chaperones, supervise the students. Mr. Brunner tells the class about the myth of how the gods came to power and brings up demigods. He calls on Percy to name one and he names Perseus. Mrs. Dodds calls Percy to talk and leads him into an empty room. Grover and Mr. Brunner barge in and threaten to destroy Mrs. Dodds, who reveals herself as a fury, if she does not release Percy. She does so and flies out a window. As Percy panics, Grover and Mr. Brunner try to calm him down and he tells them Mrs. Dodds demanded he give her a lightning bolt, startling the other two. Grover and Mr. Brunner discuss what to do next as Percy tries to get an explanation out of them. Mr. Brunner tasks Grover to escort Percy to camp and take him directly to his mother. Before leaving, Percy’s teacher gives him a pen. Grover does so and, upon arriving, tells Sally- Percy’s mother- they need to go. Gabe, Percy’s stepfather, intervenes as he is hosting a poker game and needs her to serve refreshments. Grover knocks Gabe unconscious and they leave the city.
As they drive, Sally and Grover give Percy a brief explanation on what he is. When they reach a stretch of farmland, a cow is thrown at their car. Sally swerves to avoid to and they are thrown off the road. The car lands upside down and Grover shatters the back window to get them out. The realize they are being chased by the Minotaur and run. They reach Camp Half-Blood and, while he and Grover can enter, his mother cannot. She orders Percy to leave her as the Minotaur kills her. Grover tells Percy to click the pen and Mr. Brunner gave him and it turns a sword. After a brief fight, Percy slays the Minotaur and passes out.
Three days later, Percy wakes up in the infirmary thinking it was all a dream until Grover informs him it was not. Percy becomes overwhelmed with the knowledge that his only family is dead and Grover takes him on a tour of camp. As they walk, Grover explains that Percy’s learning disabilities are actually his strengths as a demigod. When they arrive at the beach, they see a heard of centaurs and Percy recognizes one as Mr. Brunner. The two meet up with their teacher, who intrudes himself as Chiron. They walk to the beach and, after Grover goes off to speak with daughters of Aphrodite, Chiron shows Percy his cabin.
During Capture the Flag, Percy gets into a fight with Annabeth and Grover begs Chiron to stop the fighting, which the centaur does not. Percy is outnumbered and is about to give up, but he goes to the water and is healed and given an energy boost. Grover watches as Percy easily takes out his adversaries and disarms Annabeth. Percy takes the flag and claims victory for the blue team. Later at a feast, Hades emerges from the fire and offers Percy his mother in exchange for a Master Bolt. Percy insists he must save his mother, but Chiron is reluctant and tells Percy to stick with their original plan.
That night, Percy attempts to sneak out, but Grover catches him and tries to stop him. When he fails to stop the son of Poseidon, he goes with him and the two are soon joined by Annabeth. The three go to Luke’s cabin for advice and the son of Hermes gives them a map leading them to pearls Persephone uses to sneak guests out of the Underworld. The first pearl is located in Aunty Em's Gnome Emporium in New Jersey and Luke gives them a pair of Winged Shoes and his shield.
When the three arrive, they fan out and search for the pearl. Not long after, Grover, upon finding his petrified uncle, realizes they are in Medusa's lair. He finds Percy and the team two search for Annabeth and, using Percy’s phone to look at Medusa's reflection, find the gorgon taunting Annabeth after petrifying a woman gripping the daughter of Athena’s hand. They gain Medusa's attention and she goes after Percy as Grover frees Annabeth. Annabeth and Grover drive a pickup truck into the garden and distract Medusa as she is about to petrify Percy. Percy uses the opportunity to decapitate Medusa. The three find the pearl on Medusa's bracelet and they take her head with them.
The three take the pickup truck and drive to the next pearl, a replica of the Athena Parthenos in Nashville, Tennessee. However, Grover gets tired as he drives and they stop at a motel. As Percy and Annabeth are by the pool, Grover finds an interview with Gabe on television and calls them back to the room and they watch as Gabe paints Percy as a criminal. When Grover goes to the bathroom, he angrily picks up Medusa's head and tells the demigods not to put it in the bathroom sink. However, a maid walks by and screams upon seeing the head. The three then flee and make their way to Nashville.
When they reach Nashville, they scout out the park and find the pearl on the statues head. Grover suggests throwing his crutches to get it, but the demigods vote to wait until it closes to get the pearl. When the parthenos closes, they exit and bathroom to find five janitors. Annabeth takes them out and they call Luke to get advice on how to use the shoes. After telling Percy to get a running start, he takes off and struggles to get balanced. Eventually he gets the pearl and lands, but when he lands the janitors wake up and demand the bolt before turning into a hydra. Percy drops the pearl as he hides and tries to retrieve it. He cuts off the heads, but they grow back in twos. Grover uses the head to petrify to hydra and they get the pearl. After checking the map for the last pearl, they learn it is in the Lotus Hotel and Casino in Las Vegas, Nevada.
When they arrive at the casino, they are mesmerized by the activities, but try to remain focused on their goals. However, after eating some Lotus Flowers, they decide to have fun. Eventually, Percy is snapped out of it by his father and breaks Annabeth and Grover out of their trances. They they fight the staff to get out and steal a car. After escaping, they realize they were in the lear of the lotus eaters and learn the Summer Solstice is a few hours away.
They reach Los Angeles in a few hours and, after finding Ancient Greek graffiti on the Hollywood sign, enter the Underground. They find Charon and, after giving him drachma, the ferryman takes them to Hades' Palace. Once they arrive, they are nearly eaten by Hellhounds until Persephone calls them off. She takes the three to Hades who demands the bolt. However, Percy reveals he does not have it but Hades insists he hand over the bolt and brings forth Sally. Percy throws the shield aside to hug his mother, revealing the bolt. They realize Luke was the true Lightning Thief and Hades nearly sends the four to Tartarus before Persephone takes the bolt and blasts Hades, erasing his memory. Persephone allows the four to leave but, with only three pearls, Grover volunteers to stay behind.
With Zeus's help, Grover is released from the Underworld and shows Percy his new horns.
Percy Jackson: Sea of Monsters[]
As Percy and Clarisse La Rue compete on the obstacle tower, Grover cheers Percy on and says he is betting on him, much to Annabeth's annoyance. As Percy is about to win, the son of Poseidon chooses the save a camper in distress and is knocked out, resulting in the daughter of Ares winning instead. As he and Annabeth comfort Percy, Grover listens feats he believes Percy did, only for him to be told Clarisse did them. Later, Chiron calls Percy to the Big House and he and the daughter of Athena company him. They are told that a second child of Poseidon has been found, a cyclops named Tyson.
While Grover is accepting of Tyson, Percy feels it is a cruel joke by his father and Annabeth is hostile towards him. As Clarisse mocks Tyson, the campers feel strong vibrations and check on the barrier. It shatters and a Colchis Bull appears. Grover and the rest of the campers try to stop it, with Percy managing to destroy it. Soon they learn that Luke has poisoned Thalia's Pine Tree.
As Annabeth searches for answers, she stumbles across the Golden Fleece. Grover is against it as any stayr who tried to find the fleece was never heard from again. They tell Dionysus, but the wine god rejects it and later claims it as his own. Clarisse and a satyr named Ichneutae are selected to travel to the Sea of Monsters to retrieve the fleece.
Fearing Clarisse fails to understand the gravity of the situation, Percy, Grover, Annabeth, and Tyson to go to find the fleece themselves after Percy recruits them. After calling the Gray Sisters' Taxi, they tell the three they want to go to Florida and they agree to take the four. After they mention the prophecy, Percy takes their eye and threatens to drop out the window if they do not tell him more. They tell Percy four numbers and demand their eye back, which he reluctantly agrees to. When Annabeth realizes, they are short on drachma, the Gray Sisters kick the four out in Washington, D.C. and they walk get coffee to plan their next move. However, he is abducted by Luke’s forces.
The son of Hermes forces Grover to lead his followers to the fleece, but once they reach Polyphemus' Island, the demigods are eaten by Polyphemus and Grover disguises himself as a cyclops chambermaid to locate a take the fleece. After finding that Polyphemus always has the fleece on him, he thinks of a way to get it. A few days later, he notices that Percy, Annabeth, Tyson, and Clarisse have found him. They come up with a plan to have Grover distract the cyclops and take the fleece. However Polyphemus smells them and attacks. After a brief skirmish, the five take the fleece from Polyphemus and trap him in a cave. Not long after Luke and his forces arrive and demand the fleece. Luke tries to shoot Percy, but Tyson takes the arrow for him and falls off a cliff into a river.
Percy, Annabeth, Grover, and Clarisse are restrained as Luke places the fleece on the coffin and waits for Kronos to be revived. As Percy mourns Tyson, the others tell him they need to act and he frees them. Percy goes after Luke as the others take care of the son of Hermes forces. Kronos is resurrected and consumes Grover, Luke, and Luke’s forces. Percy slashes at Kronos's ankles and his feet return to the coffin. Percy manages to disintegrate Kronos, freeing those the titan ate, and take the fleece. However Annabeth is fatally wounded by the Manticore, who is promptly killed by Grover and Clarisse, They place the fleece on Annabeth and save her life before returning to camp.
A few days after returning to camp, a girl has emerged from Thalia's tree. Grover gets Percy and everyone is shocked to learn that she is Thalia.
Grover is a satyr physically in his mid to late teens with short black hair, dark eyes, and a dark complexion.
Grover is friendly and protective of his friends.
- Agility: Grover is very agile, being able to go down steep slopes with ease.
To be added
- Grover is a masculine given name of English origin meaning “Grove Dweller.”
- Underwood is a surname of English origin meaning “Under or below Wood”.
Percy Jackson | |
Films: | Percy Jackson and the Olympians: The Lightning Thief | Percy Jackson: Sea of Monsters |
Main Characters: | Percy Jackson | Annabeth Chase | Grover Underwood | Tyson | Clarisse La Rue |
Secondary Characters: | Sally Jackson | Chiron | Luke Castellan | Chris Rodriguez |
Minor Characters: | Gabe Ugliano | Oracle of Delphi | Ferdinand Underwood | Hysterical Woman | Charon | Ethan Nakamura | Silena Beauregard | Polyphemus | Thalia Grace | Ichneutae |
Olympians: | Zeus | Poseidon | Hades | Athena | Dionysus | Hermes | Ares | Hephaestus | Demeter | Hera | Apollo | Artemis | Aphrodite |
Minor gods: | Persephone | Ganymede |
Titans | Kronos |
Monsters: | Alecto | Minotaur | Medusa | Hydra | Hellhound | Cyclops | Colchis Bull | Laistrygonian Giant | Manticore |
Related Content: | 20th Century Fox | Percy Jackson and the Olympians |