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Dragon Pearl RR Not Part of Riordanverse

The following article/section is from the Thousand Worlds continuity under Rick Riordan Presents and not the Riordanverse canon.

Gyeong-Ja is a human cadet in the Thousand Worlds Space Forces, assigned to the Pale Lightning. She is training to be a navigator.

Thousand Worlds series[]

Dragon Pearl[]

During breakfast in the Pale Lighting’s mess, she and other girl are overheard by Kim Min, disguised as the recently deceased Bae Jang, about why the human “Jang” would choose to be around supernaturals such as Haneul and Sujin. Later during Lieutenant Hyosu’s simulated dog fight. She is paired with “Jang”, she flies while “he” shoots. They do well together and “Jang” asks about Jun. She refers to him as a traitor along with the others with him.

The following day she asks Hyosu if the Dragon Pearl is as powerful as legend says it is.


Gyeong-Ja is prejudice against supernaturals.

Thousand Worlds series
Book: Dragon Pearl | Tiger Honor | Fox Snare
Main Characters: Kim Min | Juhwang Sebin | Bae Jang | Juhwang Hwan | Kim Jun
Secondary Characters: Haneul | Sujin | Sena | Captain Hye | Lieutenant Hyosu | Lieutenant Ju-Won | Manshik | Nari | Security Officer Seok | Kim Seonmi | Juhwang Matriarch | Baik Jee | Euna | Namkyu | Special Investigator Yi
Minor Characters: Bora | Areum | Byung-Ho | Chul | Eui | Eunhee | Gyeong-Ja | Hae | Lieutenant Commander Ju-Eun | Lieutenant Seo-Hyeon | Woo-Jin | Yong
Supernatural Species: Fox Spirit | Dragon | Tiger Spirit | Dokkaebi | Shaman | Ghost | Celestial
Related Content: Yoon Ha Lee | Rick Riordan Presents | The Initiation