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AruShah Not part of Riordanverse

The following article/section is from the Pandava Quintet continuity under Rick Riordan Presents and not the Riordanverse canon.

Kadru (pronounced: "KAH-droo") is considered the mother of snakes. She is one of the daughters of Daksha ("DUCK-shah"), a celestial king.


Both Kadru and her sister, Vinata, were the wives of Kashyapa, a powerful sage. While Kadru gave birth to a thousand nagas, including Vasuki and Takshaka, Vinata had only two sons, Aruṇa and Garuda, the charioteer of Surya and king of bird respectively.

Kadru had once challenged Vinata to guess the tail color of Uchchaihshravas, one of Indra's vahanas. Vinata said the tail is white and Kadru argued that it was black. Then Kadru directed her naga sons to coil around the horse's tail, causing it to appear black. As a result, Vinata lost the bet and she had to become the slave of Kadru. One day, in a palace, Kadru and Vinata were watching Garuda covered in his writhing cousin nagas. Kadru wanted Garuda to take them out for some fresh air, although he wasn't her slave, Kadru could have Vinata tell him to do whatever she wanted. After years of service, Garuda managed to free him and his mother from Kadru, this is why birds and snake never trust each other.[1]

Rick Riordan Presents[]

Pandava Quintet[]

Aru Shah and the Tree of Wishes[]


Kadru had similar eyes and chins as her sister, Vinata. She was draped in a sari made of glimmering scales.



  1. Aru Shah and the Tree of Wishes, Ch. 26
Pandava Quintet
Books: Aru Shah and the End of Time | Aru Shah and the Song of Death | Aru Shah and the Tree of Wishes | Aru Shah and the City of Gold | Aru Shah and the Nectar of Immortality
Main Characters: Aru Shah | Mini | Brynne Rao | Nikita | Sheela | Kara | Aiden Acharya | Sleeper | Meenakshi | Takshaka | Rudy
Council of Guardians: Boo | Urvashi | Hanuman | Jambavan | Uloopi | Kubera | Surasa
Secondary Characters: Krithika P. Shah | Palace of Illusions | Durvasa | Navdeep | Hira | Opal | Ravana
Minor Characters: Pandavas | Arielle Reddy | Poppy Lopez | Burton Prater | Brahmasura | Valmiki | Shukra | Shakuntula | Rambha | Jaya and Vijaya | Rahuketu | Garuda | Kadru | Uttanka | Shikhandi
Devas: Indra | Dharma Raja | Vayu | Ashvins | Vishnu (Mohini, Narasimha, Rama, and Krishna) | Shiva | Chitrigupta | Ganesh | Lakshmi | Ritus | Kamadeva | Varuni | Varuna | Ratri | Ushas | Agni | Brahma | Maruts | Aranyani | Vishwakarma | Surya | Yamuna | Chandra | Rohini | Shani | Saranyu | Chhaya
Creatures: Makara | Asura | Chakora | Naga | Rakshasa | Vahanas | Ek and Do | Timingala | Time | Wish | Zombie | Apsara | Yaksha | Yali | Vanara
Related Content: Roshani Chokshi | Beware the Grove of True Love | Rick Riordan Presents