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Sikander Aziz Not part of Riordanverse

The following article/section is from the Sikander Aziz series continuity under Rick Riordan Presents and not the Riordanverse canon.

Call this a fighting stance? Where did you learn swordsmanship, a circus?

–Kasusu to Sikander after the boy first wields him in City of the Plague God.

Kasusu is the very first sword ever created. He is also able to talk.


Kasusu was created thousands of years ago. When Marduk fought and slew Tiamat, he did not take Kasusu with him as he had many other god-weapons. The sword subsequently regretted not being there for that battle. It has taken the form of many swords through history such as Excalibur, the sword of King Arthur. Kasusu was also used by Alexander the Great and was the sword that cut the Gordian Knot.

At one point, it came into the possession of Ishtar and they took part in many battles together, such as fighting the Nazis in World War II.

Sikander Aziz series[]

City of the Plague God[]

When Nergal, Sidana, and Idiptu broke into Mo's to steal the flower of immortality, Belet Amari arrives with Kasusu to stop them. Later when Sikander Aziz is at Ishtar's House, he finds the sword in a room and tells him to put it down when he picks it up.

The following day he tells Sik stories about his time with Gilgamesh, including one where he rejects Ishtar. He tells Sik to fight Sargon and laughs when the cat easily defeats him. Later as Sik is being moved into Belet's room, he criticizes them for calling nonviolent problems problems. Later Belet carries to to fight Nergal, but she reluctantly hands it over to Ishtar. When Belet is in danger, it is thrown to Belet and the goddess is impaled by Nergal. Three days later it gives Belet a pep talk and tells them they need a plan. After it is taken to Central Park, it is happy to see Gilgamesh again, but is shocked to learn he is now a pacifist.

After Sik returns from Kurnugi with the Flower of Immortality, he readies to take out the demons and poxies who surround Gilgamesh's Glass Ziggurat.

Later as they are delivering a potential cure for the plague, he is wielded by Belet as she holds of Nergal's forces to give Sik time to reach the hospital and nearly delivers the finishing blow to Nergal, but the god evaporates before he can do so.

Fury of the Dragon Goddess[]

After Belet Amari is captured by Lugal, Sik recovers Kasusu.

In an altered destiny, Ishtar adopts Sik and Mo while Belet is adopted by Lugal instead. Ishtar trains Sik in fighting and swordsmanship and gives him Kasusu on his eleventh birthday. After gaining access to the memories and knowledge from his altered destiny, Sik gains the ability to wield Kasusu expertly. Much like Sik, the sword appears to retain his memories of the original version of events.

Sik wields Kasusu against the resurrected Tiamat, slashing apart the dragon goddess with the fragments then being stabbed by Mo with a venomous fang, destroying them. The last piece of the goddess attacks and destroys itself in pain and fury. Before the battle, the sword notes that Marduk didn't take him with him the first time he slew Tiamat, having plenty of other god-weapons in his armory, and Kasusu regretted not being there for that battle.

After Tiamat's death and the Tablet of Destinies being wiped clean, reality is restored to normal. Kasusu is presumably either restored to Belet by this or Sik gives the sword back.


Kasusu loves to fight and is critical of anyone he does not feel fits the mold of a warrior.


  • Adaptability: Kasusu is able to adapt to its current wielder as all other swords are modeled after it.
  • Vocal Communication: Kasusu is able to talk.
  • God Killing: As a god-weapon, Kasusu is capable of killing gods. Belet Amari intended to use the sword to kill Nergal and Sikander Aziz was able to use it to kill Tiamat.


  • Kasusu speaks with a militaristic tone.
  • Kasusu is the second talking sword seen, first in the imprint, the first before Sumarbrander.
Sikander Aziz series
Books: City of the Plague God | Fury of the Dragon Goddess
Main Characters: Sikander Aziz | Gilgamesh | Belet Amari | Mohammed Aziz | Daoud | Rabisu
Secondary Characters: Kasusu | Sidana | Idiptu | Nadeem Aziz | Mina Aziz | Sargon
Minor Characters: Tirid | Ada | Humbaba | Zack | Hobbs | Clyde | Mr. Georiou | Bagheera | Shere Khan | Simba | Achilles | Florence | Saghulhaza | Mr. Khan | Farouk Khan | Duncan | Charlie Yen | Jake | Mr. Grant | Brian Walker | Helen of Troy
Mesopotamian Gods: Nergal | Ishtar | Erishkigal | Dumuzi | Lugal | Tiamat
Magical Creatures: Asakku | Lamassu | Ugallu | Poxie | Basmu Serpent | Humbaba
Related Content: Sarwat Chadda | Rick Riordan Presents | The Loneliest Demon