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Not part of Riordanverse
The following article/section is from the Paola Santiago continuity under Rick Riordan Presents and not the Riordanverse canon. |
“ | Body snatchers? I guess Emma’s friend has been binging “X-Files”. My “dad” had a real-alien-encounter phase, Emma’s friend. Why don’t you yuk it up with him sometime. | ” |
–Kit to Pao during their first encounter in Paola Santiago and the Sanctuary of Shadows. |
Kit is a member of the Rainbow Rogues.
Paola Santiago series[]
Paola Santiago and the Sanctuary of Shadows[]
As she and the rest of the Rainbow Rogues are waiting for the bus in the parking lot of Silver Springs Middle School, Emma Lockwood arrives with a friend and she and other club members greet Emma, but she acts coldly towards Pao and reminds Emma she promised to sit with her. Just then one of the chaperones, a woman named Poppy, arrives and simply lets Pao join without seeing a permission slip or contacting her parents. When Poppy leaves, she and the Rogues present laugh at Poppy's behavior and assume she took cold medicine. When Pao mentions body snatchers, everyone stops laughing and Kit mocks Pao for believing in aliens. She sits with Emma on the bus and the two listen to music together.
At the end of the day the bus stops at a dude ranch in Van Horn, Texas and Poppy let’s the kids decide the sleeping arrangements. Pao goes by the fire when Emma comes over to her with her and Robin Long and asks if Pao wants to see the horses. Pao remains silent as she mocks Pao and pulls Emma away. They return to find Pao and Poppy fighting, and the other girl tells them to run. As Emma and Robin run, she takes a rake and attacks Poppy. Pao uses the opportunity to stab Poppy and the girls watch as she melts. Kit demands answers and Pao reluctantly tells her. As Pao prepares to go on alone, Emma suggests they take Kit, for her fighting skills, and Robin, who has a learner’s permit. After hearing about Robin, and Pao agreed to let them help. She and Robin tell Kyle Poppy is sick as Pao and Emma go to speak the bus driver. Pao and Emma meet back up with her and Robin with the keys and they tell them Kyle is calling lights out soon. They board the bus and wait an hour before driving off without headlights to not alert everyone. To ease Robin's nerves, Kit plays a Backstreet Boys song, as her fathers were fans of the band. They successfully leave the ranch. As Robin drives, she keeps the older girl focused and mocks Pao when she tries to induce a dream.
They arrive in Santuario shortly before dawn and Pao tells her and Robin to drop her and Emma off and go to San Antonio and call their parents under the guise of escaping a kidnapper. However they refuse as someone slams into the windshield and Robin accidentally drives the bus into a ditch. They girls end up in the stairwell by the door and a crow with glowing green eyes approaches them. She makes her way to the driver’s seat to open the door as another crow breaks in. Kit opens the door and the girls tumble out as they realize hundreds of crows are swarming the bus and they run to a cornfield. She touches a broken hunt with an injured and and gets blood on it, which they pass again. Pao realizes they are in a liminar space, the area that protects entrances Void entrances and trap victims in loops. They keep passing the bloody corn and Pao reveals she does not know how to get out. In her grief, Pao drops her Alma del Arma and it reverts to a magnifying glass they reveals where to go. She is reluctant to follow Pao but Robin persuades her. The girls follow the magnifying glass as the crows attack them. Pao alternates between magnifying glass and spear as she keeps the rogues safe. Soon they find the church and lock themselves inside before collapsing on the floor. Pao has a vision of her shadow self and realizes she knows they are in Santuario and alerts the others when she comes to. Pao heads to the altar and tells Emma to take Kit and Robin back to San Antonio if something happens to her. Soon Pao returns with Dante Mata in tow and she is confused and demands answers. As Pao catches everyone up to speed, Dante asks why Kit and Robin are with them and she questions if they could trust him. Pao explains that the Rogues helped her get to him while explaining to Kit that he has been through a lot and she tries to portal back to Silver Springs and she keeps interrupting, once to spite Pao and a second time out of shock by the lights. Pao moves to a window and, after a conversation with Emma, Pao gets an idea. Pao tells everyone to think of a place to Silver Springs and it starts to work, but El Cucuy finds them and shows Pao images of her loved ones dead and her home destroyed to distract her.
They end up by the Gila River and Dante land on each other. As they untangle themselves, Pao realizes Emma is missing and calls out her name and, thankfully, Emma replied. The girls run up to each other and embrace as Emma tries to tell Pao something, but Dante interrupts and she and the others come over. Pao and Emma separate as Kit flashes a dirty look. Dante suggests they go to the Camp of the Niños de la Luz. Pao tells him they moved to a warehouse in town and it would be easier if they went to the Riverside Palace. When they arrive, Kit expresses her surprise that the building has occupants and is reluctant to go in, but does so when Pao informs her she will have to wait outside. As Pao opens the door, her parents and Bruto greet her, and they are shocked to see Dante. After Pao's parents greet everyone, they go to the living room where Maria tells the group Emma’s mother called and informed them of her impromptu trip and vanishing with three other girls in Texas. As Beto is uncertain what to reveal in front of Robin and Kit, Pao informs them that it is El Cucuy Who is behind it and explains how he is building an army. Beto scolds Pao for disobeying him, which she retorts him for, as Pao berates that she took action as he and the Niños just stood around. After Pao's parents talk, Beto gathers somethings and tells them he is taking them to the Niños's warehouse.
Beto drives her, the other children, and Bruto to the warehouse and tells them to wait as he talks with Franco. While he has his back to the kids, Pao tells Robin about a nearby bus stop and she runs to it while she volunteers to stay. Beto drops them off as the girls start to scream and they wake Naomi. Naomi greets the four and mentions Marisa got a call about a ghost half an hour ago, around the same time Beto called Franco. Pao finds it suspicious and Naomi takes them to the other Niños, who are eating lunch outside. Dante stays behind the keep an eye out for Beto and Franco, and watch Bruto, as the girls speak to the Niños. Naomi gets their attention as Pao stands on a picnic table and informs the Niños about her trip into the Void and El Cucy's plan. Pao also reveals Franco is keeping them in the dark just as Franco and Beto arrive. The Niños berate Franco for keeping them in the dark as Beto berates Pao for disobeying him. Beto says he will keep her away from the fighting until Pao reveals she is the entry point. Beto takes Pao to discuss things further. After Beto realizes Robin is gone, she gives him Robin's address and, after learning El Cucuy will strike in ten days, she decides to help train the Niños.
Soon Beto and Franco return with Robin tied up between them and Pao storms over to them. They say Robin is a copy who was switched out with the real one after El Cucuy caught them portaling. They also theorize she stole Pao's spirit weapon, which could reveal her true nature, and ditched it before they found her. Pao, Kit, and Emma try to convince them otherwise to no avail as they take Robin into the office. The girls think of a way to prove Robin is really her as Dante comes over saying that would not work as El Cucuy implants important memories in his copies. Pao asks why he asked her about Mario Kart and he explains how the memory was not as important to her as it was to him and says El Cucuy does not bother putting minor and neutral memories in his copies. Pal fails to think of anything that could work, Emma does not know Robin well enough to think of something, and Kit, despite knowing Robin for five years, reveals she does not know anything that could help. Emma suggests getting Robin's fathers involved and Pao shoots it down, but Dante thinks it might help. They try and fail to convince Franco before revealing Robin's current situation to the other Niños. They are angry and Naomi volunteers to fight Franco. Soon Pao calls her mother and she brings Robin's fathers to the warehouse. After they deduce that Robin is not an imposter, Kit is forced by Emma to reveal she took Pao's arma del alma out of curiosity and hit it where someone would find it. Pao berates her for the act as Kit gets offended and walks away. Soon the ground shakes but stops soon after. When Dante is revealed to be the copy, he opens a portal to the Void and attacks Pao. She and Naomi hold him of as Pao goes to see if Beto or Franco knows how to close it to no success. Soon Shadow Dante projects nightmare and El Cucuy threatens to kill those aiding Pao last, after forcing them to watch their loved ones die. Shadow Dante vanishes soon after and the images stop. After Pao reveals she is the granddaughter of La Llorona and promises to fight for the Niños, Kit sides with her, she hands out her lipstick to the Niños to mark themselves and distinguish them from the copies. As the time to fight draws near, Pao says they should not hesitate to kill and she will help them figure friend from foe.
Soon the shadows start coming out one at a time and the Niños manage to hold them off for a while by forming two defensive rings and switching positions that takes out most of the shadows. However El Cucuy traps the Niños in illusions of their worst nightmares. Pao manages to slap her, Naomi, and Franco awake and they go back to fighting, but when she wakes Kit, Kit is soon mesmerized by the nightmares again. However she soon breaks free and stands back to back with Emma and Naomi. Soon Pao comes through a portal holding a cube, the source of El Cucuy's power, and she and the others each take on some of the fear as the enemy vanishes when the cube disintegrates. After the battle she requests to join the Niños de la Luz, but is rejected and cleans up.
Kit is a girl in her early teens with short black hair, dark eyes, and a light complexion. After El Cucuy is defeated, she is revealed to have lost four teeth in the fighting.
Kit is confident and standout-ish, and not afraid to harass potential rivals. She is untrusting of people she is not familiar with.
- Kit is part of her school's boffering club, wielding foam weapons, meeting with them on Wednesdays.
Paola Santiago series | |
Books: | Paola Santiago and the River of Tears | Paola Santiago and the Forest of Nightmares | Paola Santiago and the Sanctuary of Shadows |
Main Characters: | Paola Santiago | Dante Mata | Emma Lockwood | Bruto | Naomi |
Secondary Characters: | Maria Santiago | Ondina | Marisa Martínez | Carmela Mata | Beto | Joaquín | Kit | Robin Long |
Minor Characters: | Karen Lockwood | Sal | Franco | Aaron | Johnny | Shadow Dante |
Mythical Creatures: | Chupacabra | La Llorona | Ahogada | La Mano Panchona | Lechuza | Duendecillos | Cadejo | The Hitchhiker | El Cucuy | Falsita |
Related Content: | Tehlor Kay Mejia | Rick Riordan Presents | Bruto and the Freaky Flower | Disney+ series |