This article is a comprehensive list of locations in the Kane Chronicles. There are a great variety of locations in the Kane Chronicles. They are traveled to and from, not only through portals, but other means as well.
A map for the locations of The Red Pyramid can be viewed at the Kane Chronicles UK site at Explore the Map.
North America[]
- Brooklyn, NY, USA - (home of the Brooklyn House, the 1st part of The Book of Ra, and the 21st Nome.)
- Washington, D.C., USA - (home to the Washington Monument, the biggest obelisk.)
- Memphis, TN, USA - (city in which Thoth now resides)
- Las Cruces, NM, USA - (where Michel Desjardins battles the Kanes and releases Sekhmet)
- El Paso, TX, USA - (through which the Rio Grande passes and where the Kanes and Bast battle Sobek)
- Dallas, TX, USA - (the 51st Nome, formerly home to a copy of The Book of Overcoming Apophis)
- White Sands, NM, USA - (missile testing site, where Sadie has a dream vision of Geb.)
- Phoenix, Arizona, USA - (former location of the Red Pyramid)
- Toronto, Canada - (the 100th Nome, former home of a copy of The Book of Overcoming Apophis)
South America[]
- Rio de Janeiro, RJ, Brazil - (Cleo's old home)
- London, UK - (city in which the Fausts reside and the 9th Nome)
- Paris, France - (city of Desjardins and the 14th Nome)
- Dublin, Ireland - (former home of Sean Ryan)
- St. Petersburg, Russia - (headquarters of Vlad Menshikov, location of the second scroll of the Book of Ra, and the 18th Nome.)
- Alexandria, Egypt - (Cleopatra VII's capital city)
- Cairo, Egypt - (home to Heliopolis and the First Nome)
- Bahariya, Egypt - (location of the third scroll of the Book of Ra)
- Al-Hamrah Makhan - (Zia Rashid's village)
- Tokyo, Japan - (234th Nome, former home of a copy of The Book of Overcoming Apophis)
- North Korea - (the 300th Nome and where Kwai was banished)
- 360th Nome - (a punishment assignment, where Sarah Jacobi and several other magicians were banished.)