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Tristan Strong Not part of Riordanverse

The following article/section is from the Tristan Strong continuity under Rick Riordan Presents and not the Riordanverse canon.

The seeds of hate can only sprout in fertile ground. Do not rush to blame all of this on the haint. But symptoms care not about who administered the poison. If the storm spreads, it will seep into the very fabric of this world and also into yours. It will corrupt all the stories, breaking them into fragments to be spread far apart and never heard from again.

–Mami Wata warning Tristan of the affects of the storm if it spreads in Tristan Strong Destroys the World.

Mami Wata is the African American goddess of Nyanza, the source of the City of Lakes. She is connected to all the sources of water in Alke.


Mama Wata originated in fifteenth century Africa.

When Nana Strong came to Alke, the both of them, along with Lady Night and Keelboat Annie, traveled Alke.

Tristan Strong Trilogy[]

Tristan Strong Destroys the World[]

Mami Wata was taken by the Shamble Man and chained into the remains of the Tree of Power on MidPass, forced to create a storm composed of darkness and negative emotions that threatens all of Alke. She is later found by Tristan Strong, Ayanna, Gum Baby and Anansi and freed. She explains the devastating effects the storm has on Alke and his world as they escape the imploding tree. She manages it stop it by creating a geyser. When Tristan mentions his grandmother, she tells him of her travels in Alke and goes with them to find Brer Bear. As they fly to Lady Night's Juke Joint, Tristan introduces her to his companions. She greets Ayanna, revealing she saw her flying over Nyanza at times, complements Gum Baby, causing the doll to blush, and Anansi, telling them she heard rumors about him trapped in a Story Box. She compares Tristan to his grandmother, calling them both stubborn in a good way, as they reach their destination. When they arrive, they find the joint in ruins and no one around. However they find Lady Night and a group of warriors from the Ridge. The water goddess and Boo Hag embrace and are soon joined by Keelboat Annie and wishing Tristan's grandmother was with them. However the storm reaches the Golden Crescent and they realize Brer Bear has arrived.

As they fly to the Golden Crescent, she, Tristan, Keelboat Annie, and Lady Night imbue a quilt with stories as they prepare to take on Brer Bear. After Tristan's first plan fails, she pulls him into the bay and doses him with multiple jets of water, causing his armor to come off. Tristan helps remove the armor and mask, but the storm is still raging on. She fends off waves from the bay to keep the others safe. As the residents of Alke are trying to sail to Tristan's world, she helps direct them to the rip leading to his family's farm. They make it to Tristan's world, however most of the Alkeans are separated from the group. She takes refuge in the keelboat, now in a tree, along with John Henry, Keelboat Annie, Lady Night, Brer Bear, Brer Rabbit, and Nyame. Two days later they find a piece of Uncle Cotton's mask and shattered bottles under the bottle tree and realize the haint now has more allies. When they relay the information to Tristan, he reveals that the SBP can track the Alkeans in his world.

The Cursed Carnival and Other Calamities: New Stories About Mythic Heroes[]

The Gum Baby Files[]

She contacts Gum Baby, Ayanna, and Junior shortly after they flee Alke to tell them Tristan is missing.

Tristan Strong Keeps Punching[]

After Tristan fights a Coffle, he inadvertently sets the barge he is on on fire and she puts it out. The following night on her steamship, she berates Tristan for his recklessness as he explains to them that King Cotton is back and they have to act immediately, they reveal to Tristan that they will handle it and he is being sent home to Chicago with Gum Baby. He tries to protest, but they say his anger demonstrates during the previous night makes him to much of a liability and take the SBP from him. They say their goodbyes and leave. The following morning she encounters a spirit trying to talk to her and she summons Tristan. He talks to the spirit, who tells them to turn around as Angola is not safe. As Mami wata asks what the spirit told him, Tristan sees a prison filled with the ghost of the enslaved and their overseers, as well as modern prisoners and guards, and he realizes Angola is a prison.

She and the other's voice their desire to keep going, even the River Queen wants to move forward. However Tristan sees something and, after taking Ayanna's and her hands and putting Gum Baby on his head, he gets them to see the ghostly old mansion surrounding the prison as he realizes it is a former plantation. Tendrils dragging spirits into it, including the River Queen. She tries and fails to break the ship free as she is ensnared by the tendrils and the others try to free her. She is brought to her cabin to rest, however she is further drained when they run into a trap set by Patty Roller. After using more power to escape, Tristan reveals a theory that Cotton is gathering the stories of African Americans where they suffered from the most. After looking at a map, Ayanna predicts that Cotton's next target is Fort Pillow north of Memphis, Tennessee. Anansi becomes elated and reveals he has sensed various Alkean signals from Memphis and believes his son is their. As Tristan tries to tell the trickster to not get his hopes up, he scolds Tristan for failing to find Junior and reveals he has put in a request to Nyame to be taken out of Tristan's custody, be given his true form back, and have Tristan removed as anansesem. She sadly confirms it and places Tristan on probation until they hear back from the sky god, confines the boy to his cabin, and confiscates the SBP.

She and the other gods search for Cotton to no success. After Tristan, Ayanna, and Thandiwe return from a failed rescue mission with a limp Gum Baby, the gods examin Gum Baby and discover the doll was drained of magic. She, Keelboat Annie, and Nyame call Tristan in and they scald Tristan for leaving and confine him to his quarters until they reach Chicago. Tristan says he had to stop Cotton, but the gods say they have been searching for the haint with no success. As they consul Tristan over High John, the boy says that gods cannot die as long as their stories are told and vows, as an anansesem, to tell their stories. Just then the River Queen comes to an abrupt holt near St. Louis as Ayanna tells them to come outside. They head to the bow to see half a dozen ships occupied by redliners, who demand they handover Tristan quickly as they need to move. The gods stand in front of the boy as he sneaks away.

After Tristan goes missing and manages to contact them, she rejoices as he finds Junior and panics when learning Cotton has Tristan's bracelet. Later she and the other gods join John Henry on the shore of Lake Michigan as Cotton almost over powers the steel driving man and box Cotton in, however Tristan realizes it is a trap, but warns the gods to late as Patty Roller leads hundreds of breakers into battle against the gods. She and the other gods put up a good fight but soon grow tired. However Tristan takes out the living plantation giving King Cotton his power, as well as the haint himself. After the battle, she and the others congratulate Tristan as he exits the ruble that was Old Angola. After the sky god buys a tour bus, she and the other gods decides to take the others gods on a tour of the United States to search for more Alkeans.


Mami Wata is a woman with dark skin and a skinny build. She has dark hair braided in cornrows that flows around like she is submerged even on dry land tied in a ponytail. In the olden days, she was portrayed as a mermaid.


Mami Wata is a wise and caring goddess. However after being taken by the Shamble Man, she is somewhat hostile those she just met.


  • Hydrokinesis: As the Goddess of Lakes, Rivers, and Streams, Mami Wata can control and manipulate water.
  • Tychokinesis: Mami Wata can grant others good fortune.


Tristan Strong Trilogy
Books: Tristan Strong Punches a Hole in the Sky | Tristan Strong Destroys the World | Tristan Strong Keeps Punching
Main Characters: Tristan Strong | Ayanna | Gum Baby | Anansi
Secondary Characters: Thandiwe | King Cotton | John Henry | Eddie Garvey | Maafa | Chestnutt | Nana Strong | Junior | Patty Roller | Granny Z
Minor Characters: Alvin Strong | Jessica Strong | Walter Strong | Fezile | Netta | Old Familiar | Mr. Richardson | Reggie Janson | DJ Kulture | Big Big | Terence Strong | Memphis Jones | Harold | Darla
African American Gods: Brer Rabbit | Brer Fox | Brer Bear | Sarah | Rose | High John | Tarrypin | Sis Crow | Keelboat Annie | Mami Wata | Lady Night
West African Gods: Anansi | Nyame
Creatures: Haint | Fetterling | Hullbeast | Brand Fly | Leopard Statue | Python Statue | Abiyoyo | Mmoatia | Plat-eye | River Spirit | Talking Skull | Boo Hag | Coffle | Twennymiles | Breakers
Related Content: Kwame Mbalia | Rick Riordan Presents | The Gum Baby Files