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Zane Obispo Not part of Riordanverse

The following article/section is from the Storm Runner/Shadow Bruja continuity under Rick Riordan Presents and not the Riordanverse canon.

Hurakan (left) and K'ukumatz (right), the Maya creator gods

The Mayan Gods are gods and goddesses worshiped by the followers of the Maya religion.


  • Ah-Muzen-Cab - God of bees[1]
  • Ah-Puch - God of death, darkness and destruction
  • Akan - God of wine
  • Alom - God of the sky
  • Camazotz - God of bats[2]
  • Chaac - God of rain, thunder, and lightning[3]
  • Hurakan - God of wind, storm and fire
  • Itzamna - Creator and moon god associated with writing
    • Itzam-yée' - A bird deity who sits on the Ceiba World Tree and a different version of Itzamna
  • Jun Jun'ajpu'- God of maize
  • K'ukumatz - God of the sea and "coolness"
  • Nakon - God of war
  • Seven Macaw - "Some guy who wanted to be the supreme god"[4]
  • Yant'o Triad - Three brother deities referred to as Good (Yant’o), Bad (Usukun), and Indifferent (Uyitzin)
  • Yum Balam - Jaguar lord[5]


  • Ixchel - Goddess of love, marriage, pregnancy, healing, moon, beauty, land, water and medicine
  • Ixkakaw - Goddess of the cacao tree and chocolate
  • Ixkik' - Goddess of the Blood Moon
  • Ixtab - Goddess of people who were sacrificed or died a violent death
  • Ix-tub-tun ("eesh-toob-TOON") - A stone-spitting goddess
  • Pacific - Former goddess of time
  • Yohualli ("yoh-WAL-lee") - A new goddess of spells and magic



  • The "Ix" in Mayan goddesses names is the Mayan female agentive prefix.[6]
  • Kab'raqan, the giant, is sometimes the god of earthquakes
  • Mayan Gods are able to communicate via telepathy, an ability that can be passed down to their children.[7]


Storm Runner Trilogy
Books: The Storm Runner | The Fire Keeper | The Shadow Crosser
Main Characters: Zane Obispo | Brooks | Rosie | Hondo Obispo | Ren Santiago | Jordan | Bird
Secondary Characters: Mrs. Obispo | Antonia Caballero | Ixtab | Muwan | Quinn | Antonio Marcel De la Vega | Jazz | Louie | Marco | Adrik | Alana
Minor Characters: Mr. Ortiz | Pacific | Saqik'oxol | Abuelo Santiago | Clementino | Itzel | Fausto | Red Queen | Gee | Serena | Sipacna | Kip
Mayan Gods: Ah-Puch | Hurakan | K'ukumatz | Ixkik' | Bakab | Yant'o Triad | Nakon | Ixkakaw | Ixchel | Itzamna | Alom | Camazotz | Chaac | Akan
Mexica Gods: Tlaltecuhtli
Creatures: Demon Runner | Nawal | Alux | Demon | Giant | Hellhound | Mud Person | Ahuizotl
Related Content: Jennifer Cervantes | Shadow Bruja Duology | The Cave of Doom | Rick Riordan Presents