Miles is a resident of Folkvanger.
Magnus Chase and the Gods of Asgard[]
The Sword of Summer[]
Miles greets Blitzen when he and Magnus Chase arrive in the Vanir afterlife, Folkvanger.
9 from the Nine Worlds[]
Well, That was Suprising []
Miles is awoken by Halfborn Gunderson when asking where Freya is so that he may hunt dragons. He says the goddess is away but he can take the bezerker to the dragons. As they approach the dragons he tells Halfborn he could just walk up to them and take the scales since they are heavy sleepers. Just then Thor runs by and the dragons wake up and attack. He is shocked when Halfborn kills the dragons but relaxes when he learns they will be reborn.
Hotel Valhalla Guide to the Norse Worlds[]
My Chat with Freya[]
Miles talked to Snorri Sturluson, asking if Snorri’s supposed to be in Sessrumnir, Freya's Temple, thinking he’s a “Fart Elf (Svartalf)”. Snorri then said that he was supposed to interview Freya, and that he was not a “Fart Elf”, he was a thane. Miles then apologised, calling Snorri “Athane” and saying that he wasn’t sure if Freya was home, and offered a beverage item and salty item when Freya appeared with a confused young woman. The woman said that her name was Ag-Agnes (Agnes) but Freya decided that her name should be Kitty. Freya then said that Miles should explain everything to Kitty. After that, Miles and kitty departed.