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Dragon Pearl RR Not Part of Riordanverse

The following article/section is from the Thousand Worlds continuity under Rick Riordan Presents and not the Riordanverse canon.

Nini Juhwang is a Tiger Spirit and the parent of Juhwang Sebin.

Thousand Worlds series[]

Tiger Honor[]

After the clan matriarch calls a meeting, they and their wife go to the meeting hall. When the Matriarch informs them that Hwan has been branded a traitor by the Thousand Worlds, they and the others are in disbelief and outraged for their clan name to be tarnished, the Matriarch calls Juhwang Hasun, a rear admiral in the Space Forces, for clarification. Hasun answers and confirms Hwan has indeed been branded a traitor for going after the Dragon Pearl. When Sebin speaks up for the admiral, they inform the young tiger spirit of their acceptance into the space forces. After hearing this, they and the council listen as the Matriarch orders Sebin to act look into Hwan and do anything to clear the family name.

Thousand Worlds series
Book: Dragon Pearl | Tiger Honor | Fox Snare
Main Characters: Kim Min | Juhwang Sebin | Bae Jang | Juhwang Hwan | Kim Jun
Secondary Characters: Haneul | Sujin | Sena | Captain Hye | Lieutenant Hyosu | Lieutenant Ju-Won | Manshik | Nari | Security Officer Seok | Kim Seonmi | Juhwang Matriarch | Baik Jee | Euna | Namkyu | Special Investigator Yi
Minor Characters: Bora | Areum | Byung-Ho | Chul | Eui | Eunhee | Gyeong-Ja | Hae | Lieutenant Commander Ju-Eun | Lieutenant Seo-Hyeon | Woo-Jin | Yong
Supernatural Species: Fox Spirit | Dragon | Tiger Spirit | Dokkaebi | Shaman | Ghost | Celestial
Related Content: Yoon Ha Lee | Rick Riordan Presents | The Initiation