Riordan Wiki
Riordan Wiki
Riordan Wiki

North Yorkshire is an English county in Northern England.

Magnus Chase and the Gods of Asgard[]

The Ship of the Dead[]

The crew of the Big Banana go to the county, specifically the city of York, by sailing through the River Oure to get information on Kvasir's Mead. After fighting the jotunn Hrungnir and his clay creation and finding what they came for, they set sail to the actual location of the mead, Flåm in southwestern Norway.

Locations (MC)
Nine Worlds: Alfheim | Asgard | Helheim | Jotunheim | Midgard | Muspellheim | Nidavellir | Niflheim | Vanaheim
Cities and Towns: Boston | Flåm | New London | Provincetown | York
Administrative Divisions: Connecticut | Massachusetts | New Hampshire | North Yorkshire | Sogn og Fjordane | South Carolina
Countries: Norway | United Kingdom (England) | United States of America (Confederate States of America)
Continents: Europe | North America
Other Locations: Alderman Estate | Bifrost | Blitzen's Best | Boston Public Library | Bridal Veil Falls | Cape Cod | Charles River | Charleston Harbor | Chase Mansion | Dorchester | Fadlan's Falafel | Folkvanger | Fort Wagner | Ginnungagap | Hotel Valhalla | Loki's Cavern | Longfellow Bridge | Lyngvi | Morris Island | Nabbi's Tavern | Provincetown Airport | River Oure | Sessrumnir | Svartalfheim | The Thinking Cup | Vigridr | Yggdrasil