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Tristan Strong Not part of Riordanverse

The following article/section is from the Tristan Strong continuity under Rick Riordan Presents and not the Riordanverse canon.

Now come along. There are more of your kind to gather, not to mention the wretched ghosts traipsing up and down these banks. Like gnats, they are. I’d rather collect children then those spectral nuisances any day.

–Patty to Tristan during their first encounter in Tristan Strong Keeps Punching.

Patty Roller is a Haint. She collects children to "re-educate" them. She is the leader of the Redliners.

Tristan Strong Trilogy[]

Tristan Strong Keeps Punching[]

She lays a trap at a fork in the Mississippi River and waits for the River Queen. When it arrives, she pretends to be injured and Tristan Strong pulls her out. However she mistakenly calls him by his name, which she has not told him, and she springs her trap. Tristan tries to run, but she clamps onto his wrist and says she will "re-educate" him. However, the River Queen smashes through the two other boats and Patty's grip loosens as Tristan makes a run for it. Patty goes after him as he goes towards Vicksburg. She finds him after the bot raises the USS Cairo and, after being attack both the River Queen and the USS Cairo, she is blasted down river.

She and the recliners arrive at Granny Z's Skatepark looking for someone. She grabs Chayse and flees on Twennymiles, a horse haint. She hides in a strip mall before escaping.

Upon arrival in Chicago, she rides Twennymiles as King Cotton siphons energy from Old Angola. When the Alkean gods arrive, they lead hundreds of breakers into battle against the gods. When Anansi arrives and berates her for stealing his son, she says the boy needed to be taught a lesson as her voice trails off and Granny Z has Erzulie Dantor pull her and Twennny beneath the sand.


Patty Roller is a haint resembling an elderly woman of European decent with a gray bobcut and translucent gray skin. She wears white clothing. Her cheeks have permanent tear marks.


Patty Roller is a cruel haint who seeks to "educate" any child she deems trouble and to erase the negative events in American history.


  • Patty Roller's name is a play on "paddyroller", a term for people who wondered around looking for runaway slaves in the American south between 1704 and 1865.
  • She travels by way of a white steamship.
Tristan Strong Trilogy
Books: Tristan Strong Punches a Hole in the Sky | Tristan Strong Destroys the World | Tristan Strong Keeps Punching
Main Characters: Tristan Strong | Ayanna | Gum Baby | Anansi
Secondary Characters: Thandiwe | King Cotton | John Henry | Eddie Garvey | Maafa | Chestnutt | Nana Strong | Junior | Patty Roller | Granny Z
Minor Characters: Alvin Strong | Jessica Strong | Walter Strong | Fezile | Netta | Old Familiar | Mr. Richardson | Reggie Janson | DJ Kulture | Big Big | Terence Strong | Memphis Jones | Harold | Darla
African American Gods: Brer Rabbit | Brer Fox | Brer Bear | Sarah | Rose | High John | Tarrypin | Sis Crow | Keelboat Annie | Mami Wata | Lady Night
West African Gods: Anansi | Nyame
Creatures: Haint | Fetterling | Hullbeast | Brand Fly | Leopard Statue | Python Statue | Abiyoyo | Mmoatia | Plat-eye | River Spirit | Talking Skull | Boo Hag | Coffle | Twennymiles | Breakers
Related Content: Kwame Mbalia | Rick Riordan Presents | The Gum Baby Files