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Permanent Makeup is magic makeup that affects the recipient's face and hair, and can last for few days, weeks, or possibly months. It was created by demigod children of Aphrodite and is impossible to remove in the time period that it lasts. It is considered a "curse" that Aphrodite's children can put on people who make them angry or a blessing that is established on children of Aphrodite when they are claimed.

Percy Jackson and the Olympians[]

The Demigod Files[]

After Travis and Connor Stoll did the Golden Mango prank, Aphrodite's cabin, in retaliation for the prank, put permanent makeup on Travis. He said it made him look like a clown for a month.[1]

The Heroes of Olympus[]

The Lost Hero[]


Aphrodite, the goddess who uses Permanent Makeup in her blessing.

When Piper McLean is claimed by her mother, Aphrodite, she is given a complete makeover, which is how Aphrodite's children are claimed. Every time Piper tries to get her hair down or remove the makeup on her face, it goes back to the way it was before. When complaining to some of the other members of the cabin, they tell her it will last anywhere from a few days to a few weeks (with much glee). Because of this, Aphrodite's Blessing most likely involves the use of permanent makeup or a similar power of Aphrodite herself.


Personal Weapons: Riptide | Annabeth's Knife | Backbiter | Master Bolt | Poseidon's Trident | Nico's Sword | Thalia's Spear | Aegis | Ares' Sword | Ares' Shield | Caduceus | Apollo's Golden Bow | Silver Bow | Artemis' Knives | Hades' Sword | Hades' Staff | Kronos' Scythe | Ivlivs | Katoptris | Hazel's Spatha | Frank's Spear | Reyna's Spear | Juno's Gladius | Annabeth's Sword | Sumarbrander | Gungnir | Gjallar | Mjolnir | Gríðarvölr | Khopesh | Mallory's Serrated Knives | Meg's Twin Imperial Gold siccae blades | Thyrsus | Hecate's Torches | Minotaur's Axe | Leroy's Sword | Tyson's Javelin | Alex's Garrote Wire | Piper's Sword
Magical Items: Annabeth's Yankees Cap | Helm of Darkness | Pandora's Pithos | Winged Shoes | Golden Fleece | Flying Chariot | Golden Apple | Apples of Immortality | Greek Fire | Hermes' Multivitamins | Nectar and Ambrosia | Stygian Ice Whistle | Keys of Hades | Leo's Magical Toolbelt | Serapis' Staff | Magic 8 Ball | Arrow of Dodona | Pig Ball | Mechanical Spider | Angel Statues | Athena Parthenos | Chiron's Wheelchair | Diocletian's Scepter | Flaming Dodgeball | Gleipnir | Poseidon's Pearls | Queen Hippolyta's Belt | Mistletoe Arrow | Frank's Stick | Expand-o-Duck | Caligula's Caligae | Ran's Net | Rune Stones | Nábrók | Pomegranate
Spoils of War: Minotaur's Horn | Medusa's Head | Kampê's Scimitars | Nemean Lion's Pelt | Gorgon Blood | Cornucopia | Lydian Drakon Hide | Phineas' Robe and Slippers | Triptolemus's Almanac | Odysseus' Astrolabe
Items: Camp Necklace | Chameleon Armor | Daedalus' Laptop | Golden drachma | Denarius | Red Gold | Mark of Athena | Thalia's Shield | Video Shield | Wristwatch Shield | Golden Mango | Sibylline Books | Letter of Recommendation
Ships Amos' Boat | Argo II | CSS Birmingham | Egyptian Queen | Julia Drusilla Yachts | Pax | Queen Anne's Revenge | Reed Boat | Naglfar | Gorgyra's Canoe
Blessed Metals: Adamantine | Celestial Bronze | Imperial Gold | Stygian Iron | Bone Steel