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Paola Santiago Not part of Riordanverse

The following article/section is from the Paola Santiago continuity under Rick Riordan Presents and not the Riordanverse canon.

Poppy was a spirit who masqueraded as a chaperone for trips for the Rainbow Rogues.

Paola Santiago series[]

Paola Santiago and the Sanctuary of Shadows[]

As the Rainbow Rogues gather in the parking of Silver Springs Middle School for a field trip, she quickly accepts Pao going on the trip without a permission slip or calling her parents.

At the end of the day the bus stops at a dude ranch in Van Horn, Texas and Poppy let’s the kids decide the sleeping arrangements, shocking Pao. Soon after arriving she goes over to Pao and tells the girl to enjoy being thirteen and that every has no idea how to be thirteen. Poppy then tells Pao Emma is just holding onto Kit until Pao confesses, confusing her. Poppy then starts to mock Pao's self isolationism before growing claws and attacking the girl. Pao uses her arma del alma to defend herself as Emma, Kit, and Robin appear. She chases down the girls and Kits holds her at bay until Pao can kill her.


Poppy is tall and lanky college aged woman who wears glasses.


Poppy is a woman who cares greatly for social justice and environmentalism.

Paola Santiago series
Books: Paola Santiago and the River of Tears | Paola Santiago and the Forest of Nightmares | Paola Santiago and the Sanctuary of Shadows
Main Characters: Paola Santiago | Dante Mata | Emma Lockwood | Bruto | Naomi
Secondary Characters: Maria Santiago | Ondina | Marisa Martínez | Carmela Mata | Beto | Joaquín | Kit | Robin Long
Minor Characters: Karen Lockwood | Sal | Franco | Aaron | Johnny | Shadow Dante
Mythical Creatures: Chupacabra | La Llorona | Ahogada | La Mano Panchona | Lechuza | Duendecillos | Cadejo | The Hitchhiker | El Cucuy | Falsita
Related Content: Tehlor Kay Mejia | Rick Riordan Presents | Bruto and the Freaky Flower | Disney+ series