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Riley Oh-RR Not Part of Riordanverse

The following article/section is from the Gifted Clans continuity under Rick Riordan Presents and not the Riordanverse canon.

Sahm is a three-legged crow working for Persimmon. He is currently in a relationship with Areum.

The Gifted Clans series[]

The Last Fallen Realm[]

As he is at work, Emmett Harrison, Dahl Oh, and Taeyo arrive at his workplace telling him they know Areum and need one of his his feathers. Sahm becomes impressed with Dahl's oratory skills when he works the cafeteria into an anti-Megarealm frenzy. When Taeyo reworks his tracking program to find humans in the Godrealm, he is impressed with the boy. Sahm leaves the humans at his office as he goes to Tokki Pharmaceuticals to save their companions.

When he reaches the children, he works on the locks to their cages. As he does so, he says the building is empty as everyone is attending the tournament to determine the Megarealms's prime minister, stating the goddesses do not wish to run the Megarealm themselves. When asking about the adults in their army, Sahm mentions the goddesses referred them them as a volunteer peacekeeping force. Upon Sahm releasing everyone, Riley recites the Haetae's prophecy and suggests they need the key of keys in addition to Mago's Fire. Hattie then suggests they enter the tournament to get the key and fire, much to everyone’s shock. Soon, they hear something in the vents and are surprised to see Namjoon. As Hattie greets Namjoon, Riley wonders how he arrived as Hattie translates for the imugi, shocking everyone. Riley theorizes that Hattie can understand Namjoon due to the power of the Water Dragon Goddess. Hattie says that Namjoon is telling her that the rips in the realms have gotten worse. Riley tells them they have to hurry to the tournament, but Sahm says only citizens of the Godrealm can enter. Hattie insist Riley compete as she is the Last Fallen Star while Riley insists Hattie take part due to having the Water Dragon Godess's powers. However everyone insists Riley to it and she agrees. As it is a masquerade tournament, Sahm gives Riley a Phantom of the Opera style mask to wear and David gives her gummies that temporarily give the eater rabbit ears. Sahm gives Riley two of his feather and tells her they will point her to what she is looking for and instructs one to find the key of keys and the other to find Mago's Fire. As Sahm is about to take everyone to Persimmon, David says he is staying behind to try and find a cure for the adults mind washing and Jennie and Cosette stay with him as Noah goes with Hattie. He tells Areum to take Riley to Hungry Holes, a glow in the dark mini golf course.

When Riley wins the tournament and her cover is blown, Dahl, Taeyo, Noah, Hattie, Namjoon, Sahm, and three bonghwangs appear to help. The goddesses try to shield themselves, but Hattie steals the fire as Sahm claws one of the Moon Rabbit Goddess's eyes. After Hattie heals Riley’s leg, the Three-Legged Crow Goddess grabs Dahl and demands the fire. Riley gives it to her but the goddess grabs her. Just then, Yeomra the Great arrives and tries to save both Riley and Dahl, but only succeeds in saving Riley. The goddesses retreat as everyone questions where they took Dahl. He and the others watch as Emmett and Riley kiss and after, discuss where the ceremony is. As everyone thinks of ways to track Dahl, Riley looks at her soul twin’s phone and hears his voice. He tells her he thinks he is outside and smells of acacia. Riley relays this information to the others before Dahl backtracks and tells her not to come before ending their conversation. Using what Dahl said, they deduce that he is at Mount Baekdu and, as Riley looks at Dahl phone, she realizes he is at the Luxor Hotel. Sahm heads back to Persimmon as the others head back to Las Vegas.

After the goddesses lure Riley into a trap in a theater, Namjoon, Boris, Hattie, Emmett, James, Eunha, Taeyo, Cosette, Noah, Jennie, Sahm, Charles, Maru, Okja, Sora, Austin, Emmett, the Haetae- with the mayor in its jaws, Phoebe, and two other members of RilOh arrive. As the goddesses are distracted, Riley destroys the key and gives a piece of Mago's Fire to everyone, including the goddesses, who revert to infant animals. As everyone takes in their victory, Emmett suggests the Yeomra be made a janitor as the mayor pleads for death instead. As everyone thinks of ways to separate the realms, Riley knows the only way is for her to become the new sun. The others try to talk Riley out of it, but she insists it is the only way. They say their goodbyes and Riley uses Emmett’s bracelet to link herself into her loved ones and the goddesses. The Haetae takes Riley to the stratosphere and she becomes the new sun, giving magic to everyone.

A year later, he and Areum start living together and the two are considering having children.


Sahm resembles a large crow with three legs. One of his wings is under developed.


Sahm is helpful and kind.


  • He requires a prosthetic wing to fly.
The Gifted Clans series
Books: The Last Fallen Star | The Last Fallen Moon | The Last Fallen Realm
Main Characters: Riley Oh | Hattie Oh | Boris | Emmett Harrison | Dahl Oh | Areum
Secondary Characters: James Oh | Eunha Oh | Cosette Chung | Noah Noh | David Kim | Jennie Byun | Taeyo | Okja | Sora Kwon | Austin | Yeomra the Great | Bob | Heo Jun
Minor Characters: Bongjoon Pyo | Sookhee Harrison | Mrs. Kim | Mrs. Lee | Mr. Hong | Mong | Charles | Cheol | Yeowu | Sahm
Korean Gods: Cave Bear Goddess | Three-Legged Crow Goddess | Water Dragon Goddess | Moon Rabbit Goddess | Nine-Tailed Fox Goddess | Mountain Tiger Goddess | Mago Halmi
Mythical Creatures: Dragon Scooter | Cheollima | Haetae | Inmyeonjo | Dokkaebi | Gwisin | Ineo | Imugi | Salmosa | Bulgae | Bonghwang | Moon Rabbit
Related Content: Graci Kim | Rick Riordan Presents | My Night at the Gifted Carnival