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Warning! This page contains spoilers for Aru Shah and the Song of Death.

AruShah Not part of Riordanverse

The following article/section is from the Pandava Quintet continuity under Rick Riordan Presents and not the Riordanverse canon.

Shakuntula (pronounced: "shah-KOON-tha-luh") was a beautiful woman and a victim of Durvasa's curses.


Shakuntula fell in love with a neighboring king named Dushyanta and secretly married him. Dushyanta told his parents and promised Shakuntula that he would be back. She spent a lot of time pining for him and being lovesick, so she didn't notice that Durvasa the sage was visiting her ashram. Angry about going unnoticed, Durvasa cursed her that anyone she was thinking of would forget her immediately. But if she showed her king the ring Durvasa gave her, he would remember Shakuntula. So she went off, but the ring fell in a river she was crossing and was subsequently swallowed by a fish. The king showed up at that moment, but luckily a fisherman caught the fish, sliced it open, found the ring, and gave it to the king. Dushyanta then remembered Shakuntula and they were reunited.[1][2]

Rick Riordan Presents[]

Pandava Quintet[]

Aru Shah and the Song of Death[]

In the DMV, Aru, Brynne and Aiden followed Sage Durvasa through a golden divinity-only gate. Upongoing through the door, Aru saw that inside a row of glass display cases, there were statues that appeared to be alive. Among them was the statue of a beautiful woman sitting on the ground and weeping. A metal plaque at the bottom of the case read SHAKUNTULA.


  1. Aru Shah and the Song of Death, Glossary
Pandava Quintet
Books: Aru Shah and the End of Time | Aru Shah and the Song of Death | Aru Shah and the Tree of Wishes | Aru Shah and the City of Gold | Aru Shah and the Nectar of Immortality
Main Characters: Aru Shah | Mini | Brynne Rao | Nikita | Sheela | Kara | Aiden Acharya | Sleeper | Meenakshi | Takshaka | Rudy
Council of Guardians: Boo | Urvashi | Hanuman | Jambavan | Uloopi | Kubera | Surasa
Secondary Characters: Krithika P. Shah | Palace of Illusions | Durvasa | Navdeep | Hira | Opal | Ravana
Minor Characters: Pandavas | Arielle Reddy | Poppy Lopez | Burton Prater | Brahmasura | Valmiki | Shukra | Shakuntula | Rambha | Jaya and Vijaya | Rahuketu | Garuda | Kadru | Uttanka | Shikhandi
Devas: Indra | Dharma Raja | Vayu | Ashvins | Vishnu (Mohini, Narasimha, Rama, and Krishna) | Shiva | Chitrigupta | Ganesh | Lakshmi | Ritus | Kamadeva | Varuni | Varuna | Ratri | Ushas | Agni | Brahma | Maruts | Aranyani | Vishwakarma | Surya | Yamuna | Chandra | Rohini | Shani | Saranyu | Chhaya
Creatures: Makara | Asura | Chakora | Naga | Rakshasa | Vahanas | Ek and Do | Timingala | Time | Wish | Zombie | Apsara | Yaksha | Yali | Vanara
Related Content: Roshani Chokshi | Beware the Grove of True Love | Rick Riordan Presents