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Zane Obispo Not part of Riordanverse

The following article/section is from the Storm Runner/Shadow Bruja continuity under Rick Riordan Presents and not the Riordanverse canon.

Sir Switchblade is the alias of a twelve year old who saw a group of kids and a creature on his family’s property in Kansas.

Shadow Bruja Duology[]

Lords of Night[]

After seeing a group of children and a creature in his family’s cornfield, with one of the kids turning into a snake, he contacts Ren Santiago about the incident and leaves here his contact information. He tells his family but no one believes him.

Soon Ren calls him and convinces him to give her his address so she and her “assistant” can come to him. Sir Switchblade finds Ren and Marco in his barn and confronts them with a paintball gun. Ren and Marco say they were in the area investigating another sighting and convince him to lower his weapon as they say they took a ride share to his property. Sir Switchblade takes them to a cornfield where a seven point star with multiple circles around it was carved into a ground by lightning. Sir Switchblade said he saw the kids and creatures before the lightning strike as he walks away.


Sir Switchblade is a twelve year old boy with red hair and freckles across his nose.

Shadow Bruja Duology
Books: Lords of Night | Dawn of the Jaguar
Main Characters: Ren Santiago | Montero | Edison
Secondary Characters: Abuelo Santiago | Marco | Serena
Minor Characters: Kenji | Diamante | Ezra | Sir Switchblade | Zane Obispo | Zyanya
Lords of Night: Xiuhtecuhtli | Tezcatlipoca | Piltzintecuhtli | Centeotl | Mictlantecuhtli | Chalchihtlicue | Tlazolteotl | Tepeyollotl | Tlaloc
Mayan Gods: Ah-Puch | Pacific | Nakon
Creatures: Demon
Related Content: Jennifer Cervantes | Storm Runner Trilogy | Rick Riordan Presents