Sympathetic Magic is a powerful form of magic that binds a target's soul completely to an object somewhat similar to the target. Thus, if any damage is caused to the object, the same thing will happen to the target. It is very useful in execration spells. It needs usage of the target's Secret Name.
It was used by Vladimir Menshikov to bind Death-to-Corks to a corkscrew and used to execrate Death-to-Corks. Divine magic can be used via sympathetic magic, as the Path of the Gods also require a connection between the god and the magician. Carter and Sadie both connect with Horus and Isis respectively with their common emotions, being able to do many of the powerful spells they had lost access to after giving up the gods, until they learn to channel their respective god's power without it. Sadie and Walt were able to use a more mild form of it to bind rubble blocking a doorway to stones on the ground and then move the rubble by moving the stones.