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Riley Oh-RR Not Part of Riordanverse

The following article/section is from the Gifted Clans continuity under Rick Riordan Presents and not the Riordanverse canon.

Taeyo is a member of the Horangi Clan.


Taeyo's parents were killed during the Horangi skirmish. After the clan was excommunicated, he was raised by several of the adults of the clan.

The Gifted Clans series[]

The Last Fallen Star[]

When Riley Oh and Emmett Harrison wonder into the Horangi territory to look for the last fallen star, the two are quickly taken prisoner as he, Sora Kwon, and Austin interrogate them as he holds them down with water. After Austin summons stars from his jacket and threatens to hurt Emmett, Riley reveals their quest to save her sister by finding the last fallen star and reveals that she is a Horangi. Everyone is startled by the revelation and they release the two, he releases them and Emmett runs away while Riley goes with the Horangi. After Austin leaves, they explain how they use chips that allow them to control their dominant element as they head to a building. When they arrive, they tell her how the Horangi were guarding artifacts that the council wanted to use for themselves and how they were banished for destroying them. Riley finds this hard to believe until they show her a prophecy her parents uncovered and she realizes the first two lines happened as they hear Emmett accuse someone of killing his mom. They find Emmett in a standoff against a group of scholars and after the situation is defused and Sora reveals the boy's mother's final moments to him. He watches as Sora requests Riley be initiated into the Horangi, but she declines, much to his annoyance.

The following day, he meets up with Riley and Emmett after they go back to the Los Angeles Zoo to deliver an improved Boris to them. He reveals that he has an app that lets him communicate with gwisin, hungry spirits who have not passed on. He suggests they use it to find Emmett's mother, which he agrees to, as he says they need to find a restaurant, where they usually congregate. Riley suggests Seoulful Tacos, a resultant owned by a Tokki family, and they mount Boris as he takes a selfie of the three of them. When they arrive David Kim seats them and takes their orders. After David leaves he helps Emmett set up a profile on his app, Ghostr, to find his mom. After that fails he uses his own profile where they get better results and agree to help an old woman deliver a message to her granddaughter Jennifer, who Riley recognizes as her bully from Saturday school. Just then David returns with their food and offers to take them to Jennie after they finish. When they reach the Byun mansion and David convinces Jennie to let them in, he reads her grandmother's message and everyone starts to tear up. After Jennie's grandmother materializes, she thanks them and searches the world for Emmett's mom. However they learn that she is now a vengeful ghost due to being tricked into stealing the axe and attacking the Horangi. After her grandmother leaves, Jennie thanks them and promises to keep their visit a secret as Riley reveals she wants to imitate as a Horangi, much to everyone's surprise.

As David stays behind, he, Riley, and Emmett go back to the campus to find it under attack by an Inmyeonjo, a bird woman who destroys mirrors. They find Sora and Austin as Riley says she is ready to initiate as he and Austin take her to get chipped. After the chip is implanted and the gifted marks show, he and Austin tell her how they control their dominant element. He gives Riley his compass, which she discovers can double as a weapon, and they head out to help. They arrive to find the bird woman caged by the lake and cheers when Riley tames her. After Riley's parents and aunt arrive, he joins them, Riley, Emmett, Austin, and Sora in a shed. As the Ohs and the Horangi argue, Riley accuses her aunt of being the mastermind of the excommunication of the Horangi. Okja denied this but says she believes Bongjoon Pyo, the current Samjogo elder, is behind it due to his recent erratic behavior and the group forms an unlikely alliance and heads to Los Angeles.

They arrive at Mr. Pyo's place of work and, after he hacks into his calendar to make an appointment for his relatives, they walk right in. They find him in a meeting and, when he sees them, runs as they give chase. They corner him in his car as he, Sora, and Austin subdue him. Riley asks why he framed the Horangi. Mr.Pyo tells them Sookhee Harrison was behind everything, much to his sadness, before he comes to the realization that she was possessed by the Cave Bear Goddess as part of a plan for her and her sisters to destroy the artifacts, which are actually pieces of the dark moon and dark sun, to erase their sin so that they can enter the Mortalrealm and do what they please with humanity. After realizing the Cave Bear Goddess can possess members of the Gom, Riley asks if they can sever the clan's ties to her. Although hesitant at first, Okja reveals a spell exists and the ohs agree to it. Just then Areum arrives and says the Dokkaebi know where the artifact is. As they question where to even find a dokkaebi, Mr. Pyo says one lives in the forty-fourth room on the forty-forth floor of the temple. They leave the elder behind and, after stopping at the Tokki elder's house for a sleeping potion, they reach the temple and argue over who is going to make a deal with the dokkaebi. When they reach the room, the decide on the Ohs going in.

He and the others enter the room and, as Riley had their memories of her erased to find the last fallen star, they do not recognize her and are surprised that she knows about their plan to sever the Gom from the Cave Bear Goddess. After Riley returns Emmett's ring and takes out his compass, she believes it is the last fallen star and they head to the Gi Sanctuary. The Cave Bear Goddess arrives and asks Riley for the star. She then requests Hattie and the goddess obliges. He watches as Hattie starts to spasm before speaking in the voice of Sookhee Harrison. After she explains to her son what she did and how she regained her sense of self, she turns into a jaguar and goes to the afterlife. Riley berates the goddess for not returning Hattie, the goddess responds that, as she and the other goddesses are the daughters of Mago Halmi, all others are beneath them. Okra then starts the spell to sever the goddess from a Gom, binding the two with thread. Riley goes to cut off threads, but fails to do so as she realizes to late that the compass is not the star. As the Cave Bear Goddess berates Riley, for betraying her, Riley says she is powerless in the Mortalrealm without a host. Just then the goddess tries to possess Okja. He and the others try and fail to stop the goddess. As the others struggle to restrain the Cave Bear Goddess, he frantically searches for a source of water. The situation improves slightly with the arrival of the Noah Noh, Jennie Byun, David Kim, and Cosette Chung to help them. He and the others are shocked when Riley reveals she is the last fallen star and destroys the statue of the Cave Bear Goddess, expelling her from Okja and the mortalrealm.

As things calm down, he and the others from Saturday school try to comfort Riley, but she runs away crying to he elevators, he performs water tricks much to the amazement of David and Noah. Unknown to everyone, Riley is given a wish by the Haetae to undo anything from her past and she decides to resurrect Hattie. He does so and, after a delay, Hattie is resurrected. They all cheer and promise to find a way to restore their memories of Riley as they fill Hattie in.

The Last Fallen Moon[]

Two months after Riley killed the Cave Bear Goddess, he and Riley are at the Horangi Compound transferring old tomes to the cloud as Cosette and Emmett are playing video games. Suddenly everyone gets an emergency text from Hattie to come to her house. Riley flies on Areum, camouflaged by Cosette, as he and the others take Boris. When they arrive they enter to find Riley’s parents, Hattie, Jennie Byun, David Kim, Sora Kwon, and Austin in the hall, celebrating a belated thirteenth birthday for Riley. She realizes he and her other friends knew and they celebrate. They enjoy the party until they hear crashes and see angry Gom outside. Everyone goes outside to find red liquid forming insults at Riley on the garage. Riley starts to blame herself for the incident as he and the others volunteer to coverup the graffiti and comfort her. When they return to the kitchen for cake, everything in the kitchen starts to attack them. Austin holds off the knives as everyone flees to the hall. The hallway then attacks them and Sora pries the door open and everyone escapes. Riley's family becomes distraught when they realize their house is cursed and Sora offers to house them at their compound. Riley starts to tear up as her mother says she is not to blame. How Riley screams that it is her fault and she is not hero. Emmett and the Ohs leave with the Horangi while the others go home. During the ride Hattie falls asleep, everyone hoping she wakes up in under two days. She mentions it will rain and it pours when they arrive.

After learning what Riley did, he, Cosette, Emmett, Jennie, Noah, Areum, and David, go to the temp,e to enter the Spiritrealm. However it closes before he can enter and only Areum, Emmett, David, and Jennie enter.

He, Cosette, Noah, the Ohs, Austin, and Sora sit in the temple's Gi sanctuary as they question what is do. Riley wakes up with Areum and a white haired boy appearing out of nowhere. He and the others watch as Emmett, Jennie, and David, revert back to their human forms and watches in amazement as Dahl inadvertently summons the Haetae, who warns them the goddesses are planning to start a war. Taeyo, along with the Gom and Horangi present, get their memories of Riley back.

The Last Fallen Realm[]

Six months after the goddesses stripped most of the Gifted Community of their magic, they have gathered at a convention center in Las Vegas, Nevada to strategize for the upcoming battle. He manned the chipping station and prepares to chip the last of those waiting. Soon the sun starts to flicker and he and and the others go outside and see a bulgae emerge from a tear in the sky. Soon the sky vanishes. He and Dahl try to calm everyone down. After learning that YongWang might be at the Trevi Fountain replica at Caesar's Palace, Riley texts everyone and he arrives, greeting Dahl. As the teenagers inspector the fountain, James and Eunha looks up at the sky in a daze. When they snap out of it, they say they heard something but cannot remember what it is. As the boys theorize what it is, Riley becomes disoriented and falls into the fountain. Emmett saves her as Taeyo keeps the water at bay. Riley and Emmett find red seaweed on themselves as Dahl says it is from the Tree of Fate, an underwater kelp forest in the Spiritrealm, and they realize the fabric of reality falling apart faster then they realized. Soon a man in a weeding cake costume hands them a flyer for two horses getting married named Charles and Maru. After looking at the flyer, Riley realizes that Charles is the Cheollima who guarded the temple library. After seeing a thumbprint, they realize it is a scale after comparing it to Boris. They realize the wedding has started and that is is inside the palace. They grab Riley’s parents and head inside. As they watch the wedding, he and Dahl tear up. When Dahl's parents wonder off, he and the others go after them. After failing to stop James and Eunha, they notice other adults joining them and they follow them to the Venetian Hotelwhere Dahl realizes is what Maru was talking about. Dahl and Taeyo search the canals for evidence of Yongdang as Riley and Emmett follow the adults into a wax museum. They find an egg in the canals and are soon attacked by bonghwang. Not long after Dahl sends urgent texts and Emmett and Riley go to help.

Emmett and Riley soon arrive as a group of saram watch in amusement. As one bonghwang is about to attack Emmett from behind, Riley takes the key of keys and stabs it in the stomach. Remembering that bonghwang are benevolent creatures, Riley starts to panic that she killed something that might have been being controlled. When Riley comes to, the other bonghwang are gone along with the saram. The boys say she did nothing wrong and tell her they would of done the same to defend her. Riley then calls Hattie and show her and the mayor the egg. The mayor says that Yongwang has a tendency to change into an egg to hide and rest. Hattie sends Nanjoon to the Mortalrealm to inspect it. The imugi licks the egg before laying on it. Soon the egg hatches and an injured woman appears. Everyone is confused until Hattie recognizes her as the Water Dragon Goddess. As everyone watches in disbelief, the Water Dragon Goddess says she took the form of Yongwang to get away from her sisters by using unguarded water routes that connected the three realms. She rakes out a fidget spinner and the group realizes it is Mago's Fire. As the goddess clutches her bleeding side, Riley gives her her sweater to apply pressure to the wound. The Water Dragon Goddess explains that she took the fire so that that her sisters would not use it to destroy the three realms and create one large realm in its place for them to govern. Dahl realizes that he and Riley are meant to use the fire to unlock their true potential. But before the spirit twins can take it, the Nine-Tailed Fox Goddess arrives to claiming for herself and her remaining loyal sisters. Riley realizes she has seen the Nine-Tailed Fox Goddess several times that day and that she used them to find the fire fire her. After Riley realizes the Nine-Tailed Fox Goddess was the bonghwang she stabbed, the enemy goddess grabs the fire and the key of keys before fleeing. As Dahl questions why the goddesses want the key of keys, the Oh sisters are distressed that they may never see each other face to face again. As Dahl questions the goddess, they realizes she is close to death. The Water Dragon Goddess asks to be brought to Hattie, Riley realizes what she means and, leaving the boys behind, goes to the motel on Areum.

When Hattie wakes up, she sends you a group text to meet up at the High Roller. Once there, everyone greets Hattie. Emmett, Dahl, Taeyo, Jennie, and Cosette happy welcome her back as Noah hugs her. As Phoebe and her friends shriek in excitement, Areum calls the meeting to order. As they discuss their next move, Emmett says he checked on the wax museum where the adults are to find it missing, indicating that the realms have not entirely merged. He takes out a flyer for a gathering the remaining goddesses have put on and Gus they pitched their idea for their Megarealm. As they pass around the flyer, they realize the event is over and the Oh sisters say they can track down Mago's Fire with a three-legged crow feather. After decided against taking a feather from the Three-Legged Crow Goddess, Areum says she knows a three-legged crow working for Persimmon, a tech company in the Godrealm. After questioning how they will enter the Godrealm, Taeyo reveals he used scales and fur from the goddesses to creat a program to track portals to the Godrealm, but says it is unstable and they could end up trapped in the Godrealm miles from their target. They are it is a risk they need to take and Taeyo lists three locations of portals- the Mob Museum, Eiffel Tower replica, and M&M's World- and Hattie forms teams. First, Dahl, Taeyo, and Emmett are assigned to the Mob Museum, Second, Noah, David, Cosette, and Jennie are assigned to the Eiffel Tower replica. Third, Riley and Areum are put with Hattie Togo to M&M's World. Lastly, Phoebe and her friends are tasked to keep an eye on things in the Mortalrealm.

His group manages to reach Persimmon and meet with Areum's contact, Sahm. During their time at the company, Dahl manages to work the employees into an anti-Megarealm frenzy. After questioning where their friends are, Taeyo reworks his program to track humans in the Godrealm and they stay behind as Sahm gets them.

When Riley wins the tournament and her cover is blown, Dahl, Taeyo, Noah, Hattie, Namjoon, Sahm, and three bonghwangs appear to help. The goddesses try to shield themselves, but Hattie steals the fire as Sahm claws one of the Moon Rabbit Goddess's eyes. After Hattie heals Riley’s leg, the Three-Legged Crow Goddess grabs Dahl and demands the fire. Riley gives it to her but the goddess grabs her. Just then, Yeomra the Great arrives and tries to save both Riley and Dahl, but only succeeds in saving Riley. The goddesses retreat as everyone questions where they took Dahl. He and the others watch as Emmett and Riley kiss and after, discuss where the ceremony is.

As everyone thinks of ways to track Dahl, Riley looks at her soul twin’s phone and hears his voice. He tells her he thinks he is outside and smells of acacia. Riley relays this information to the others before Dahl backtracks and tells her not to come before ending their conversation. Using what Dahl said, they deduce that he is at Mount Baekdu and, as Riley looks at Dahl phone, she realizes he is at the Luxor Hotel. Sahm heads back to Persimmon as the others head back to Las Vegas. As they sore over the city, they see that the realms are close to merging and, as they reach their destination, find that the mountain and hotel have merged as well. They strategize before Riley lies that she knows how to activate her and Dahl's true potential. As they creep up on the goddesses, Riley heads a conversation she thinks is familiar and they strike. However the goddesses are unfazed and describe what they need to create the Megarealm as similar to driving a car, comparing the key to a car key and the fire to a car. Upon saying they need a special soul to power it, Riley realizes it is a trap and the goddesses merge the key and fire before throwing it to the mayor. As Yeomra charges at Riley, her Allie’s try to save her before Dahl shields her with his body and is stabbed in the chest. Dahl falls lifelessly to the ground as Taeyo begs him to be alright as Hattie desperately tries to heal him. Emmett comforts Riley as Yeomra says it is hopeless and that Dahl's soul is in the key of keys. Riley soon realizes the mayor has been working for the goddesses for as long as she has known him. They mayor says he sided with them to maintain his grip on power in the Megarealm and Riley realizes the tournament was a sham. When the goddesses get impatient, the mayor stabs the blood soaked key in the Tree of Life and starts the merging as the tree bleeds and screams. The goddesses bind Riley’s companions in webbing as the Mountain Tiger Goddess pins Riley down and mocks her. Boris, who is resting against the side of the walkway, transforms into a dragon. He knocks the key out of the mayor’s hand and tries to attack the goddesses before getting stuck in the webbing. Riley threatens to kill Yeomra as the mayor calls her bluff. The ground swallows up him and Riley’s other companions. They are given mind controlling gummies, but David, Cosette, Jennie, and several moon rabbits arrives with a cure.

After the goddesses lure Riley into a trap in a theater, Namjoon, Boris, Hattie, Emmett, James, Eunha, Taeyo, Cosette, Noah, Jennie, Sahm, Charles, Maru, Okja, Sora, Austin, Emmett, the Haetae- with the mayor in its jaws, Phoebe, and two other members of RilOh arrive. As the goddesses are distracted, Riley destroys the key and gives a piece of Mago's Fire to everyone, including the goddesses, who revert to infant animals. As everyone takes in their victory, Emmett suggests the Yeomra be made a janitor as the mayor pleads for death instead. As everyone thinks of ways to separate the realms, Riley knows the only way is for her to become the new sun. The others try to talk Riley out of it, but she insists it is the only way. They say their goodbyes and Riley uses Emmett’s bracelet to link herself into her loved ones and the goddesses. The Haetae takes Riley to the stratosphere and she becomes the new sun, giving magic to everyone.


Taeyo is a boy in his pre or early teens who wears khakis, button down shirts, and bow ties.


Taeyo is loyal to the Horangi and hates when others call them traitors. He is helpful and will do whatever he can to help.


  • Mystiokinesis: As a witch, Taeyo can use magic.
    • Hydrokinesis: Taeyo is able to control and manipulate water due to a biochip in his wrist.
  • Coding: Taeyo is skilled at coding, being able to make an app, Ghostr, to communicate with the dead.
The Gifted Clans series
Books: The Last Fallen Star | The Last Fallen Moon | The Last Fallen Realm
Main Characters: Riley Oh | Hattie Oh | Boris | Emmett Harrison | Dahl Oh | Areum
Secondary Characters: James Oh | Eunha Oh | Cosette Chung | Noah Noh | David Kim | Jennie Byun | Taeyo | Okja | Sora Kwon | Austin | Yeomra the Great | Bob | Heo Jun
Minor Characters: Bongjoon Pyo | Sookhee Harrison | Mrs. Kim | Mrs. Lee | Mr. Hong | Mong | Charles | Cheol | Yeowu | Sahm
Korean Gods: Cave Bear Goddess | Three-Legged Crow Goddess | Water Dragon Goddess | Moon Rabbit Goddess | Nine-Tailed Fox Goddess | Mountain Tiger Goddess | Mago Halmi
Mythical Creatures: Dragon Scooter | Cheollima | Haetae | Inmyeonjo | Dokkaebi | Gwisin | Ineo | Imugi | Salmosa | Bulgae | Bonghwang | Moon Rabbit
Related Content: Graci Kim | Rick Riordan Presents | My Night at the Gifted Carnival