The Lost Hero is the graphic novel adaptation of the novel of the same name. It was published on October 7, 2014. This is the first book in the new graphic novel series.
Differences from the book[]
It is mostly similar to the real book, but has different words with the same meaning at some parts.
Chapter One[]
- Dylan is not joined by other Storm Spirits at the Grand Canyon.
- Horse-shaped venti do not attack the chariot on its way to Camp Half-Blood.
- The scene in which the flying chariot catches fire on the left wheel and crashes into the lake is omitted.
Chapter Two[]
- Chiron greets Jason Grace in the living room of the Big House instead of the porch.
- Chiron does not sit in his wheelchair.
- Chiron does not realize what happened to Jason when Hera froze time before Rachel Elizabeth Dare and Annabeth Chase bring the unconscious body of Piper McLean to him.
Chapter Three[]
- Festus does not show Leo Valdez Bunker 9.
- The doors to Boreas throne room do not have heads blowing in each corner of the world.
Chapter Four[]
- Torque manages to complete his sentence about getting the salsa to Ma Gasket before dying, though he does not call it extra spicy.
- Jane does not appear in an Iris Message.
- Medea's Sun Dragons are released from the same room from a wall instead of two separate containers near the fountain.
- The scene with Midas and Lityerses in Omaha, Nebraska is completely absent.
Chapter Five[]
- Leo's Pyrokinesis does not burn the ice bridge leading to Aeolia.
- Cloud Nymphs do not piece together a floor for Aeolus' newscast.
Chapter Six[]
- Porphyrion's hair is black instead of green.