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SunRace Not part of Riordanverse

The following article/section is from the Race to the Sun continuity under Rick Riordan Presents and not the Riordanverse canon.

Tsídii (pronounced SIH-dee) is the herald of Dook’o’oosłííd, the western most mountain of Dinétah, the traditional homeland of the Navajo.

Race to the Sun[]

She and Dólii are called to Sisnaajiní by Łizhin to aid the latest inheritors of the hero twin’s powers in their quest. She takes Davery Descheny to her mountain to find the abalone shell. Their quest is successful they meet up with the others at Canyon de Chelly and learn Mac lost the turquoise to save Mr. Yazzie. When Nizhoni offers her necklace as a substitute, they fly off to Spider Woman.

A day later she and Yellow Corn Girl fly to the House of the Sun alon with the other heralds and guardians to tell them the monsters are free. She flies Yellow Corn Girl and Davery to Shiprock. When they arrive she and Yellow Corn Girl fight the Bináá’ yee aghání while Davery looks up how to defeat their opponents. When Davery finds what he needs to take out Mr. Charles, she flies over to Łizhin. She catches Bethany Begay when she jumps off the white herald to take out the blockade.


Tsídii is a large yellow bird big enough to carry an adolescent child on her back.

Race to the Sun
Books: Race to the Sun
Main Characters: Nizhoni Begay | Mac Begay | Davery Descheny | Mr. Charles | Mr. Yazzie
Secondary Characters: Bethany Begay | Mr. Rock | Ms. Bird | Rock Crystal Boy | Black Jet Girl
Minor Characters: Coach | Adrien Cuttlebush | Mr. Begay | Darcy | Maya | Bethany Begay's mother | Bethany Begay's father | Eugene
Navajo Holy People: Spider Woman | Jóhonaa'éí | Turquoise Boy | Yellow Corn Girl
Magical Creatures: Bináá' yee aghání | Łizhin | Dólii | Tsídii | Łigai
Related Content: Rebecca Roanhorse | Rick Riordan Presents | The Demon Drum