Spoiler Alert!
Warning! This page contains spoilers for Wrath of the Triple Goddess. |
Wrath of the Triple Goddess is the 7th installment in the Percy Jackson and the Olympians series and the second in The Senior Year Adventures series.
Percy Jackson, now a high school senior, needs three recommendation letters from the Greek gods in order to get into New Rome University. He earned his first one by retrieving Ganymede’s chalice. Now the goddess Hecate has offered Percy another “opportunity”—all he needs to do is pet-sit her mastiff, Hecuba, and her polecat, Gale, over Halloween week while she is away. How hard could that be?
Percy, Annabeth, and Grover settle into Hecate’s seemingly endless mansion and start getting acquainted with the fussy, terrifying animals. The trio has been warned not to touch anything, but while Percy and Annabeth are out at school, Grover can’t resist drinking a strawberry-flavored potion in the laboratory. It turns him into a giant frenzied goat, and after he rampages through the house, damaging everything in sight, and passes out, Hecuba and Gale escape. Now the friends have to find Hecate’s pets and somehow restore the house, all before Hecate gets back on Saturday. It’s going to take luck, demigod wiles, and some old and new friends to hunt down the animals and set things right again.
Rick Riordan’s newest Percy adventure is full of hilarious set pieces, a diverse cast of gods and monsters, and many other delightful tricks and treats.[2]
Hecate's Quest[]
It's Halloween week in New York, demigod Percy Jackson notes how he spent three whole weeks without any mythological interferences while he catches up on his studies in Alternative High School. It's also a bit concerning, because if he wants to apply for New Rome University soon, he needs three letters of recommendation from different gods in order to attend. He previously got his first one from Ganymede, and now he just needs two more. However, Percy's guidance counselor, Eudora, has been oddly quiet and avoiding him the past few weeks.
In English class, just as Percy is nodding off, until his teacher wakes him up and informs him that his aunt has come to pick him up from school. Percy is embarrassed, but also confused because he has no aunt on his human side. As he makes his way to the principal's office, he catches Eudora peeking out her office and Percy greets her, but she is frightened and tells him that she's not there and hides, leaving the son of Poseidon confused. When he reaches the reception desk, the secretary is in some kind of a trance, which alarms Percy. As he enters the office, he finds his school principal also hypnotized and a woman in a dark sleeveless down and forces the mortal out.

The mysterious woman introduces herself as Hecate, the goddess of magic. She explains that she has been scaring other gods from offering Percy quests the past month so he could be able to accept her quest. Percy, although infuriated, asks Hecate what her quest is. Hecate explains that he needs to petsit her hellhound and polecat while she's away for Halloween week, as she's practically worshipped that time of year since she's also the goddess of ghosts. She hands him her card with an address to her "manse" in Gramercy Park West and tells him to meet her at sundown, and allows Percy to invite his friends to assist. She promises Percy that if he succeeds, she'll give him her letter of recommendation, but if he fails... she reveals her three faces as she threatens the demigod that she'll incinerate him, frightening him to the point he wets himself. Once she believes he got the idea, she leaves while Percy goes to change pants.
After school, Percy meets up with his best friend, Grover Underwood, and explains Hecate to him. Grover is excited to meet the hellhound and polecat, which he never encountered before. They stop by the Cracked Teapot where Percy's mother, Sally Jackson, likes to visit when she works. After ordering their snacks, Percy and Grover greet Sally and explain Percy's new quest. When Percy shows his mother Hecate's card, Sally is stunned when she learns of Gramercy Park, but Percy decides not to question her and promises he'll try and be careful. Grover gets caffeinated from his coffee and Percy leads him out to help get his energy out.
Later on, Percy visits the School of Design to find his girlfriend, Annabeth Chase, who is in the library with her classmates about remodeling the Metropolitan Museum of Art. This causes Percy to recall how he was attacked by the fury, Alecto, the last time he went on a field trip to the MET. Eventually, Percy and Annabeth hangout at a graveyard outside of SOD and he explains his quest from Hecate. Annabeth is excited that they could use Hecate's manse as a venue for their planned Halloween party. Percy is worried if Hecate would not be pleased to have her manse used for a party, but Annabeth assures him it'll be okay.
Once they get to Hecate's manse, they are introduced to her door knockers before the goddess arrives herself. Hecuba sniffs Percy saying he smells like salmon. Hecate gives them a tour of the place, including her lab that looks like a kitchen with ice cream, Gale, who must be fed chicken carcasses, and a tank of eels. After she leaves, the three take Hecuba and Gale for a walk, but it was quite hard due to how fast they could run.
Grover's Accident and Hellhound Hunting[]

Mrs. O'Leary, Nope, and Hecuba.
The next morning after breakfast, there was an explosion from the inside! Grover tried to make himself a potion in the lab, but it only made him grow taller. In the process, the manse got badly damaged, and Hecuba and Gale escaped. Percy calls for Mrs. O'Leary to help search for Hecuba. Instead, they find an abandoned hellhound puppy whom Percy adopts and names Nope after the sound of his barks. As the trio takes a break with a pizza dinner, Grover cries at how this new mess is his fault. Percy and Annabeth assure him that it was ok.
The next day, Percy returns to school but cannot find Eudora. However, to his surprise, he finds Chiron pretending to be Mr. Brunner like at Yancy Academy. He gives Percy advice on how to catch the two animals, and Percy learns that Chiron actually can't walk well due to an injury he received from Hercules. On the train, he briefly meets with Hecate again, who obtained candy corn from a festival in her honor. Percy convinces her to extend her vacation for one more day, after thinking about it, she agrees.
Annabeth and Grover managed to find Hecuba in a Greek restaurant. She had summoned dead soldiers from Troy due to remembering her past life. After defeating them, the three managed to catch up to Hecuba where Annabeth calms her down. The hellhound then shadow travels a few times, once to a night club in Germany, before ending up back at the manse. Percy, having seen a vision of the ruined Troy, convinces Hecuba to accept her new loving family.
The Aenean Naiads[]

Gale, the witch turned polecat pet of Hecate.
To search for Gale, Grover performs an incredibly dangerous trick where he gathers the Earth's ground to connect with nature, including animals. He confesses that he was worried about Percy and Annabeth leaving them once they get the letters. Their search leads them to perfume shops on Jersey Street, where they are attacked by a naiad named Filomena. While trying to reason with her, Percy accidentally kills her. Following a lead from one of Filomena's employees, the two then head to Fancy Water. Another naiad named Silbe was also angry, but Grover promises to leave a good review for her if she gets him wrapping paper for Juniper. This gives Percy enough time to grab a potion to defeat her. Before this, however, Silbe reveals that she, Filomena, as well as two other naiads are from C.C.'s Spa and Resort, they were the Aenean Naiads who worked under Circe until Percy indirectly had Blackbeard destroy it.
Regrouping to Annabeth, she decided to dress up as a fancy Roman woman and have Percy and Grover as her gladiators. This way they would blend in at the last shop run by Phaedra and Daedra. In the back, they find Gale there. However, Phaedra breathes on the three giving Annabeth an owl head, Percy octopus tentacles for arms, and turning Grover into a human (much to his horror)! Gale knows a cure for this, but to make it, Percy has a vision of her human life. Escaping, the cure looked like toothpaste, Gale decided to remain a polecat.
Fixing the Manse[]

Peter Stuyvesant, a son of Hecate.
Still needing to fix the manse from the accident, Percy has a bad idea. He would use Hecate's Torches to summon ghosts for help, even though Hecate and Chiron said they were too dangerous. Visiting his mother, Sally reveals that she was considered for Hecate's school of magic! In fact, it was Hecate herself that revealed to Sally her Clear Sight. Anyway, Gale managed to make a gooey concoction that should protect them from the dead.
The three successfully summon an army of ghosts of settlers, including Dutch officer, Peter Stuyvesant, a son of Hecate. While they had some trouble, including Annabeth and Percy taking turns with the torch, they managed to reach the manse. However, Stuyvesant accuses the three of witchcraft for helping Hecate and tries to kill them. However, Hecate's pet eels manage to help with the fight against the ghosts. Just then, their friends from Camp Half-Blood showed up because they forgot to cancel the party. Once the ghosts were gone, the party goes as originally planned. Percy and Annabeth stay on the roof though to have a heart to heart.
Once Hecate returns, Percy confesses to everything that has happened, but tells her to trust her pets more. Hecate decided to let Gale practice her alchemy again, and to reopen the magic school that Hecate had run before it was closed in 1914 after World War I. She gives Percy the letter of recommendation, although it's simply Hecate recommending Percy "for things" with her name and many titles attached.
The Following Weekend[]
When Percy visits Eudora at school, he tells her of the reopening of Hecate's school. She was so shocked that she briefly turned into water, but she's glad she'll be back as the admissions director. Additionally, Eudora tells Percy that it will look wonderful with his college application. That night, everyone had dinner at Percy's apartment, with him getting his favorite dessert: a kiss from Annabeth.
- Percy Jackson
- Annabeth Chase[2]
- Grover Underwood[2]
- Mrs. O'Leary[3]
- Hecate[3]
- Gale[2]
- Hecuba[2]
- Nope
- Filomena
- Silbe
- Phaedra
- Daedra
- Madeline
- Dr. Sharma
- Mrs. Foray
- Margaret
- Dr. Samuels
- Peter Stuyvesant
- Clovis
- Argus
- Connor Stoll
- Valentina Diaz
- Harley
- Austin Lake
- Eudora
- Juniper
- Sally Jackson
- Paul Blofis
- Chiron
- Dave
- Hana
- Hecate's eels
- I Have an Accident in the Principal’s Office[4]
- Grover Gets Heavily Caffeinated[4]
- My Girlfriend Takes Me to the Graveyard[4]
- Turns Out I Am Salmon-Flavored
- We Enter the Laboratory of Forbidden Ice Cream
- Raw Chicken Carcasses and Where to Find Them
- I Go Dog-Skiing
- Guess What? Weasel Butt
- The Apocalypse Smells Like Strawberries
- I Catch a Nope
- We Have Pizza with Extra Tears
- I Get Schooled by an Old Friend
- I Get Extra Time and Candy Corn
- We Find Some Dead Guys
- I Fail at Dog Diplomacy
- Hellhounds! At the Disco
- Grover Gets Grounded
- I Smell TroubleTM, a New Fragrance for Men
- Oops! ...I Killed You Again
- We Get Dangerously Fancy
- Grover Leaves a Five-Hoof Review
- Annabeth Asks to See the Manager
- We Find the Lair of Evil Perfume
- We Have a Nice, Orderly Free-for-All
- There Ain't No Cure for the Beast-Breath Blues
- Okay, There Might Be a Cure, but You're Not Gonna Like It
- We Eat Toothpaste
- I Make a Bad Plan
- I Get All the Candy
- We Goo Up for Battle
- We Find Some Different Dead Guys
- Passing the Torch Works Out Super Well
- We Have a Good Old-Fashioned Witch Burning. (It's Us. We're the Witches.)
- We Fight for Hecate and Also Dead Fish
- I Am Saved by My Own Doofus-ness
- I Skip the Celebration
- I Play with Purple Fire
- I Accidentally Liquefy My Guidance Counselor
- I Get My Favorite Dessert
- The Barnes and Noble edition of the book contains extra content about the witches of Greek Mythology.[5]
- It was released on the same day as the graphic novel adaptation of The House of Hades.
- It is the first book in the Camp Half-Blood series to not have a title beginning with the word "The."
- The penultimate chapter serves as a nod to the first chapter of The Lightning Thief.
- Goofs:
- The synopsis erroneously refers to Hecuba as a mastiff instead of a Labrador.
- Clovis is mistakenly referred to as the son of Morpheus rather than Hypnos.
- Annabeth's friend is mistakenly called Paul, instead of Dave.
- Hecuba is mistakenly called Hecate.
- Percy mistakenly refers to Annabeth, Grover and him as ‘immortal souls’ instead of mortal.
- Percy mentions Leo Valdez is tutoring him in Spanish, yet Leo returns to Camp Half-Blood in January.
- A plausibility is that Percy knew Leo was still alive beforehand and has most likely been communicating with him via Iris-Messages.
- ↑ https://www.readriordan.com/book/wrath-of-the-triple-goddess/
- ↑ 2.0 2.1 2.2 2.3 2.4 https://www.readriordan.com/2024/01/18/presenting-percy-jackson-and-olympians-wrath-of-the-triple-goddess/
- ↑ 3.0 3.1 https://comicbook.com/tv-shows/news/rick-riordan-plans-new-percy-jackson-book-trilogy-exclusive/
- ↑ 4.0 4.1 4.2 https://www.kobo.com/us/en/ebook/percy-jackson-and-the-olympians-wrath-of-the-triple-goddess-3?s=09
- ↑ Wrath of the Triple Goddess (B&N Exclusive Edition) (Percy Jackson and the Olympians)
The Senior Year Adventures | |
Books: | The Chalice of the Gods | Wrath of the Triple Goddess |
Main Characters: | Percy Jackson | Annabeth Chase | Grover Underwood |
Secondary Characters: | Eudora | Hecuba | Gale | Sally Jackson | Paul Blofis |
Minor Characters: | Naomi | Barbara | Elevator Security Guard | Blanche | Lucius | Margaret | Sparky | Li'l Killer | Mrs. Foray | Dr. Samuels | Dr. Sharma | Peter Stuyvesant | Mrs. O'Leary | Chiron | Connor Stoll | Clovis | Harley | Valentina Diaz | Juniper |
Gods: | Ganymede | Iris | Hebe | Elisson | Poseidon | Zeus | Demeter | Hera | Hermes | Athena | Geras |
Titans: | Rhea | Kronos | Hecate |
Mythical Creatures: | Nereid | Nymph | Horned Serpent | Hellhound |
Related Content: | Rick Riordan | Percy Jackson and the Olympians |