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Not part of Riordanverse
The following article/section is from the Sal & Gabi continuity under Rick Riordan Presents and not the Riordanverse canon. |
“ | Okay. Whatever. I don’t know why u so mad, bro, I wish I got grounded. | ” |
–Yasmany to Sal on their different home lives in Sal & Gabi Fix the Universe. |
Yasmany Robles is a major character in the Sal & Gabi Duology. He attends Culeco Academy of the Arts as a dance student.
Yasmany was born into an abusive home life. His mother would beat and berate him whenever he would get into trouble, as well as his desire to learn ballet. In the fourth grade Gabi Real gave him a teddy bear for Valentines Day because she had a crush on him. One year before the start of the series, Yasmany started out at Culeco Academy of the Arts. However, he bullied other students and ended up on probation by the end of the school year.
Sal & Gabi Duology[]
Sal & Gabi Break the Universe[]
As Yasmany struggles with his combination lock, Sal Vidon offers to help him. However he gets angry and swats Sal’s diabetes bag out of his hand. Sal begins to say he has a raw chicken in his locker, Yasmany thinks he’s bluffing until someone sees blood dripping from it. He goes to open the locker but can’t work the lock, so Sal helps him, since he has the combination on the back. Yasmany opens the locker and a raw chicken falls on the floor. The students around them flee and he protests his innocence, Sal actually a portal to an alternate-universe chicken factory. Both boys are sent to Principal Torres’ office. After talking with Sal she turns towards Yasmany and expels him, however he tells her to wait for his “lawyer” and moments later Gabi Real enters the office. Gabi explains that he has been unable to open his locker all year, and has witnesses who say Sal opened the locker. Sal claims it was an illusion, but he calls him out and gets detention for swearing. He shows them his shoes, which have been mysteriously cleaned of blood. Gabi tries to calm him down while Principal Torres calls, Mr. Milagros, the custodian, to ask him about the cleanup, but he says the chicken vanished. Principal Torres concludes the chicken was an illusion. As they are about to leave Sal convinces Principal Torres to give him another chance rather then expulsion. She assigns him a five page paper on type-one diabetes instead, much to his relief and frustration.
At the end of the day he struggles with his lock but he is unknowingly helped by Sal. He dances in excitement before going to detention.
The following day he talks with Sal after he pranks Gabi. He says his paper is going good and asks if Sal likes likes Gabi romanticly. Sal denies this and he teases them again when again comes out. She playfully attacks him. Later in detention, he overhears Gabi reading Sal’s note and, like everyone else enjoys it. The others help him with his paper and he is freaked out by Sal using his Blood glucose meter. When detention ends he heads to dance recital.
The following day, Principal Torres drags him to her office for the “last straw”. Sal goes in to help defend him, he says something about his mother before Principal Torres has Sal leave. Later that day he does not show up for detention and Daniel Miranda Rivero has Sal ask Principal Torres. She says Yasmany went home and that he needs friends at the moment.
When Sal and Gabi go to school that night, she sees his teddy bear and angrily text him. Yadmany says he is in the downstairs bathroom. Sal and Gabi meet up with him and she scolds him for not coming to her. They both look to Sal for help and he farts, making them laugh. He agrees to get his things and go to the hospital. After Gabi tries and fails to give him a wedgie, he lifts her up by her belt loop and carries her out of the room. At the hospital the Reals feed him and mess around with him. When Dulce Sotolongo meets him and shows Sal and him to their room, he asks Sal if she is single. He asks Sal why he does the thing he does before repedidly apologizing to him. He wakes up at noon and everyone greets him while he gets breakfast. Yasmany asks Sal for his phone to call Principal Torres and he obliges, when he finishes he eats next to Gabi. Soon Principal Torres arrives with Cari-dad, a police officer, and a social worker. He talks with them as they take him to his aunt’s house. He returns Sal’s hug and gets annoyed when he learns that Nurse Sotolongo went home a few hours before he woke up. Principal Torres offers to help him with his diabetes paper and they leave.
He returns to school Wednesday with stable living conditions and he becomes the first student to conquer the red wall.
Sal & Gabi Fix the Universe[]
Almost a month after being removed from his mother's custody, he is living with his grandparents. Due to their age, they can’t care for him and they ask him to move back in with his mother. He can’t stand the idea of someone giving him up and the following Monday, after playing a tree in the school play, has a screaming match with Vorágine censoring his swears. When Yasmany says no one wants him, he hears Gabi saying she does. He turns around to find Sal and yells at him for eavesdropping until the smaller Fey Spy comes out of Sal's mouth. He asks Sal if he could spend the night at his house and he agrees to house him. When they get out they see Principal Torres and Gabi, he hugs the former. The three join Principal Torres in her office for a lunch of purple oatmeal, he is hesitant to eat it at first but scarfs down both his and Gabi's bowls. After learning Sal is letting him spend the night at his house, she lets him and Sal leave early as the rest of their grade is in rehearsal.
Unbeknownst to him, Sal called ahead to let his parents know he is spending the night with them. Thinking that an orderly family structure will scare Yasmany away, Sal pretends to sneak him in. Things go as planned until they reach the second floor when Sal's step-mother reveals she came home early to prepare a room for him and stocks it with healthy snacks. Yasmany is taken aback by the Vidón's kindness and does not know what to say. After playing video games and doing homework for a few hours, he falls asleep. In the morning he watches Sal's parents ground him for two weeks for messing with his father's equipment. He is surprised by how calm and passive they are about the situation. As they walk to school Sal gripes about being grounded while he says he wishes he was grounded. Just then Gabi's drone sneaks up on them and he relays Sal's grounding to Gabi.
Later that day he acts out a script Gabi wrote as Sal falls out of his locker. He watches as Aventura Rios drag Sal to the principal's office. He and Gabi are sent to the office for ‘helping’ Sal with his disappearing act. Sal apologizes to him, and Yasmany says it is not a problem. He and Gabi get two weeks detention for helping Sal. After detention, he skips dance practice to help save the play. He practices as he, Sal, Gabi, and Aventura wait for Sal's mother. When she arrives , he sits shotgun and is amazed to see the car drive itself and that the front seats turn to face the back. He tries to flirt with Aventura as they brainstorm and somewhat succeeds when he says this is one of the few times he will willingly skip a dance class. When they arrive, he tells Sal to brace himself. They find Ms. Reál and the dads having empanadas in the outdoor kitchen and join them. After eating, the kids discuss their plan to retell the story as a more ethnically diverse play reflecting the various ethnicities of the student body. They go on to explain that the play will be held in different classrooms with different students playing the same part and need multiple costumes. The adults agree to help and Gabi says she and Sal should scout out the school for rooms that will work for the play. Before they leave, Ms. Reál says a new dad is joining the family. After learning he is the new dad, he, and every non-Reál, is shocked. After explaining how they talked it over with his family, he pick Gabi up and spins her around before dancing with Aventura and, going against his nature, cries and joins in a group hug.
A couple of months later during winter break, he, Sal, the Sisterverse, Principal Torres, and Aventura are attending the wedding of Vorágine and the Entropy-sweeper. As Aventura finishes up the toilet's dress, he helps Sal surprise FixGabi with her own Sal, much to the surprise of the others who thought he sacrificed himself to save her.
The Cursed Carnival and Other Calamities: New Stories About Mythic Heroes[]
Calamity Juice[]
After witnessing Gladis Machado being abducted by herself on a unicorn, the unicorn vomits on him he sees himself in other universes, including one where his mother is supportive of him and is driving him to ballet class. Sal and Gabi snap him out of it and he explains everything as they head to Vorágine. After they learn Gladis was abducted by a unicorn and Principal Torres has a negotiation with an alternate version of herself, he tries and fails to go to another universe.
Yasmany Robles is a teenage boy of Afro-Cuban decent with brown skin. He is tall and built like a track-and-field champ, with a haircut so short you could see the bumpy skin of his scalp beneath what was left of his tiny curls.[1]
Yasmany Robles is shown to have a short temper and mocks others. But there’s more to him than meets the eye, just like all the students at Culeco Academy, that's why Gabi has taken him under her wing.
Despite his stubbornness and aggression, Yasmany possesses the grace and elegance of a ballet dancer.
Yasmany suffers from a sense of abandonment, often feeling no one wants him.

Yasmany's dance shoes.
- Dancing Skills: Yasmany is a skilled dancer, having practiced ballet dancing for years. He is also able to do the tango.
- Athleticism: Yasmany is an athlete young man, being able to climb his middle school's hardest climbing wall.
- Acting: Yasmany is a skilled actor, being able to quickly memorize and script and act it out flawlessly.
- Bilingualism: Yasmany can speak English and Cuban Spanish.
Yasmany has a turbulent relationship with his mother. He was removed from her custody at the start of seventh grade and wants nothing to do with her.
After being removed from his mother's custody, he was placed in the car of his grandparents. However almost a month later he was asked by them to move back in with his mother, as their age prevented them from caring for him properly.

Sal Vidón, his bullying victim turned friend.
When they first met, Sal was trying to help him open his locker. However he became angry and threw Sal's diabetes bag on the ground. Sal quickly get back at him by summoning a raw chicken in his locker and getting rid of the evidence. Yasmany was given three days detention and assigned a paper on diabetes. However after Sal was given two days detention for scaring Gladis Machado, he got to know Sal and started to understand him, the two soon became friends and would talk constantly.
After his grandparents were pressuring him move back in with his mom, Sal offered to board him for the night. After “helping” Sal with his “disappearing act”, Yasmany is set to the office but holds no ill will towards Sal.

Gabi Real, his close friend.
Yasmany and Gabi have known each other for years. Whenever he would have issues at home, she would do whatever she could to help him. She had one of her dads take him out of his mother’s custody and when he feared he would be sent back to his mother, she offered to have her family put him up for the night after the Vidóns.
He helps her out whenever she asks him, such as helping Sal “reappear”.Eythmology[]
- Yasmany is a masculine given name of Cuban origin.
- Robles is Spanish for “Oaks”.
- He keeps his locker combination on the back of his lock.
- Yasmany tends to swear often.
- He owns a pink teddy bear with hearts for eyes named Oso Amoroso.
- Yadmany’s favorite food is pernil, a slow roasted pork leg or shoulder cut usually served around the holidays in Latin America.
Sal & Gabi Duology | |
Books: | Sal & Gabi Break the Universe | Sal & Gabi Fix the Universe |
Main Characters: | Sal Vidón | Gabi Real | Yasmany Robles | Gladis Machado | Floramaria Vidón | Entropy-sweeper | FixGabi |
Secondary Characters: | Gustavo Vidón | Lucy Vidón | Dulce Sotolongo | Ignacio Real | Gloria Torres | Vorágine |
Minor Characters: | Reina Real | Gabi’s Fathers | Mr. Milagros | Dr. Doctorpants | Coach Lynott | Daniel Miranda Rivero | Juan Carlos Chaviano | Octavio Murillo | Mrs. Waked | Aventura Rios | Mr. Zacto | Adam Hoag | Mr. Cosquillas | Ydania |
Related Content: | Carlos Hernandez | Rick Riordan Presents | Calamity Juice |