Zombies, also known as vrykolakai, immortuos, lamia, nuntius and jiangshi, are undead creatures created through the reanimation of a corpse.
Greeks referred to them as vrykolakai. When Eurynomos scratches a Mortal, they get a wasting disease, and when they die they are reborn as a vrykolakai.[1]
Heartless zombies are innocent humans who had their heart cut out by the bow and arrow of Kamadeva.[2]
Percy Jackson and the Olympians[]
The Sea of Monsters[]
Clarisse La Rue is given the CSS Birmingham, a Confederate ironclad crewed by zombies, by her father to explore the Sea of Monsters
The Heroes of Olympus[]
The Blood of Olympus[]
Nico di Angelo summons Jules-Albert, a deceased French stock car racer, to drive him, Dakota, and Leila through Octavian’s forces to the front lines.
Demigods of Olympus[]
My Personal Zombie Apocalypse[]
When Zane Carver and Sam Greenwood go to New Orleans to stop a zombie apocalypse, they encounter the zombified victims of the curse among them were the demigods Tabitha, Ming and Ely.
The Trials of Apollo[]
The Tyrant's Tomb[]
Zombies are used in both Caligula's Assault on Camp Jupiter and the Battle of San Francisco Bay under the command of Tarquin. In the latter case, after Apollo summons Diana, she brings the Hunters of Artemis who help to repel the zombie attack. Having received a zombie infection, Apollo very nearly turns into one himself, but Diana is able to heal her brother at the last minute. The remaining zombies dissolve with Tarquin.
Pandava Quintet[]
Not part of Riordanverse
The following article/section is from the Pandava Quintet continuity under Rick Riordan Presents and not the Riordanverse canon. |
Aru Shah and the Song of Death[]
After Kamadeva, the god of love, was incinerated by Lord Shiva, his wife, Rati, carried his bow and arrow for him. But the pain upon his departure was felt so keenly that her soul song fled granting Kamadeva's weapon a dark power. Anyone with enchantment knowledge struck by grief could carve out their own soul song, allowing them to use the bow and arrow to rip people's hearts out turning into zombies.
Meenakshi, also known as Surpanakha, found this out and stole the bow and arrow with the help of Takshaka. The Sleeper gave her the idea to steal the amrita from the Ocean of Milk to make many stories like theirs immortal, but it was in a labyrinth containing serpents whose fire kills anything with a heartbeat.
- Zombie stereotypes are well-founded for the most part.
- Vrykolakai are actually more associated with vampires, not zombies.[3]
- Camp Jupiter has experience with fighting zombies and curing zombie infections. However, Apollo, despite being mortal at the time, was beyond their ability to heal of the infection and he required the intervention of Diana in order to be cured. After she cures him, he speculates that it is due to his godly nature.